The "Guildford" was a convict ship that came to Australia multiple times
- (Convict Ship) departed London, England on 3/9/1811 and arrived in NSW, Australia on 18/1/1812 (200 male convicts)
- (Convict Ship) departed Ireland in 1815 and arrived in NSW, Australia on 8/4/1816 (228 male convicts)
- (Convict Ship) departed Cork, Ireland on 14/11/1817 and arrived in NSW, Australia on 1/4/1818 (200 male convicts)
- (Convict Ship) departed Portsmouth, England on 14/5/1820 and arrived in NSW, Australia on 30/9/1820 (5 convicts) and Tasmania, Australia (188 male convicts)
- (Convict Ship) departed London, England on 7/4/1822 and arrived in NSW, Australia on 15/7/1822 (190 male convicts)
- (Convict Ship) departed Portsmouth, England on 18/8/1823 and arrived in NSW, Australia on 5/3/1824 (160 male convicts)
- (Convict Ship) departed Plymouth, England on 31/3/1827 and arrived in NSW, Australia on 25/7/1827 (190 male convicts)
- (Convict Ship) departed Dublin, Ireland on 12/7/1829 and arrived in NSW, Australia on 4/11/1829 (200 male convicts)
This project is for the sixth journey which departed Portsmouth, England on 18/8/1823 and arrived in NSW, Australia on 5/3/1824 (160 male convicts)
- Abbott, John
- Ainsworth, Thomas
- Alden, John
- Allen, Thomas
- Archer, John
- Ayton, Robert Simpson
- Bacey, Samuel
- Bacon, Abraham
- Balcomb, William
- Bancroft, Joseph
- Barnes, William
- Barton, James
- Batten, George
- Bean, William
- Becdale, Henry
- Blackman, John (the younger)
- Brooks, Thomas
- Brunsdon, John
- Buckeridge, George - George Buckridge, convict "Guildford" 1824
- Bugden, John
- Bugg, David
- Bullock, William
- Butcher, John
- Butcher, John
- Butler, John
- Callow, Robert
- Castleton, William
- Chalton, William James
- Christmas, Thomas
- Clayton, Jesse
- Clift, Charles
- Coates, Thomas
- Cox, Henry
- Craven, Matthew
- Crocker, John
- Crook, Thomas
- Crossman, Allen
- Danford, John
- Davis, Isaac
- Davis, Samuel
- Dawes, John
- Denne, Daniel
- Dockwray, Edward
- Dunn, Joshua
- Dyson, Joseph
- Eaton, Isaac
- Edmonds, William
- Ellston, Francis
- Fell, John
- Fenton, Samuel
- Fielder, James
- Fitt, Samuel
- Fitzpatrick, Francis
- Fletcher, William
- Gee, John
- Gibbs, Thomas
- Goodman, John
- Gregg, Richard
- Gunningham, George
- Gwilliam, John
- Haigh, William
- Hale, William
- Hamerton, Richard
- Hann, John
- Hanslow, Benjamin - Benjamin James Hanslow [Convict "Guildford" 1824]
- Hatchman, Robert
- Haydon, Thomas
- Head, John
- Heys, William
- Hudson, Henry - Henry Hudson, Convict "Guildford" 1824
- Hughes, John
- Hughes, William
- Humphries, Samuel
- Ireland, John
- Isgrove, George
- Jelleff, Joseph
- Johnson, John
- Johnson, Joshua
- Johnson, Samuel
- Jones, John
- Jonkins, Robert
- Jude, John
- Kerling, Edward
- Lane, Joseph
- Lea, Thomas
- Ledsham, Edward
- Leonard, Thomas
- Lewis, Henry
- Lidiard, Abraham
- Lilly, William
- Lock, John
- Lowry, James
- Macguire, Alexander
- Maher, James
- Marlton, Samuel
- Martin, John
- Martin, Robert
- Matthews, Edward
- Mears, James
- Millard, William
- Milsom, Joseph
- Moore, Charles
- Moore, James
- Morley, Robert
- Mottram, Joseph
- Moy, Edward
- Munn, William
- Nash, Thomas
- Needham, John
- Newnham, Robert
- Nicholls, Gabriel
- Norman, John
- Norman, William
- Norton, Isaac
- Paine, William
- Palgrave, Christmas
- Patient, Charles
- Pestell, Henry
- Porter, Peter
- Price, Aaron
- Probyn, John
- Purdy, John
- Quinton, George
- Ratcliffe, Joseph
- Rooke, James
- Sanders, William
- Scott, John
- Sears, Thomas
- Shaw, William
- Shepherd, Joseph
- Shreeve, William
- Simmonds, James
- Smith, Henry
- Spittle, George
- Spivey, Thomas
- Steel, William
- Stowe, Benjamin
- Summons, John
- Tagget, John
- Townsend, Edward
- Turner, Robert
- Turvey, Edward
- Walker, James
- Waples, Joseph
- Wasem, Charles
- Watts, William
- Wells, George
- Weston, Michael
- White, John
- Wilcox, Thomas
- Wiles, Thomas
- Wilkes, Oliver
- Williams, Stephen
- Williams, Thomas
- Williams, Thomas
- Willis, Francis
- Willsmore, Thomas - Thomas Wilsmore, Convict "Guildford" 1824
- Wilson, Thomas
- Withers, George
- Yates, James