Have you ever thought of spending time doing genealogy while on holidays?
This idea comes from Genealogy (Geni) enthusiasts . We hope to be able to cover costs, and will try to accommodate different types of participation. House extension and renovations took longer than we expected, but we are finally ready to organise a first gathering. If interested contact
Jadra, Ozren or Ivanka
First meeting of Croatian users and Curators
I have been planning this meeting for a while, but due to things outside my control (builder disappearing in a middle of it), I could not proceed with it. Now I am finally ready.
First one-day workshop is planned for
not known yet. It will be held in Klek, our holiday house (look for Carob Tree Apartments, Klek).
This first workshop is intended to be informal, opportunity to meet people with similar interests. If nothing else we can spend a day next to a BBQ - fish will be on a menu (I am not a meat eater).
For those travelling from afar, I have limited accomodation available (first in, first served).
Carob tree villa participate in Sharing economy concept - we can discuss a way you can contribute .
Apart from dedicating time to genealogy, this is a perfect place for a relaxing weekend away from city life..
Let's leave planning for Future for later
Future Workshops
Program includes Introduction on how to use Geni effectively, as well as specific questions related to genealogy. Workshops wil be either 2-days (weekend) or 5-day midweek option, and it will include morning and afternoon sessions.The package will include accommodation, and hands-on how to use Geni with max 10 participants. You can bring your family or come on your own. Options are available for participation.
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Accommodation details
Holiday villa in Repic 3 (Klek, Slivno Ravno) is situated right on the edge of the sea. It consists of four apartments over 4 levels. Currently 3 apartments are available for rental (please note that the house is currently extensively renovated and extended, new photos will be available soon).
You can view apartments are (if you would like to visit, please contact me directly):
Family holiday house in Klek (Slivno, Dubrovnik Neretva county), Croatia is on the site originally owned by Nikola Nonković, the land he was given by the Venice republic for defeating the Turks during Moeran War. The fortress still stands there - it is worth walking up the hill to it.
How to get there
Dubrovnik airport is just 1 hour of driving from Klek (70 km). Regular transport (every hour) is available. https://www.google.com.au/maps/@42.942267,17.552231,576m/data=!3m1!1e3
You will arrive here if you turn right from the Adriatic Highway (“Jadranska magistrala”) when you see sign “Repic” – our house is third one on the right (if coming from the north), less then 100 meters after you leave the highway (see attached maps below). Parking for up to 6 cars and from the parking two paths lead down to the house through the wonderful Mediterranean style stone walled garden with lots of shade.
Places to visit
- Dubrovnik – http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/95/ from tourist villages buses go regularly few times per day (1.5h by bus or 1h drive)
- Korcula – http://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/5105/ 1h drive to ferry
- Ston – http://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/160/ 30 min drive
- Mostar - http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/946 1.5h drive
- Pocitelj- http://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/5092/ 1h drive
- Winery Rizman - http://www.rizman.com.hr/hr/posjeti - 3km
- Peljesac’s Winaries and winetasting – Postup and Dingac (1.5h drive) http://www.wine-searcher.com/find/dingac , http://www.goodfood.com.au/good-food/drink/review/wine/2008-vinaria..., Korta katarina vinery Orebic - 1.5h drive
- boat cruise to Ston on “Lipa moja” (check http://www.lipamoja.hr/) weekly from Klek village, walking distance
- Race of the old boats in Metkovic (http://www.metkovic.hr/eng/boats.htm, http://www.metkovic.hr/eng/neretva.htm) 30min drive
- mussels farms in Ston ( http://www.ston.hr/en/oysters-in-mali-ston-bay.html )
- Best food - famous for fish stew (eels and frogs) http://www.restaurant-lopoc.com/gastro.asp
- Kite boarding Blace - http://neretvakiteboarding.com/ 15min
- Smrdelj grad is for more adventurous – walking trail leads from Klek to the top of the hill where an old fortress still stands http://www.metkovic.hr/dolina/default.asp?izb=slivno.asp .
- Archaeological site Narona ( http://visitdubrovnik.hr/en-GB/Attractions/Content/Archaeological-s... ), http://www.world-archaeology.com/more/statue-of-livia-from-narona.htm
- If you are there around 11 August you can enjoy watching Tears of St Lawrence from your balcony https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4CCaf5d76A, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perseids
- Safari Neretva delta (0.5h drive) ( http://neretva-foto-safari.com/ )
- Neretva Delta ( 0.5h drive ) (http://www.dubrovnik-excursions.com/the-neretva-river-delta.html )
- Hutovo Blato – Nature Park (1h drive) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hutovo_Blato )
- Baćinska Jezera-Bacina Lakes (30min drive) (http://www.bacinskajezera.com/ - https://www.facebook.com/IzletiBacinskaJezera/ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbjtkFnhMIQ)
- Medjugorje - Catholic pilgrimage town, 1h drive (http://www.medjugorje.org/
Ljetnja Rodoslovna Radionica, Klek
Nadamo se da će ove radionice postati redovne. Prvu radionicu planiramo održati 15. srpnja. (15/7/2015)
Prva ljetna radionica održati će se u Kleku, u obiteljskoj kući za ljetovanje.
Program uključuje predavanje o korištenju Geni platforme, te odgovore na pitanja vezana za rodoslovlje.
Ova prva radionica zamišljena je kao neformalno druženje - namjera nam je pružiti mogućnost da se upoznamo, razmijeniti iskustva i razgovor i općenito kako koristiti Geni platformu.
