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Georgia in the US Civil War (CSA) 1861-1865

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  • Brig. General Reuben Walker Carswell, (CSA) (1837 - 1889)
    Brig. General Reuben Walker Carswell, (CSA) General Carswell was a lawyer, member of the Georgia State Legislature, Confederate States Army lieutenant colonel and brigadier general in the Geo...
  • Andrew Jackson Schofill, (CSA) (1830 - 1910)
    57th Georgia Infantry Confederate Army Civil War
  • Capt. Charles Flournoy Linthicum, (CSA) (1838 - 1864)
    Confederate Army Officer. A farmer in Cherokee County, Georgia before the Civil War, he enlisted in the Cherokee Brown Rangers in 1861. Elected Captain in the 14th Georgia Infantry Regiment in 1861, h...
  • PVT Levi M. Brookshire, CSA (1830 - 1916)
    Levi M. Brookshire served as a Private in Company B of the 65th Georgia infantry for the Confederate States of America during the Civil War.
  • Pvt. William Seaborn Courson, CSA (1826 - 1902)
    Civil War Veteran William S Courson served in Captain Kings Company ALA Company E and 4th GA Cavalry. Source: CSA pension application on line. He says he served in Captain Kings Company ALA Comp...

This project is used to relate all units from Georgia who served in the Confederate Army.

Georgia in the American Civil War

Georgia Units During the Civil War