Genealogy Projects tagged with lietuva on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Lithuanian Heritage Project

    This project is for profiles of people of Lithuanian heritage. This effort is part of The Lithuanian Heritage Project (LHP), a group on Facebook whose members work collaboratively to build the information bridge between countries and generations, to collect information that enables Lithuanians globally to connect with their Lithuanian family members. Those wanting to join this project should b...

  • Lithuanian United States Census Project

    The goal of this project is to use United States census records to document the Lithuanians living in various communities between 1920 - 1940 (e.g., Waterbury, Connecticut, Chicago, Illinois, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, Grand Rapids, Michigan, etc.) This effort is part of the Lithuanian Heritage Project (LHP), a group on Facebook to work collaboratively to build the information bridge between ...

  • International Lithuanian Portal

    This project is dedicated to tracing ancestors in Lithuania at its present territories and Lithuania Propria historical lands. This portal provides a list of online genealogy sources, such as registries and archives of Lithuanian documents. If you have Lithuanian ancestors or study ancestral lines deriving from Lithuania Propria, please follow and participate in this project. Lithuanian La...

  • Lithuanian United States Naturalization Project

    This is for profiles created as part of the Lithuanian Heritage Project (LHP), a group on Facebook. The goal of the Lithuanian Heritage Project is to work collaboratively to build the information bridge between countries and generations, to collect information that enables Lithuanians globally to connect with their Lithuanian family members. Those wanting to join this project should be member...

  • Victims of Soviet deportations from Lithuania

    If in your family tree you have a persons that ware the Lithuanian deportees by the Soviet system, please add them to this project. Please add within a profile description some biography facts.* Within opened profile page use the 'Actions' button to "Add to project". Select this project (you must be on the list of collaborators in this project to see it on the selection list). You may add any p...

  • Vilnius University: Faculty and Notable Students

    This project aims to identify founders, notable teachers, and students of Vilnius University from 1579 to the present day. If in your family tree you have an individual who was a notable professor, administrator, or student of high professional achievement (later in life), whose education was associated with Vilnius University, please add them to this project. It would be great if within the ...

  • Lithuanian Canadian Project (LCP)

    (2023) -- This project seeks to remember " the Greatest Generation " by adding their names below, creating a tree * building a Tree , * tips . Some Surnames already have a Geni link (blue surname) of a "Person / Couple" born in Lithuania - who resided or died or was buried in Canada. Surname may be followed by (cousins, in-laws, grandparents - not all in Canada). Please go ahead and "A...

  • Order of Saint Stanislaus

    The Order of Saint Stanislaus (Polish: Order św. Stanisława Biskupa Męczennika, Russian: Орден Святого Станислава), also spelled Stanislas, was a Polish order of knighthood founded in 1765 by King Stanisław August Poniatowski of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It remained under the Kingdom of Poland between 1765 and 1831, and was incorporated under the Russian Empire from 1831 to 1917, unti...

  • Lithuanian Christian Clergy

    Lithuanian Christian Clergy==Please check for dates and facts of Lithuanian Christian Clergy within this database: . Please add this data to GENI profiles. Please add profiles of Lithuanian Christian Clergy or equivalent to this project. Roman Catholicism, Greek Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Old Believers Orthodoxy, Protestantism, including Evangelical Lutheranism, Calvinism, Evangelical Refo...

  • Order of Vytautas the Great

    The Order of Vytautas the Great is the Lithuanian Presidential Award. It may be conferred on the heads of Lithuania and foreign states, as well as their citizens, for distinguished services to the State of Lithuania.The Order was instituted in 1930 to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the death of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Vytautas the Great. The badge of the Order, struck in pre-war Lithuan...

  • Lithuanian Seimas (Parliament) of 1920-1940

    The project is dedicated to collecting in one place profiles and photos of people, who were elected to Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. All these persons should have a Master Profile created for them. If in your family tree you have persons who were elected members of the Lithuanian Seimas, please add them to this project. Also please specify this project under GENI photos, where members ...

  • Lithuanian victims of Nazi regime

    Please add to this project profiles of people of Lithuania (all nationalities), who were tortured and/or killed by Nazi Regime. If possible, please within profile description add brief biography, also please add information about the place, date (could be approximate) and what is known about given order to torture, execution, persecution of family members.Persons who were born, or lived, or wor...

  • Lithuanian Marriage Project

    This is for profiles created as part of the Lithuanian Heritage Project, a group on Facebook. The goal of the Lithuanian Heritage Project is to work collaboratively to build the information bridge between countries and generations, to collect information that enables Lithuanians globally to connect with their Lithuanian family members. The Marriage Project included profiles of Lithuanians marri...

