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First Settlers of Salisbury, Massachusetts, 1639

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Settlement of Salisbury

From the "Records of Massachusetts," we find that, on petition of "Mr. Bradstreete, Mr. Dudley Jr., Capt. Dennison, Mr. Clarke of Newbury, Mr. Woodbridge, Mr. Battye (Batt), Mr. Batter, Mr. Winsley, Hen: Bilye, Giles Firman, Richard Kent, and John Sanders,"[1] permission "to begin a plantation at Merrimack" was granted them, Sept. 6, 1638, with power to add to their number. The plantation was named "Colechester," Sept. 4, 1639; name changed to "Salsbury," Oct. 7, 1640.

Original Settlers

Following are the names of the original settlers, all having received land in the first division.
A brief outline as to their birthplace, occupations etc., is also given. Much of this information, too, is compiled from Hoyt's "Old Families of Salisbury & Amesbury."

1. Samuel Dudley, Rev. & Mr., came to Mass. with his father in 1630. Resided in Cambridge 1631, Ipswich 1635, then in Salisbury. He was a settled minister at Exeter, N. H., from 1650 till his death. Represented Salisbury in the General Court 1641-5.

2. William Worcester, Rev., first minister of the Salisbury Church. It is supposed that he was a preacher in England before coming to this Country in 1639.

3. Francis Done came from Salisbury, England and returned at an early date. Retained his land here until his death.

4. Henry Biley, "tanner" came from Sarum or Salisbury, Wilts, England.

5. John Eaton, Sen., of Salisbury & Haverhill "cooper." Moved to Haverhill in 1646.

6. Edward French "tailor" came from Ipswich 1637.

7. Richard Wells, deacon of Salisbury and was a "glov- er'@.

8. John Rolfe of Salisbury and Newbury, "husband- man." Came from Melchitt Parke, England.

9. John Sanders of Salisbury and Newbury "yeoman." He came from Wiltshire County, England. He came in the "Confidence." He moved from Salisbury to Newbury in 1642. Probably returned later. After 1635 removed to sh

England, Weeks, Pari' of Dainton, Wiltshire.

10. Isack Buswell "weaver" of Salisbury.

11. John Severance of Salisbury "planter" "Victualler" and "vinter." He was of Ipswich 1636.

12. Thomas Bradbury, Capt., and Mr. of Salisbury. Came from Wicken Bonant, Essex County, England. One of the most prominent citizens of Salisbury. Town clerk, schoolmaster, justice of the peace. Rep. in General Court seven years. Most of the ancient records of Salisbury and many of the County were written by him.

13. John Hodges, "cooper," was of London, England until 1647 when his agent, John Hanson, sold his house and lot in Salisbury.

14. Josiah Cobbitt moved to Boston 1657 and was a clothier or "webster".

15. Jarrett Haddon of Salisbury and Amesbury "tailor" and "planter." One of the first settlers of Amesbury.

16. John Bailey of Salisbury and Newbury, "weaver" & "husbandman." Came with his father from England. Removed to Newbury about 1644. Was taxed in Salisbury in 1652, was there in 1653 and 4 and one of the original Amesbury commoners in 1654. He died in Newbury 1691.

17. Henry Brown, Deacon of Salisbury. "shoemaker."

18. Anthony Sadler, "shoemaker." Came from South- ampton.

19. Roger Eastman, "housecarpenter" or "planter." He came in the "Confidence" servant of John Sanders. His daughter, Abagail Eastman, was the mother of Daniel Webster. Remains of their old homstead are still to be seen on the Baker Road.

20. John Stevens of Newbury and Andover, probably came over in the "Confidence."

21. Robert Fitts of Salisbury & Ipswich "planter." Moved to Ipswich about 1658.

22. Mr. Samuel Hall "gentleman." Representative and treasurer of Old Norfolk County 1655. Sold his farm in Salisbury to the town in 1657. Returned to England soon after. Made liberal gifts to the poor.

