A working template of primary proofs for this line - starting with Cawley's primary sources and updating it from primary sources in Ernest Warlop as we go.
1. RASO [I]] [van Gavre (-[after 1060]). "…Rasonis…" signed the charter dated 1034 under which "Heimericus de Lophen" donated "hereditatem meam in pago Bracbantense in villa Berda vel Cuckenbeca" to Saint-Pierre de Gand[474]. "…Razonis…" signed the charter dated 1040 under which "Imma de Laren cum filia sua Diduuara" submitted themselves to Saint-Pierre de Gand[475]. “…Rasonis de Gavera…” subscribed the charter dated May 1047 under which Baudouin V Count of Flanders confirmed the possessions of Marciennes abbey[476]. "…Razonis…" signed the charter dated 1060 under which "femina Godelif" submitted herself to the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand[477].
2. JAN van Gavre (-after 13 Sep 1083). "…Joannes de Gavera…" signed the charter dated 13 Sep 1083 under which Gérard Bishop of Cambrai donated "Altare de Huneghem" to Gand Saint-Pierre[478].
[Two siblings], parents not known:
1. RASO [II van Gavre] (-after 1 Feb 1117). "…Razonis de Gavara, Ansboldi nepotis eius…" signed the charter dated to [1073] under which "Walterus de Afsna" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand[479]. "Lotbertus…abbas Hasnoniensis cœnobii" sold property "in Alost et Rasseghem et Lede" to "Gisilberto Balduini Gandensis filio" by charter dated 1088, witnessed by "…Raso de Gavra…"[480]. "…Razonis de Gauera, Rothardi de Sotengem, Razonis de Melne…" signed the charter dated 1090 under which "Duum cum filiabus Folquif et Oda et Ingelrad" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand[481]. "…Walteri de Sottengem, Rasonis de Gavra…" signed the charter dated 1114 under which "Willelmus de Bethunia dominus de Tenremonde et Mathildis uxor mea" granted rights to the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand[482]. "Galterus custos Teruanensis, Haket castellanus Brugensis, Galterus castellanus Curtracensis, Baldwinus de Alost, Razo de Gavera…" signed the charter dated 1115 under which "Balduinus…Flandrensium comes" confirmed donations to Voormezeele abbey, with the consent of "Adam, Formosellenis castelli tunc domino"[483]. "Wenemarus castellanus Gandensis, Hachet castellanus Brugensis, Galterus castellanus Curtracensis, Baldewinus de Alost et Iwain frater eius, Razo de Gavera…" signed the charter dated 1 Feb 1117 under which "Balduinus…Flandrensium comes" confirmed donations to Voormezeele abbey[484].
2. NN m ---. One child:
a) ANSBOLD . "…Razonis de Gavara, Ansboldi nepotis eius…" signed the charter dated to [1073] under which "Walterus de Afsna" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand[485].
