Evergreen Cemetery is an old pioneer cemetery established in approximately 1868. Evergreen Cemetery served the town of Colville Washington and the surrounding areas. The earliest known burial in Evergreen Cemetery was on June 11, 1868. This cemetery has been long neglected and care was nonexistent for many years. Vandalism and lack of care has left its mark on many of the headstones and gravesites.
The North East Washington Genealogical Society (NeWGS) has been given the authority to maintain the cemetery by the Department of Archeology & Historic Preservation (DAHP). In the last few years improvements to the cemetery have occurred at an amazing pace. A new entrance sign was erected in 2008 with help from a local Boy Scout troop. In 2009 a sign board was erected which contains a list of names and burial location for the known burials in the cemetery. The cemetery is now mowed regularly by devoted volunteers. Some headstones have been reset through donations to NeWGS.
There are no original records for Evergreen Cemetery. Through much painstaking work the NeWGS and its members have done their very best to recreate the original records. This was accomplished by using old transcription, funeral home records and extraction of information from old newspapers.
EVERGREEN CEMETERY (located on Aladdin Road north of Colville, Washington) has undergone significant changes in appearance and functionality. Brush has been removed from the fence line and low-hanging branches of the many pine trees on the grounds have been trimmed away. This to give the cemetery a more open look; both from the outside looking in, and from the inside looking out.
In February 2009, NeWGS received a "Certificate of Authority for the Care and Maintenance of the Evergreen Cemetery" signed by the Washington State Historic Preservation Officer. We have been caring for this cemetery for over 30 years; we are now proud to have official recognition.
A sign board has been erected near the entrance to give identity to the cemetery. Burials have been carefully indexed and then printed in alphabetical order, listing all known persons interred at the cemetery. The sign board has the listings of burials identified by block number location. Block locations have been identified with marker stakes strategically located on the cemetery grounds. A map of the plots at the cemetery is provided near the sign board; all this to make it easier to find your ancestors who are buried there.
Northeast Washington Genealogical Society
Ewanida Rail Records
This cemetery is located on Aladdin Road, Colville, Stevens County, Washington.