Groenewegen family relationships to the VOC
The (van) Groenewegen family, with strong connections to Delft, has multiple connections with the VOC. Due to Dutch naming traditions, there are many "Jan", "Johan", "Jacob", "Adriaen" etc in that family - and this creates confusion as to who was who in that family and in the VOC. Not in the least because many Groenewegen chose for a carreer in the VOC - not just in Holland but also in the Far East.
This project is an attempt to build an inventory of the Groenewegen that had a relationship to the VOC (investor, director, buyer, etc etc) - and to document the biographical data for each.
- Adriaan Christaansz van Groenewegen ( -1712) - Chief Accountant in 1677
- Adriaan was a "veertig-raad" of the city of Delft
- Anthonij van Groenewegen (c1626- )
- He is mentioned in the "Generale Missiven" as a "borger" who stayed at Oudjong Salang (Phuket). Did he stay there at the same time as his brother Jan? Being "borger", does this mean that he was a private citizen who was not in the employ of the VOC? Could this explain something about the "private trade" his brother Jan was accused of, i.e. was Anthonij involved in these trade dealings?
- Jan van Groenewegen (c1620-1665) - VOC resident in Padang
- See progress on his biography here...
- Juliaen Adriaensz van Groenewegen (1671-1739) - Cashier
- Julliaen was a "veertigraad" of the city of Delft
- Symon van Groenewegen ( -1665) - Opperhoofd of Palakol
- Epitaph (Dutch graveyard in Palikol): "Hier leÿt begraven Sÿmon van Groenewegen van Delft in sÿn leven coopman en opperhooft ten comptore Palicol obijt adij 3en iunij A° 1665" (source: "Descriptive and Historical Account of the Godavery District" by Henry Morris)
- Willem Groenewegen
- On June 5, 1665, he is appointed "ondercoopman". At that time he is residing at Sadrespatnam in the position of "assistent". (Source: Chijs 1665, page 133)
- Jacob Jorise Groenewegen
- Mentioned (February 20, 1671) as a producer of paper under contract with the VOC at Batavia (see Chijs 1670-1671, page 263)