1. RASO [III van Gavre] (-killed in battle 27 Jun 1149). "…Razo de Gaveren…" witnessed the charter dated 7 Jul 1123 under which "Hugo de Sancto Paulo cognomen habens Campdaveine" donated property to the monastery of Bourbourg, in the presence of Charles Count of Flanders[486]. "…Razo de Gavera…" signed the charter dated 14 Apr 1127 under which Guillaume Count of Flanders granted privileges to the town of Saint-Omer[487]. "Razonis de Gavere, Razonis filii eius…" signed the charter dated 1130 under which "Heleuuif cum Berta sorore mea" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand[488]. "…Simonis de Oisy…Razonis de Gavera…" signed the charter dated 1139 under which Baudouin IV Comte de Hainaut granted rights to the Knights Templars[489]. "Rasonis de Gavera …" witnessed the charter dated 22 Sep 1139 under which "Iwanus de Gand…cum uxoris meæ Lauretæ filiæ Theoderici comitis" donated property to "Fratrum Trunciniensis ecclesiæ" near Gand[490]. [%E2%80%9CGertrudis castellana Montensis” donated “allodium...apud Inferiorem Eham et apud Maternam et apud Wolverkerke” to Eename abbey, with the consent of “...Razone de Gavera...”, by undated charter[491]. It is uncertain whether this document refers to Raso [III] or Raso [IV].] m ---. The name of Raso’s wife is not known. Raso [III] & his wife had two children:
a) RASO [IV van Gavre] (-killed in battle Raucourt [1150]). "Razonis de Gavere, Razonis filii eius…" signed the charter dated 1130 under which "Heleuuif cum Berta sorore mea" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand[492]. “Willelmi de Boular, Arnoldi de Aldenarde, Rasonis de Gauere, Arnoldi fratris eius...” witnessed the charter dated 1150 under which Thierry Count of Flanders confirmed “” to Gand Saint-Pierre[493]. The Chronicon Hanoniense records that "miles...Rasso de Gaura" was killed "in obsidione [Roncort]" during the war between Thierry Count of Flanders and “comite Hanoniensi”[494]. m (after 1137) as her second husband, EVA de Chièvres, widow of GILLES de Chin Seigneur de Berlaimont, daughter and heiress of GUY de Chièvres & his wife Ida --- (-after her third husband). The Chronicon Hanoniense records that "miles...Rasso de Gaura" married "Damison de Cirvia" after the death of “Egidii de Cin”[495]. Nicolas Bishop of Cambrai confirmed the property of Saint-Ghislain, including the donation of “unum mansum in Bovingis” made by "Domina Æva quæ cognominatur Domoisuns" for the soul of "viri sui Ægidii", by charter dated 1143[496]. She married thirdly ([1150]%29 Nicholas [III] Seigneur de Florennes et de Rumigny. The Chronicon Hanoniense refers to the wife of "Nicholaus [qui et Ruminium et Florinas castra posedit" as "Damison de Cirvia"[497]. “Domina Eva de Cirvia que dicitur Domisons” donated “medietatem ville...Erbisul” to Saint-Ghislain (founded by “genitricis nostre Ide”), for the soul of “viri sui Razonis de Gavara”, by charter dated 1161, signed by “Razonis et Widonis filiorum ipsius Eve, et Razonis...”[498]. Raso [IV] & his wife had three children:
i) RASO [V van Gavre (-[1186/90])]. "…Razonis de Gauera…" signed the charter dated 1156 under which Thierry Count of Flanders approved the privileges of the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand[499]. "…Razonis de Gavere…" signed the charter dated 1163 under which Thierry Count of Flanders confirmed possessions of the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand[500].
- see below.
ii) GUIDO van Gavre . “Domina Eva de Cirvia que dicitur Domisons” donated “medietatem ville...Erbisul” to Ghislenghien (founded by “genitricis nostre Ide”), for the soul of “viri sui Razonis de Gavara”, by charter dated 1161, signed by “Razonis et Widonis filiorum ipsius Eve, et Razonis...”[501].
iii) BERTHA van Gavre ([1140/50-after 1202)]. The Chronicon Hanoniense names "Berta, Rassonis de Gauris et Damisoni de Cirvia filia" as wife of "Eustacium [filium Eustachii de Ruez…senior]"[502]. “Nobilis mulier domina Berta de Morlenwes” donated part “allodii sui...ei hereditario jure pervenerat in territorio de Montegni” to Cambron, with the consent of “filii sui Eustachii domini de Rodio”, by charter dated 1202[503]. m EUSTACHE [II] du Rœulx, son of EUSTACHE [I] Seigneur du Rœulx & his wife Marie de Morlanwelz (-1186, bur Rœulx Saint-Feuillien).
b) ARNOUT van Gavre (-after 1155). “Willelmi de Boular, Arnoldi de Aldenarde, Rasonis de Gauere, Arnoldi fratris eius...” witnessed the charter dated 1150 under which Thierry Count of Flanders confirmed “” to Gand Saint-Pierre[504]. "…Arnulfus de Gavera…" signed the charter dated to [1150] under which the abbot of Vicogne records donations made to the abbey[505]. “...Arnulphus de Gavra...” subscribed the charter dated 1154 under which Baudouin IV Comte de Hainaut confirmed various properties to the church of Cambron[506]. "…Arnulfi de Gavera…" signed the charter dated 1155 under which Baudouin IV Comte de Hainaut settled a dispute between the abbey of Saint-Ghislain and "dominum Gossewinum de Montibus"[507].
