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  • Georg Stiernhoff (1729 - 1807)
    Fågelsångens gård vid västra änden av sjön Trekanten var bebodd av Bellmans yngre syster Fredrika Eleonora och dennes make slottskassören Georg Stiernhoff. TAB 4Georg (son av Georg, Tab. 3), döpt 1729-...
  • Georg Magnus Sprengtporten (1740 - 1819)
    Efter att förlorat Gustav III:s förtroende övergick han 1786 i rysk tjänst och blev 1808 den första generalguvernören till Storfurstendömet Finland. Han var förmodlingen född på Gammelbacka gård i Borg...
  • Col. Johan Henrik Hästesko af Målagård (1741 - 1790)
    Syntymä: Mikkelin maaseurakunnan arkisto - Syntyneiden ja kastettujen luettelot 1732-1759 (I C:3), jakso 67: Syntyneet 1741; Kansallisarkisto: / Viitattu 15.3.2021 Mikkeli maaseurakunta rippikirja 175...
  • Axel Fredrik Cronstedt (1722 - 1765)
    Biographical Summary:=="... Baron Axel Fredrik Cronstedt ( December 23, 1722 – August 19, 1765) was a Swedish mineralogist and chemist who discovered nickel in 1751 as a mining expert with the Bureau o...
  • Gustaf Fredrik Nycander (1798 - 1848)
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Freemasonry came to Sweden in 1735, with a Grand Lodge established 1760. In 1756 Carl Friedrich Eckleff, Cancellie-Rådet established the first St Andrew's lodge in Stockholm to work additional degrees, beyond the three initial degrees of Craft Freemasonry. A Grand Chapter was erected in 1759. Eckleff's ideas of a truly progressive system building upon the internationally recognised three degrees (of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason) was further developed by Duke Karl of Södermanland, who later became Karl XIII, Kung av Sverige och Norge. As Grand Master of the Swedish Order of Freemasons he developed the system, which by 1800 had fully evolved into the Swedish Rite system, which has since experienced only very minor development. The Swedish system has since spread to Finland (under Swedish control), and also to Norway, Denmark, and Iceland under independent national Grand Lodges. (Wikipedia)


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