Start My Family Tree Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree.
Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.

This is a country portal project, which is intended as a resource for users from a particular country. It may contain advice on how best to use Geni within your country, such as profile naming conventions, translation instructions, where to find genealogy resources, and more. You may join the project to contribute, or follow it if you only want to receive notifications of new discussions. Note that profiles cannot be added to country portal projects.

Welcome to the Croatia Portal

Croatia Portal has been created to:

  • Link all existing Croatian projects
  • Encourage new Croatian projects to be created
  • Encourage collaboration between Geni users who have Croatian interests and connections
  • Promote and facilitate Croatian genealogical research
  • Promote Croatia, its people, culture and tradition to the wider Geni community

What can you do here?

  • Collaborate and share information with other Geni users with same research interest
  • Start your own project
  • Start or take part in a discussion.
  • Ask questions. (if you maybe have some specific question please post a question here).

Please join us! To join please select ACTIONS (top right) and click Join Project.

For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal



Our aim is to organise genealogical data for places and families of Croatia. We have created this portal to help you navigate this site and have included links to pages relevant to projects on Croatian Genealogy on Geni.

Croatian Counties and places

To help you find information, we have organised projects which are based on locations. Please see

Croatian families / Hrvatske Obitelji

All of the projects related to families from Croatia are sorted alphabetically and can be found here

Povijest / History

Antika u Hrvatskoj / Ancient in Croatia

Seobe / Migrations

Vladari i politicari / Rulers & politicians

Ratovi u Hrvatskoj / Wars in Croatia

Vojska / Military

Kultura i ljudi / Culture and people

Groblja u Hrvatskoj / Cemeteries in Croatia

Useljeništvo u Hrvatsku / Immigration to Croatia

Hrvatsko iseljeništvo / Croatian Diaspora

Obitelji / Families

Šport / Sport

Religija / Religions

Zajednice (društva) u Hrvatskoj / Communities in Croatia

Zanimljivosti / Interesting Pages

Kako sudjelovati, Pomoć / How to Participate, Help & Wiki

Useful sources, sites & books for researching

Međunarodni Geni portali i projekti / International Geni portals and projects

Portali / Portals

Projekti / Projects

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Dobro došli na Hrvatski Portal


Try Deep Nostalgia™, an Amazing New Photo Feature From MyHeritage and Animate your family photos / isprobajte Deep Nostalgia ™, nevjerojatnu novu foto značajku od MyHeritage i oživite vaše obiteljske fotografije - Deep Nostalgia™ sticker_new_left.gif

Compare-a-Face - Compare your face to your relatives. See which ancestors you look the most like. To get started, upload a photo of yourself. on FamilySearch sticker_new_left.gif

Research Based on Geni’s World Family Tree Featured in Prestigious Journal Science - Još jedan razlog zašto je važno unositi ispravnu geo lokaciju !!!! sticker_new_left.gif

FamilySearch Completes Digitization of Massive Microfilm Collection, FamilySearch completes digitization of its 2.4 million rolls of microfilm of the world's historical genealogical records. The images contain over 11.5 billion names from 200+ countries. Church Completes Major Microfilm Digitization Initiative
(Watch "Billions of Microfilm Records Digitized" Video News Release), Salt Lake City, Utah, Sep 21, 2021 sticker_new_left.gif

Nove značajke na Geni


Pogledajte web prezentaciju Introducing the Geni World Family Tree webinar by E. Randol Schoenberg....Legacy Family Tree Webinar sticker_new_left.gif

About Croatia Portal

Croatia Portal has been created to:

  • Link together a existing Croatian projects
  • Encourage new Croatian projects to be created
  • Encourage collaboration between Croatian-based Geni users, and Geni users worldwide who have Croatian interests and connections
  • Promote and facilitate Croatian genealogical research
  • Promote Croatia, its people, cultures and traditions to the wider Geni community

What can you do here?

  • Ask questions. (if you maybe have some specific question please post a question here).
  • Collaborate on your research.
  • Share knowledge you have gained as you've done your own research in a specific area.
  • Start your own related project.
  • Start or take part in a discussion.

Pridružite se!

Dobro došli ste. Da biste se pridružili ovom projektu (odaberite AKCIJE (gore desno) kliknite na Pridruži se Projektu), ako želite postati dio i sudjelovati u ovom projektu.

For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal

Važni linkovi


  • Ovaj projekt će pokušati organizirati rodoslovlje obitelji i mjesta u Hrvatskoj. Obratite nam se ako trebate pomoć oko korištenja Geni programa. Ostavite svoje pitanje ili komentare na Diskusiji koja je priključena ovom projektu. Da biste se lakše snašli, ova stranica je napravljena kao portal - tu će biti uključeni linkovi za sve ostale projekte i podprojekte vezane uz Hrvatsko rodoslovlje.


Da biste lakše pronašli informacije za kojima tragate, organizirali smo projekte po županijama i mjestima. Pogledajte Hrvatske županije projekt gdje ćete pronaći listu mjesta za koje su naši korisnici kreirali stranice. Ako mjesto koje vas zanima nije tu, dodajte ga. Za dodatne informacije pogledajte Hrvatske županije - izvori i informacije.

Croatian families / Hrvatske Obitelji

All of the projects related to families from Croatia are sorted alphabetically and can be found here

Povijest / History

Antika u Hrvatskoj / Ancient in Croatia

Seobe / Migrations

Vladari i politicari / Rulers & politicians

Ratovi u Hrvatskoj / Wars in Croatia

Vojska / Military

Kultura i ljudi / Culture and people

Groblja u Hrvatskoj / Cemeteries in Croatia

Useljeništvo u Hrvatsku / Immigration to Croatia

Hrvatsko iseljeništvo / Croatian Diaspora

Obitelji / Families

Šport / Sport

Religija / Religions

Zajednice (društva) u Hrvatskoj / Communities in Croatia

Zanimljivosti / Interesting Pages

Kako sudjelovati, Pomoć / How to Participate, Help & Wiki

Korisni izvori, stranice, knjige

Međunarodni Geni portali i projekti / International Geni portals and projects

Portali / Portals

Projekti / Projects

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