RASO [V] van Gavre, son of RASO [IV] van Gavre & his wife Eva de Chièvres (-[1186/90]). "…Razonis de Gauera…" signed the charter dated 1156 under which Thierry Count of Flanders approved the privileges of the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand[508]. “Domina Eva de Cirvia que dicitur Domisons” donated “medietatem ville...Erbisul” to Ghislenghien (founded by “genitricis nostre Ide”), for the soul of “viri sui Razonis de Gavara”, by charter dated 1161, signed by “Razonis et Widonis filiorum ipsius Eve, et Razonis...”[509]. "…Razonis de Gavere…" signed the charter dated 1163 under which Thierry Count of Flanders confirmed possessions of the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand[510]. "Razo de Gavera…Flandrensis comitis pincerna…cum uxore sua Magtilde" donated "terram…apud Holebecam" to Ninove by charter dated 1166[511]. The Chronicon Hanoniense records "Iacobus de Avethnis, Egidius de Sancto Oberto, Rasso de Gaura" among the knights who served Baudouin V Comte de Hainaut at the siege of "castrum Bretenghes" [Brettingen] in the war with “Henricus comes Namurcensis et Lusceleborch”, dated to 1172 in a later passage[512]. "…Roberti advocate Bethunie, Rassonis de Gavera, Rogeri Curtracensis castellani…" signed the charter dated [24 Apr/12 Jun] 1177 under which Philippe Count of Flanders donated revenue to the church of Notre-Dame de Capelle[513]. "Razo de Gavera…comitis Flandriæ pincerna" donated property "apud Hollebeccam…Huppesrot" to Ninove by charter dated 1179[514]. “Razo de Gavera” donated property to Ninove abbey by charter dated 27 Mar 1186[515]. "…Razonis de Gavera…" signed the charter dated Nov 1187 under which Philippe Count of Flanders declared that "Euerardus castellanus Tornacensi" had donated property to the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand[516].
m MATHILDE, daughter of ---. "Razo de Gavera…Flandrensis comitis pincerna…cum uxore sua Magtilde" donated "terram…apud Holebecam" to Ninove by charter dated 1166[517].
Raso [V] & his wife had two children:
1. RASO [VI] van Gavre (-after 1212). "Razo de Gavera et uxor eius Claricia et frater eius Razo et filius eius itidem Razo" donated property "de allodio Lidekercensi ipsa Liedekerka ecclesia" to Ninove by charter dated 1190[518]. “Willelmus de Betunia dominus de Tenremonde et Mathilde uxor mea” granted privileges to Gand Saint-Pierre by charter dated 1193, witnessed by "…Walteri de Sottinghem, Rasonis de Gavera…"[519]. "Razo de Gavera" donated "totam decimam de Lidekerca…" to Ninove, with the consent of "uxore mea Claricia et liberis meis et Razone fratre meo", by charter dated 1195[520]. “Razo de Gavera pincerna Flandriæ” donated property to Ninove abbey, with the consent of "uxoris meæ Clariciæ", by charter dated Aug 1201[521]. “Dominus Raso de Gavera et Clarissia eius uxor et eorum filii Raso junior, Arnulfus et Philippus” transferred their rights “in allodio Geldonie” [Jodoigne] to Henri I Duke of Brabant by charter dated 1208[522]. "Razo dominus de Gavera et de Lidekerka" donated rights "in decima de Lumbecca et de Strithem" to Ninove by charter dated 1209[523]. “Eustachius dominus de Ruez” donated “ Chirvia” to Cambron, in the presence of “plurium nobilium virorum parentum meorum...domini Rassonis senioris de Gavera et Rassonis junioris filii sui, domini de Chirvia, Hogonis de Florines, Gerardi de Gauche, Godefridi de Winchi et Egidii de Hallut”, by charter dated 13 Aug 1210[524]. “Razo de Gavera comitis Flandriæ pincerna” confirmed the donation of property "in Breedenbroc" made by "filius meus Arnoldus" to Ninove abbey, with the consent of "filiis meis Razone de Bouleir et Philippo fratre suo", by charter dated 1212[525]. "Galterus de Sottengem et uxor mea Ricaldis" donated property "in parochia de Felseca" to Ninove by charter dated 1212, another