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New Sweden, Main Project

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  • Adm. Christer Eriksson Boije af Gennäs (aft.1621 - aft.1679)
    Yrjö Kotivuori, Ylioppilasmatrikkeli 1640–1852: Krister Boije. Verkkojulkaisu 2005 . Luettu 24.3.2023. Visited New Sweden during a 3 year period. Arrived 1642 with Fama and returned 1644 with Fa...
  • Jesper Danielis Swedberg (1653 - 1736)
    Biskop i Skara och över kolonin New Sweden i nordamerika samt teologie professor och domprost i Uppsala. Utgav 1694 års psalmbok, som i reviderat skick blev Sveriges första rikspsalmbok året därpå....
  • Landshövding Johan Björnsson Printz (1592 - 1663)
    Sotapäällikkö, valtiopäivämies Johan Printz Valtiopäivämies Johan Printz (1592-1663) oli aikalaisten mukaan harvinaisen kookas, karski ja hallitsijamainen mies. Hän palveli luutnanttina Gustav Hornin...

Return to Lands of Sweden



This project is very focused . It only considers people and profiles who arrived in New Sweden between 1638 and 1655.
For many Americans, New Sweden is the gateway to their European ancestors. In turn, for many Europeans, there are lots of 'lost relatives' who simply disappeared from the European records because they emigrated to New Sweden and the 'new world'. The project seeks to further collaboration between American and European Geni users to connect the dots.

Brief History


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What became of the colony

On 30 August 1655, Governor Peter Stuyvesant of New Netherland appeared in the Delaware with seven armed ships and 317 soldiers. The outnumbered Swedish forces recognized that fighting was useless. Their 50 soldiers were divided between two forts. Captain Sven Skute surrendered Fort Trinity on 1 Sept. 1655 and Governor Rising surrendered Fort Christina two weeks later.
After the surrender of New Sweden, Governor Stuyvesant agreed to allow the Swedes to retain their lands north of the Christina Riverand to establish their own government. This new "Swedish Nation," later known as the Upland Court, was established in 1656.

Immigrants 1637-1655

Alphabetical Passenger Lists Index1637-1655 (Alphabetical )
Immigrant Ships

New Sweden Descendants

New Sweden Settlers, 1638-1664
Names in the 1671 Wharton census of the Delaware

sticker_new_right.gif 1693 Inhabitants of what was New Sweden, on the Delaware River

Famous Descendants

  1. 1671 census
  2. Bok The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware, 1638-1664 Part.1
  3. Bok The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware, 1638-1664 Part.2
  4. Swedish Colonial History site
  5. Swedish Colonial Society
  6. Swedish Colonial News
  7. Books
  8. Gloria Dei Records Project
  9. Churches of New Sweden
  1. Nya Sverige i Nordamerika
  2. Nya Sverige-minnet firat, 1938
  3. Svenskarne i Illinois. Historiska anteckningar, 1880, kapitel om Nya Sverige från sid. 455 ff.

Forefather Profiles


(Applies only to The Swedish Colonial Society)

New Sweden Forefathers, Swedish Colonial Society, 1638-1664 Arrivals
Forefathers Family Profiles, Official list


Links to Historic Sites

This projet was orginally made by Marvin Caulk, (C)