  • The Officers of the Lithuanian Armed Forces 1918–1953

    This project is dedicated to officers and military chaplains of the Lithuanian Armed Forces. Please respect the status of officers of the Lithuanian Armed Forces and do not add any non-commissioned commanders, or ordinary soldiers of the Lithuanian Armed Forces who have not been awarded the rank of officer. If in your family tree you have individuals who were officers of the Lithuanian Armed...

  • Officers of the Lithuanian Army

    If in your family tree you have persons who were Lithuanian Army Officers, please add them to this project. It would be great if within the profile description there would be a brief biography. In 1940 Lithuanian armed forces had 17 general officers, 1800 officers , 30 078 non-commissioned officers and soldiers Ranks of officers were Lieutenant Senior lieutenant Captain Lieutenan...

  • Order of the Cross of Vytis

    The Order of the Cross of Vytis (Lithuanian: Vyčio Kryžiaus ordinas) is a Lithuanian presidential award conferred for heroic defense of Lithuania's freedom and independence. November 23 is a holiday in honor of the Order of the Cross of Vytis. This order was founded on July 30, 1919, in Kaunas, Lithuania. If in your family tree, you have a person who received the order of the Cross of Vytis, ...

  • Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas

    The Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas is the Lithuanian Presidential Award which was re-instituted to honour the citizens of Lithuania for outstanding performance in civil and public offices. Foreign nationals may also be awarded this Order. The Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas was instituted in 1928. It features the Columns of Gediminas, one of the national symbols of Li...

  • Nobles of Northern Lithuania and their manors

    The project is aimed at the study of landowners and nobility living in Northern Lithuania. All information is conatines within the Lithuanian description of this project.

  • Naturalized Lithuanians of Detroit

    Geni profiles created from documents posted on Linking Our Lithuanian Ancestors-Detroit Facebook group, and those discovered while creating profiles. Profiles include Lithuanians that: -naturalized before moving to Detroit -naturalized while living in Detroit -those born in Scotland, Germany, Russia, France or Canada from Lithuanian-born parents.

  • 1863 January Uprising

    1863 January Uprising - Lithuanian and Polish revolt against Imperial Russia. Started in 1862, suppressed by the Russian Imperial Army in 1864. Uprising participants were harshly punished: nobility titles were removed, property confiscated, and people executed, imprisoned, or sent to exile. Some escaped and lived their remaining years in foreign countries. Please add profiles of participants ...

  • Presidents and Government of Lithuania

    The project is dedicated to collecting in one place profiles and photos of people, who were part of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. Also, the Presidents of Lithuania should be included in this project. All these persons should have a Master Profile created for them. If in your family tree you have persons who worked in the Lithuanian Government, please add them to this project. A...

  • November Uprising 1830-1831

    The November Uprising (1830–31), also known as the Polish–Russian War 1830–31 or the Cadet Revolution, was an armed rebellion in the heartland of partitioned Poland against the Russian Empire. The uprising began on 29 November 1830 in Warsaw when the young Polish officers from the local Army of the Congress Poland's military academy revolted, led by lieutenant Piotr Wysocki. They were soon join...


    Kviečiu prisijungti tuos, kurių protėviai gyveno šiaurinėje Lietuvos dalyje (Vaškų, Saločių, Grūžių, Skrebotiškio, Kyburių, Linkuvos, Joniškėlio, Lauksodžio, Pašvitinio, Žeimelio, Švobiškio ir kitų aplinkinių parapijų kaimuose, miesteliuose.Pasidalinkime turima informacija apie šiose vietovėse gyvenusius protėvius

  • Marius Dyglys Servants of God from Lithuania

    Servant of God is a title used in the Catholic Church to indicate that an individual is on the first step toward possible canonization as a saint. Terminology The expression Servant of God appears nine times in the Bible, the first five in the Old Testament, the last four in the New. The Hebrew Bible refers to Moses as "the servant of Elohim" (עֶֽבֶד הָאֱלֹהִ֛ים ‘eḇeḏ-hā’ĕlōhîm; 1 Chronicles 6...

  • Lithuanian Cenobites

    Monasticism==Please add profiles of Lithuanian Cenobites or equivalent, of any religion, to this project. Roman Catholicism, Greek Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Old Believers Orthodoxy, Protestantism, including Evangelical Lutheranism, Calvinism, Evangelical Reformed, Islamism, Buddhism, Judaism, Karaite Judaism and any other religion practiced in Lithuania will fit this project.Please add pr...

1-25 of 60 projects