charter dated 1212 recording that "Arnoldus de Aldenardo" confirmed the donations made by "dominus Galterus de Sotengem de consensu matris meæ Ricaldis" signed by "Razonis de Gavera et Arnoldi filii sui, Walteri de Sotengem et Oliveri fratris eius…"[526]. m CLARICE, daughter of --- (-after 1208). "Razo de Gavera et uxor eius Claricia et frater eius Razo et filius eius itidem Razo" donated property "de allodio Lidekercensi ipsa Liedekerka ecclesia" to Ninove by charter dated 1190[527]. "Razo de Gavera" donated "totam decimam de Lidekerca…" to Ninove, with the consent of "uxore mea Claricia et liberis meis et Razone fratre meo", by charter dated 1195[528]. “Razo de Gavera pincerna Flandriæ” donated property to Ninove abbey, with the consent of "uxoris meæ Clariciæ", by charter dated Aug 1201[529]. “Dominus Raso de Gavera et Clarissia eius uxor et eorum filii Raso junior, Arnulfus et Philippus” transferred their rights “in allodio Geldonie” [Jodoigne] to Henri I Duke of Brabant by charter dated 1208[530]. Thierry d’Orjo suggests that last charter indicates that Clarice may have been Clarice de Montaigu, daughter of of Godefroi Comte de Montaigu, de Clermont et de Duras & his wife Juliane de Duras, on the basis that Jodoigne was the property of Clarice de Montaigu’s mother[531]. Raso [VI] & his wife had four children:
a) RASO [VII] van Gavre (-before 1214). "Razo de Gavera et uxor eius Claricia et frater eius Razo et filius eius itidem Razo" donated property "de allodio Lidekercensi ipsa Liedekerka ecclesia" to Ninove by charter dated 1190[532]. Seigneur de Chièvres: “Eustachius dominus de Ruez” donated “ Chirvia” to Cambron, in the presence of “plurium nobilium virorum parentum meorum...domini Rassonis senioris de Gavera et Rassonis junioris filii sui, domini de Chirvia, Hogonis de Florines, Gerardi de Gauche, Godefridi de Winchi et Egidii de Hallut”, by charter dated 13 Aug 1210[533]. Heer van Boulaere: “Razo de Gavera comitis Flandriæ pincerna” confirmed the donation of property "in Breedenbroc" made by "filius meus Arnoldus" to Ninove abbey, with the consent of "filiis meis Razone de Bouleir et Philippo fratre suo", by charter dated 1212[534]. RASO [VII] van Gavre, son of RASO [VI] van Gavre & his wife Clarice --- (-before 1214). "Razo de Gavera et uxor eius Claricia et frater eius Razo et filius eius itidem Razo" donated property "de allodio Lidekercensi ipsa Liedekerka ecclesia" to Ninove by charter dated 1190[543]. Seigneur de Chièvres: “R[azo] [dominus] de Gavera et de Cirvia” ratified the donation of land made to Alne by “Nicolas de Montigny du consentement de Sara sa femme et de Henri son fils”, and by “Hugues de Florennes du consentement de Nicolas précité et de Béatrix sa mère”, by charter dated 1208, witnessed by “...Walterus de Gavera, Albricus de Cirvia, Gozuinus de Lidekerke”[544]. “Dominus Raso de Gavera et Clarissia eius uxor et eorum filii Raso junior, Arnulfus et Philippus” transferred their rights “in allodio Geldonie” [Jodoigne] to Henri I Duke of Brabant by charter dated 1208[545]. “Eustachius dominus de Ruez” donated “ Chirvia” to Cambron, in the presence of “plurium nobilium virorum parentum meorum...domini Rassonis senioris de Gavera et Rassonis junioris filii sui, domini de Chirvia, Hogonis de Florines, Gerardi de Gauche, Godefridi de Winchi et Egidii de Hallut”, by charter dated 13 Aug 1210[546]. Heer van Boulaere. “Razo de Gavera comitis Flandriæ pincerna” confirmed the donation of property "in Breedenbroc" made by "filius meus Arnoldus" to Ninove abbey, with the consent of "filiis meis Razone de Bouleir et Philippo fratre suo", by charter dated 1212[547]. “Razo dominus de Cirvia” confirmed the donation to Alne made by “Nicolas de Montegni et Henri son fils du consentement de Sara épouse du premier et mère du second” by charter dated 1212[548].
