This Group will focus on cleaning up and expanding the genealogy for the French Canadian Ancestors.
Links to those listed in Our French-Canadian Ancestors by Thomas J. Laforest (listing still in progress)
Volume 01
Antoine Dionne (1641-1721), Damien Bérubé (1647-1688), Grégoire Deblois (1632 - 1705), Guillaume Couture (1618-1701), Julien Fortin dit Bellefontaine (1621-1692), Nicolas Audet dit Lapointe (1637-1700), Pierre Blais (1639-1700), Pierre Blanchet (1642-1709), Mathurin Gagnon (1606-1690), Jean Gagnon (1610-1670), Pierre Gagnon (1612-1699), Robert Gagnon (1628-1703), Marguerite-Marie Tavernier (Gagnon) (1598-1677), Antoine Cassé ou LaCasse (c.1639-1709), Francois Lavergne - Delavergue (Lavergne dit Renaud) (b. - 1714), Nicolas Roy (Le Roy) (1639-1690), Étienne de Lessart - Lessard (1623-1703), Robert-Pierre Lévesque (Lévesque) (c.1641-1699), Nicolas Paquin (1648-1708), Pierre Paradis (1604-1675), Leonard Pilote (c.1622-1665), Jean-Baptiste Pothier - Pottier (c.1668-1711), René Réaume - Rhéaume (1643-1722), Pierre Rondeau (1642-c.1692), Simon Savard (1623-1665), Étienne-Pierre Trudeau (1641-1712), Paul Vachon dit Pomerleau (c.1630-1703), Nicolas Veilleux dit Labecasse (Verieul dit Labecasse) (1632-1714)