23. John Hoyt, Serg., of Salisbury & Amesbury "planter" or "husband man." Sold his house lot in 1647 and probably then removed to the west side of the Powow River.

24. William Holdrcd "tanner" and "planter" came from the parish of St. Alphage, Cripplegate, London with John Clough. Was in Ipswich 1639. Removed to Salis- bury 1640 and then about 1649 to Haverhill.

25. Robert Ringe of Salisbury "cooper" & "planter" carried on the fishing business on Ring's Island in 1642. Householder in Salisbury 1677. Probably the Robert Ringe who came as a servant of John Sanders with John Cole, Roger Eastman, William Cottle, John Rolfe & others in the "Confidence" 1638.

26. Thomas Barnet of Salisbury & Amesbury "planter" or "husbandman." One of the first settlers of Amesbury.

27. John Elsley of Salisbury "barber."

28. William Allen of Salisbury "housecarpenter."

29. William Barnes "housecarpenter" of Salisbury & Amesbury. One of the first settlers of Amesbury.

30. Richard North of Salisbury "planter" or "husbandman." He was also pound-keeper and fence-viewer and "Cryer" of the town for the year ensuing (1643) for which he received fifty shillings for two years of service and twenty shillings to ring it one year more.

31. Abraham Morrell of Salisbury "blacksmith." It is thought that he came from Cambridge in 1632.

32. William Osgood of Salisbury "carpenter" and millwright." His name appears among both the Salis-

bury & Amesbury names in 1680. His mill on the Pow-wow River though on the Salisbury side brought him into close relation with the new town. Quite a number of the residents of Salisbury and Amesburv worked for him at different times and his enterprise appears to have drawn young men to that locality from other places. It is said that Symon, the notorious Indian, once lived with him.

33. Mr. William Hooke of Salisbury "planter." He was of York in 1633. Called by Winthrop "a godly gentleman."

34. Mr. John Hall of Salisburv died before 1647. Widow married Rev. William Worcester.

35. Mr. Sam Winsley of Salisbury "planter." One of the twelve who obtained the grant to begin a plantation at Merrimack in 1638.

36. Christopher Batt, "gentleman" and "tanner." It was he who introduced the tannery business into the town. He was of Salisbury, England, and author of the name of the new town. First came to Newbury but was one of the original twelve grantees of Salisbury. Moved to Boston in 1654. Rep. in Gen. Court 1640, 41, 43 & 50.

37. Robert Pike, Mr. and Major, of Newbury 1635. Formerly of Longford, England. Was the most prominent citizen of Salisbury during the last half of the 17th century.

38. William Patridg of Salisbury.

39. Mr. Thomas Dumer (bro. of Richard & Stephen of Newbury). He returned to England and died in 1650 at Chicknell, North Stoneham, Southampton Co.

40. Mr. Henry Munday "gentleman." One of the largest tax payers in 1650 and 52.

41. George Carr, Mr., "shipwright." The town granted him Carr's Island in 1640 and he established a ferry there in 1641. He built the first bridge across the Merrimack in

1655. It was 270 feet long. For his bridge he received liberal grants of land in the town. He was in Ipswich in 1633 and had house lot there in 1635. The island, until its recent sale, has always been owned by the family.

42. Samuel Fellowes was probably a native of Lincoln- shire, England. He was a "planter" and "weaver."

43. William Sargent of Salisbury & Amesbury "sea- man." Is said to have been one of the first settlers of Ips- wich in 1633, afterwards of Newbury. One of the first settlers of Hampton in 1638. Received land in Salisbury in 1640, 41, 42, 43 and 54. Moved early across the Powow.

44. John Harrison of Salisbury and Boston "cordishmaker" or "ropemaker." Lived in Boston after 1643.

45. Phillip Challice., Lieut, of Salisbury and Amesbury planter." Had house lot in Ipswich in 1637. An original settler of Amesbury but seems to have been a member of the S. Church in 1677.

