Highland Cemetery is located in the western edge of Hopewell Borough, and its 14 acres cover a steep hillside of the Sourland Mountains. A small portion of the cemetery is in the borough, with much of it located in Hopewell Township.
The original property was purchased in 1873 from Edward VanDyke and his wife, and was the cemetery established on May 17, 1877. Several graves are marked with sand stones and field stones dated in the early 1860's. This suggests that a graveyard could be found on the VanDyke estate, and these the first residents of Highland Cemetery. There was no borough when the cemetery was created, and in 1891 Hopewell Borough was established with it's western border in the cemetery.
Highland Cemetery is rich with history and considered by many to be the most beautiful spot in Hopewell. From the top of the cemetery, you can see the entire valley, with breathtaking sun rises and sun sets. Townspeople and visitors can be found strolling and enjoying the beautiful views from this scenic and peaceful spot. The cemetery is now 143 years old, and is the resting place for more than 500 veterans representing every war. They are commemorated with grave markers, flags and military color guard honors every Memorial Day. Nondenominational sunrise church services are celebrated here as well.
95 Hopewell-Wertsville Road
Hopewell, Mercer County, New Jersey
Find a Grave