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Good Conduct Medal (United States)

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  • Ens. Francis C. Flaherty, Medal of Honor (1919 - 1941)
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  • Clyde Edward Ballenger (1922 - 1944)
    BM2C Clyde Edward Ballenger Clyde was a Boatswain's Mate, Second Class in the United States Coast Guard ~ Service # 220823 He entered the Service from North Carolina. Missing in Action or Buri...
  • Joesph Edward Balczon (1924 - 1944)
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  • George Ayrault, III (1917 - 1944)
    LtJG George Ayrault III George Ayrault World War II Gold Star Veteran from New York George Ayrault World War II World War IINew YorkMissing in Action ▼ Content Integrity Note Our displayed data...

The Good Conduct Medal is one of the oldest military awards of the United States Armed Forces. The U.S. Navy's variant of the Good Conduct Medal was established in 1869, the Marine Corps version in 1896, the Coast Guard version in 1923, the Army version in 1941, and the Air Force version in 1963; the Air Force Good Conduct Medal was temporarily discontinued from February 2006 to February 2009, followed by its subsequent reinstatement.