m ([1207]%29 as her third husband, ALIX van Boelare Vrouw van Boelare, widow firstly of PHILIPPE Châtelain de Cassel and secondly of GILLES [II] Seigneur de Trazegnies, daughter of NIKOLAAS van Boelare [Boulers] & his wife Ada de Rœulx (-after Mar [1239]). "Alicia domina de Bouler" donated revenue from "prati apud Odevarsnest" to Ninove by charter dated Feb 1222, signed by "Soikini prioris, Symonis de Gant canonici Ninivensis, Gosuini militis de Emelverdenghem, Walteri de Deftenghem, Razonis filii mei, Gerardi Vander Beuren, Adæ filiæ meæ"[549]. “Alidis domina de Boular” donated property to Beaupré abbey, with the consent of “filiorum meorum...Philippi majoris natu, Ostonis, Ægidii et Rasonis, domini Gosuini de Scendelbeka et Ada filiæ, uxoris Gosuini”, by charter dated Mar 1238 (O.S.?)[550]. Raso [VII] & his wife had children: RASO [IX van Gavre ([1207/14]-)]. The existence of this person is confirmed by the chronology of Jeanne de Wavrin, wife of Raso [XI] his presumed son, who could not have been the wife of this Raso [IX]. "Alicia domina de Bouler" donated revenue from "prati apud Odevarsnest" to Ninove by charter dated Feb 1222, signed by "Soikini prioris, Symonis de Gant canonici Ninivensis, Gosuini militis de Emelverdenghem, Walteri de Deftenghem, Razonis filii mei, Gerardi Vander Beuren, Adæ filiæ meæ"[551]. “Rasse de Gavre et Hugues de Rumigni seigneurs de Chièvres” approved the donation to Chièvres made by “maître Gérard...curé de Chièvres” by charter dated 1230[552]. “Alidis domina de Boular” donated property to Beaupré abbey, with the consent of “filiorum meorum...Philippi majoris natu, Ostonis, Ægidii et Rasonis, domini Gosuini de Scendelbeka et Ada filiæ, uxoris Gosuini”, by charter dated Mar 1238[553]. m ---. The name of Raso’s wife is not known. Raso [IX] & his wife had children:
a) RASO [XI van Gavre )]. Heer van Gavre, Seigneur de Chièvres. m JEANNE de Wavrin, daughter of ROBERT [II de Wavrin] & his second wife Mathilde de Béthune (after 1244-). The late 13th century genealogy by Balduinus de Avennis records that "Hellins [de Waurin] ainsnés des filz...Robert” married secondly, after the death of his first wife, “la fille monseignour Guill de Bethune qui avoit esté femme le chastelain de Lisle” and had “i fil...Robers et pluseurs filles”, of whom one daughter married “monsr Rason de Gaure”[554]. Raso [XI] & his wife had two children:
i) RASO [XIII van Gavre] (-[26 Apr 1300/27 May 1301]). Heer van Gavre, Seigneur de Chièvres. “Le chevalier Rasse de Gavre et Béatrix son épouse” sold rights in “la paroisse d’Eckerghem” to the town of Gent by charter dated Aug 1274[555]. “Rasse Sire de Gavre” received payment from “Jean de la Pire” for a horse by charter dated 26 Apr 1300[556]. m (before Feb 1273) BEATRIX van Strijen, daughter of --- (-after 1282). “Le chevalier Rasse de Gavre et Béatrix son épouse” sold rights in “la paroisse d’Eckerghem” to the town of Gent by charter dated Aug 1274[557]. Raso [XIII] & his wife had children:
