Gyllene Haj (Golden Shark) 1653-1654
- Sailed from Stockholm November 23, 1653
- Arrived in Gothenburg January 17, 1654
The Gyllene Haj Left Stockholm with 41 persons, including sailors. On December 17 the ship had only come as far as Dalarön, a place near Stockholm. On the 30th she was in the sound, where six sailors with a servant and prisonor deserted. Four new sailors having been hired, the vessel again set sail about January 3rd. She arrived in Gothenburg January 17th in bad condition. The provision, supplies and colonists were transfered to the Orn (Eagle), which sailed from Gothenburg on February 2, 1654.
- Hans Amundson Besk, Captain
Passengers and Soldiers
- Lieutenant Sven Hook
- Hans Steghson in Dalaron,
the son-in-law of the bookkeeper Hans Kramer, December 17
- Jonas Oloffsson, mate
- Bengt Ericksson, sailor
- Johan Olofsson, sailor
- David Michelsson, sailor
- Eric Joransson, sailor
- Hindrick Matson, sailor
- Jones Olofsson, cook
- Jacob Johansson, the cook's boy
- Seven constaples (gunners) with their wives, maidservants and children are both families together.
- Johan Pedhersson Wulff, soldier
- Nilss Nilsson Phogegus, soldier
- Gustaf Johansson Krackfoot, soldier
- Carl Julius, secretary, soldier
The following deserted:
- Tommes Mein, deserted sailor
- Lars Ericksson - deserted sailor
- Jonas Ericksson- deserted sailor
- Michel Olofsson von Saar - deserted sailor
- Torsten Torwigh - deserted sailor with his servant
- Hans Miodh - deserted prisoner
The following hired to replace deserted sailors:
- Andreas Matheus, mate
- Effwert Johansson, second mate
- Jonas Nilsson, sailor
- Persson, the cook
- 16 barrels of beer
- 1 barrels of salt meat
- 2 barrels of herring
- 20 barrels of hard bread
- 6 barrels of fine hard bread for the officers
- and other provisions.