Za vrijeme radionice bit će poslužena kava, kolači. Ručak isto tako može biti uključen. Kava, kolači , ručak, blizina mora - osim vremena posvećenog rodoslovlju, idelno mjesto za provesti vikend na moru sa obitelji.
Ako ste zainteresirani, pošaljite poruku.
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Sto mislite o godisnjem odmoru i rodoslovlju?
Evo ideje!
Ideja o ljetnim rodoslovnim radionicama resultat je druzenja i entuzijazma nekoliko Hrvatskih Kuratora za Geni, i nije motivirana zaradom. Nadamo se da cemo moci pokriti troskove, i biti u plusu, ali isto tako spremni smo pruziti mogucnosti sudjelovanja koje su fleksibilne.
Kuca se jos uvijek preuredjuje ali nadam se da ce biti bar djelomicno gotova do Srpnja 2015. Ako ste zainteresinai kontaktirajte Jadra or Ivanka
Radionice - opcije
- 2-dana (vikend)
- 5-dana (tokom tjedna)
Paket uklljucje smjestaj, hranu (po dogovoru), sudjelovanje u radionici sa najvise 10 ucesnika.
Mozete doci sa obitelji ili sami.
Radionica ce imati slideci program
- kako korstiti Geni (ujutro)
- pitanja o hrvatskom rodoslovlju po potrebi sudionika (poslijepodne)
Obiteljska kuca za ljetovanje nalazi se u Kleku (see http://www.klek.info/klek/klek-photos.html), na zemlji kojoj je originalni vlasnik bio Nikola Nonković, na zemlji koja mu je darovana od strane Venecije kao nagrada za pobjede protiv Turaka tokom Moeran War. Kula Smrdelj jos uvijek ponosno stoji na vrhu brda iznad Kleka - uspon do nje se svakako isplati.
Accommodation details
Holiday house in Repic 3 (Klek) is situated right on the edge of the sea (only 5
m away!). It consists of seven apartments on 4 levels – (see https://www.airbnb.com.au/rooms/572087 - please note that the house is currently extensively renovated and extended, new photos will be available soon).
Each apartment is self contained and consists of modern fully equipped kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms and private outdoor areas facing the sea with uninterrupted sea views. There are also barbecue facilities, air conditioning, TVs and WiFi.
Villa has its own private access to the water, including a private mooring for your boat at the front of the house. Beach lounges and canoes are there for the use of our guests.
If you are after a quiet spot, privacy of your own access to the water, possibly have a
boat and enjoy swimming or canoeing, this is the place for you. You can look forward to waking up to the sound of waves and enjoying a drink on the terrace under the starry
sky. House is available for rental throughout the year.
The Adriatic sea has no tide to speak of; no sharks, no jelly fish, etc.
How to get there
Dubrovnik airport is just 1 hour of driving from Klek (70 km). Regular transport (every hour) is available.
You will arrive here if you turn right from the Adriatic Highway (“Jadranska magistrala”) when you see sign “Repic” – our house is third one on the right (if coming from the north), less then 100 meters after you leave the highway (see attached maps below). Parking for up to 6 cars and from the parking two paths lead down to the house through the wonderful Mediterranean style stone walled garden with lots of shade.
Things to do when you need a break from Geneology
- Dubrovnik – http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/95/ from tourist villages buses go regularly few times per day (1.5h by bus or 1h drive)
- Korcula – http://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/5105/ 1h drive to ferry
- Ston – http://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/160/ 30 min drive
- Mostar - http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/946 1.5h drive
- Pocitelj- http://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/5092/
- Winery Rizman - http://www.rizman.com.hr/hr/posjeti - walking distance
- Peljesac’s Winaries and winetasting – Postup and Dingac (1.5h drive) http://www.wine-searcher.com/find/dingac , http://www.goodfood.com.au/good-food/drink/review/wine/2008-vinaria..., Korta katarina vinery Orebic - 1.5 hour drive
- one day trip - boat cruise to Ston on “Lipa moja” (check http://www.lipamoja.hr/)
- Race of the old boats in Metkovic (http://www.metkovic.hr/eng/boats.htm, http://www.metkovic.hr/eng/neretva.htm)
- mussels farms in Ston ( http://www.ston.hr/en/oysters-in-mali-ston-bay.html ) (1h drive)
- Best food - famous for fish stew (eel and frogs) http://www.restaurant-lopoc.com/gastro.asp
- Kite boarding Blace - 15min http://neretvakiteboarding.com/
- Smrdelj grad is for more adventurous – walking trail leads from Klek to the top of the hill where an old fortress still stands http://www.metkovic.hr/dolina/default.asp?izb=slivno.asp .
- Archaeological site “Narona” ( http://visitdubrovnik.hr/en-GB/Attractions/Content/Archaeological-s... ), http://www.world-archaeology.com/more/statue-of-livia-from-narona.htm
- If you are there around 11 August you can enjoy watching Tears of St Lawrence from your balcony https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4CCaf5d76A, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perseids
- Safari Neretva delta (0.5h drive) ( http://neretva-foto-safari.com/ )
- Neretva Delta ( 0.5h drive ) (http://www.dubrovnik-excursions.com/the-neretva-river-delta.html )
- Hutovo Blato – Nature Park (1h drive) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hutovo_Blato )
- Baćinska Jezera-Bacina Lakes (30min drive) (http://www.bacinskajezera.com/ - https://www.facebook.com/IzletiBacinskaJezera/ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbjtkFnhMIQ)
- Medjugorje - Catholic pilgrimage town, 1h drive (http://www.medjugorje.org/