(a) RASSO [XV van Gavre] (-before 1300). m ELEONORE de Saint-Omer Ctss de Faucquemberghe, daughter of GUILLAUME Châtelain de Saint-Omer & his wife Eléonore de Varennes (-after 1318). An order of parlement dated 1365, relating to a dispute concerning the county of Faucquemberghe and châtellenie of Saint-Omer, records that Guillaume [de Saint-Omer] had married "filiam domini de Varenis" and had "filia…Alienor" who married "domino de Gaure" by whom she had "Beatrix uxor quondam dicti defensoris [=Roberto domino de Fienlis consanguineo nostro constabulario Franciæ]"[558]. Rasso [XV] & his wife had one child:
(1) BEATRIX de Gavre ([1300]-before 12 Dec 1363). An order of parlement dated 1365, relating to a dispute concerning the county of Faucquemberghe and châtellenie of Saint-Omer, records that Guillaume [de Saint-Omer] had married "filiam domini de Varenis" and had "filia…Alienor" who married "domino de Gaure" by whom she had "Beatrix uxor quondam dicti defensoris [=Roberto domino de Fienlis consanguineo nostro constabulario Franciæ]"[559]. m as his first wife, ROBERT de Fiennes Seigneur de Tingry, son of JEAN de Fiennes Seigneur de Tingry & his wife Isabelle de Flandre ([1308/09]-[1384]).
(b) BEATRIX van Gavre (-4 Jul [1315]). Vrouw van Gavre, Dame de Chièvres. m (1286) GUY [IX Seigneur de Laval et de Vitré], son of GUY [VIII] de Laval Seigneur de Laval et de Vitré & his first wife Isabelle de Beaumont [en-G%C3%A2tinas] (-Landravan 22 Jan 1333, bur Abbaye de Clermont). *
ii) ISABELLE van Gavre (-after 1289). m GILBERT [III van Zotteghem], son of --- (-after 1276). *
b) JAN van Gavre . The late 13th century genealogy by Balduinus de Avennis records that "Hellins [de Waurin] ainsnés des filz...Robert” married secondly, after the death of his first wife, “la fille monseignour Guill de Bethune qui avoit esté femme le chastelain de Lisle” and had “i fil...Robers et pluseurs filles”, of whom the fourth daughter married “messires Jehans de Gaure, freres monsr Rasson”[560]. m --- de Wavrin, daughter of ROBERT [II de Wavrin] & his second wife Mathilde de Béthune. *
c) --- de Gavre . The late 13th century genealogy by Balduinus de Avennis records that “Michaël” son of "Hugo patri succedens in terra de Antoing et de Espinoit" and his wife married “sorore domini Rassonis de Liedekerke”[561]. m as his first wife MICHEL Seigneur d’Antoing et d’Epinoy, son of HUGUES [II Seigneur d’Antoing et d’Epinoy] & his first wife Philippa de Harnes ([1230?]-1269 or before). * ARNOUT (-before Oct 1249). “Dominus Raso de Gavera et Clarissia eius uxor et eorum filii Raso junior, Arnulfus et Philippus” transferred their rights “in allodio Geldonie” [Jodoigne] to Henri I Duke of Brabant by charter dated 1208[535]. “Razo de Gavera comitis Flandriæ pincerna” confirmed the donation of property "in Breedenbroc" made by "filius meus Arnoldus" to Ninove abbey, with the consent of "filiis meis Razone de Bouleir et Philippo fratre suo", by charter dated 1212[536]. "Galterus de Sottengem et uxor mea Ricaldis" donated property "in parochia de Felseca" to Ninove by charter dated 1212, another charter dated 1212 recording that "Arnoldus de Aldenardo" confirmed the donations made by "dominus Galterus de Sotengem de consensu matris meæ Ricaldis" signed by "Razonis de Gavera et Arnoldi filii sui, Walteri de Sotengem et Oliveri fratris eius…"[537]. * HEREN van SCHORISSE [ESCORNAIX][538].