46. Luke Heard "weaver." Sold house and land in Salisbury in 1645. Removed to Ipswich but died soon after.

47. Anthony Coleby of Salisbury and Amesbury "planter." Probably in Boston in 1630. May have come with Winthrop.

48. John Bayley, Jun of Salisbury & Newbury "weaver" from Chippenman Co., Wilte, England. Came in the ship "Angel Gabriel" from Bristol. Held the grant for fishing on the Powow River in 1642. Removed to Newbury in 1650. Died in Newbury. His wife never came to this Country.

49. Christian Broune, Widow, probably the mother of Henry, William & George. She died in Salisbury in 1641.

50. Richard Singletary of Salisbury & Haverhill "planter." In Salem in 1637 of Newbury the same year. Moved to Haverhill about 1653.

51. Thomas Hauxworth of Salisbury "planter."

52. John Ayres, Sen., moved to Haverhill about 1647.

53. Thomas Rowell of Salisbury, Ipswich and Andover. Of Ipswich 1652-7, of Andover 1659. Died in Andover in 1662.

54. John Dickison of Salisbury "planter" or "husband- man."

55. John Clough "housecarpenter." Probably came in the "Elizabeth" 1635. Died in Salisbury in 1691.

56. Daniell: Lad: of Salisbury & Haverhill "hus- bandman." Came to this Country in the "Mary & John" of London 1633.

57. John Fuller received land in the first division but his name is not on the list of 1650. Probably he was the Fuller of Ipswich about 1637.

58. Thomas Carter of Salisbury "planter" perhaps of Ipswich first.

59. Enoch Greneleif "dyer". Said to be a lieut. under Cromwell but he was of Malden in 1665, removed to Boston and living there in 1683.

60. Richard Goodalc of Salisbury "planter" & "turner." Coffin's history of Newbury states that he came from Yarmouth, England to Newbury about 1638. He was a famous hunter.

61. Richard Currier of Salisbury & Amesbury "planter" & "millwright." One of the most prominent men in the new town.

62. Joseph Moyce of Salisbury "joiner." Daughters, Mary and Martha married Maj. Robert Pike and Andrew Greele.

63. Andrew Greele of Salisbury "shoemaker." Probably came from Scotland. Mentioned on Haverhill record as having mill and ferry 1669. Garrison in Salisbury mentioned 1698-1702.

64. Ralfe Blesdale "tailor" of Salisbury. Living in 1648 but dead in 1650. Was in York, Me., 1637-40. He was allowed to mow four acres of meadow for keeping the ordinary. He also rang bell on church for two years and a half for which he received fifty shillings.

65. Robert Codman "seaman" Salem 1637, land in Salisbury in 1641. Removed to Hartford, Ct., about 1650 to Saybrook in 1654; afterwards to Edgartown, where he died in 1678.

66. John Wheler "barber" from Salisbury, England. Early settler of Hampton. Rec'd land in Salisbury in 1641. Removed to Newbury before 1650 but taxed in S. 1652.

67. Thomas Macie "planter" "clother" or "merchant." Came from Chilmark, England to Newbury, Mass., but removed to Salisbury where he received land in 1639, '40 & '42. Received land in Amesbury later but removed to Nantucket in 1659. He was the subject of Whittier's poem, "The Exile."

68. josepth Parker "carpenter." Apparently in Newbury in 1642 but removed to Andover. He was a soldier in King Phillip's war.

69. John Coles of Salisbury. Lived in Andover a short time but died in Salisbury 1682. Came in the "Confidence" with Sanders, Rolfe, Cottle, Eastman, Ring & Whittier.

70. John Clifford "planter." He removed to Hampton before March 1, 1642. Name on early list of 1637 but not on later list of 69.

71. Lewis Hulett was one of the first to receive land in Salisbury. He was of Charlestown in 1631, according to Savage's Genealogical dictionary of New England.

This concludes the list of the men in the first division. But few lineal descendants of these early families remain and the passing years find them growing fewer. The pioneers, themselves, rest peacefully in the old burying ground on the Beach Road, with here and there a stone to mark their resting place.
