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  • a Lombard of the family of Gausus (deceased)
    NOT a known king of the Lombards NOT a known son of Zucchilon, king of the Lombards NOT a known BRO of Waccho, king of the Lombards NOT born in Lombardy, Italy: the Lombards invaded Italy in 568 ...
  • Alboin, King of the Lombards (aft.530 - 572)
    Alboin (530s – 28 June 572) was king of the Lombards from about 560 until 572. During his reign the Lombards ended their migrations by settling in Italy, the northern part of which Alboin conquered...
    Audoin, king of the Lombards (deceased)
    - Non è nato nel 500, e non è nato nella penisola italica: i Longobardi invasero l'Italia nel 568 e fondarono il Regno Longobardo. Ben M. Angel's summary: Relationships: Parents: Unknown Lom...

The Gausi dynasty was a family of Lombard kings.

From Lombard Kings from the Gausian Dynasty

  1. Audoin (546–565), led the Lombards into Pannonia
  2. Alboin (565–572)