c) FILIP (-[1219/Oct 1221]). “Dominus Raso de Gavera et Clarissia eius uxor et eorum filii Raso junior, Arnulfus et Philippus” transferred their rights “in allodio Geldonie” [Jodoigne] to Henri I Duke of Brabant by charter dated 1208[539]. “Razo de Gavera comitis Flandriæ pincerna” confirmed the donation of property "in Breedenbroc" made by "filius meus Arnoldus" to Ninove abbey, with the consent of "filiis meis Razone de Bouleir et Philippo fratre suo", by charter dated 1212[540]. *
d) BRIGITTE van Gavre . The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not been identified. m FASTRE de Ligne Seigneur de Montreuil, son of --- (-after Feb 1246). * RASO (-after 1195). "Razo de Gavera et uxor eius Claricia et frater eius Razo et filius eius itidem Razo" donated property "de allodio Lidekercensi ipsa Liedekerka ecclesia" to Ninove by charter dated 1190[541]. "Razo de Gavera" donated "totam decimam de Lidekerca…" to Ninove, with the consent of "uxore mea Claricia et liberis meis et Razone fratre meo", by charter dated 1195[542]. *
Documenting the Research Process / Issues
Public Discussions pertinent to this area of research
- Who is Yolanda de Gavre?
- Joan de Wavrin - Sources for her name?
- Who is the Raso that is the child of Alix van Boelare? The one who married Joan Waverin?
- Warlop, Ernest: The Flemish Nobility before 1300 [Edition? 1975 - 2002?]
Gavre Bibliography ver 4_2022b
Relying on Primary Sources (including consolidation of primary sources)
- d’Avesnes, B. (1278). La chronique dite de Baudouin d'Avesnes. (Originally in 633 chapters the manuscript is now in 57 pieces in Libraries in Europe and America and an unknown quantity of parts in private collections, most of which has not been published.)
- Gislebertus of Mons, & Vanderkindere, L. (1904). La Chronique de Gislebert de Mons aka: Chronicon Hanoniense (Nouv. éd. publiée par Léon Vanderkindere). Bruxelles P. Imbreghts
- de Lettenhoven, baron K. (Ed.). (1880). Chronique de Baudouin d'Avesnes. Istore et croniques de Flanders, de apres Les textes de divers manuscrits (Vol. 2). Commission royale d’histoire, Bruxelles: F. Hayez, impr. [v.2, M. Hayez] Pgs. 555-696 (
- Istore and chronicles of Flanders, from the texts of various manuscripts Notes: Publication of Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels. Royal Commission of History. Comprises Chronique de Flandre, Chroniques abrégees de Baudouin d'Avesnes, and extracts from the Chronique latine de Berne from various manuscript French chronicles in the Bibliothèque Nationale, and from the Chronique attributed to Baudouin d'Avesnes.
- Saint-Genois de Grand-Breucq, François-Joseph de. Table Générale Des Noms De Famille, Villes, Villages ... Etc. Contenus Dans Les Monumens Anciens Essentiellement Utiles a La France ... Premier , De L'imprimerie De Léonard Danel, Grand’Place, 1782. (Inventory of “monuments”, individual monuments = primary documents not read but referenced only, see Cahour and Goethals).
- Schwennicke, Detlev. Europäische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der Europäischen Staaten, Neue Folge. [European Family Trees: Family Trees for the History of European States, New Series.] First series by Wilhelm Karl, Prinz zu Isenburg, continued second series by Frank, Baron Freytag von Loringhoven. 29 vols. Marburg, Germany: Verlag von J. A. Stargardt , 1980-2013. (by reference only)
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