Huguenot Ships to the Cape: Project Portal
INDEX of the PROJECTS for the ships that brought French Huguenots from the Netherlands to the Cape
- VRIJHEIJT 23 June 1686
- du Toit
- EEMSLAND 13 October 1687
- de Péronne
- BOSWIJK c1687
- Veron
- VOORSCHOOTEN arrived Saldanha Bay 13 April 1688, arrived on JUPITER in Cape 8 May 1688
- Days: 130. People: 192. Deaths: 1 (0.52 %)
- Marais, le Roux, Fouché, Souchay, Pinard, Tabourdeaux, Malherbe, Bruére, Sabatier, Basché, Godefroy, Grillion, Machepaste
- SPIERDIJK 23 April 1688
- Days: 115. People: 173. Deaths: 21 (12.4%)
- Gauch
- OOSTERLAND 25 April 1688
- Days: 87. People: 325. Deaths: 4 ( 1.23%)
- Taillefert, de Savoye, le Clercq, du Plessis, Imbert, Nourtier, Avicé, Cochet, Menanteau, Carnoy, Cloudon, Cronier, Therond, de Bus, Briet, Vitu
- BORSSENBURG 12 May 1688
- Days:127. People:101. Deaths: 4 (3.96 %)
- Rousseau, Hugo, Retif, Meyer, Couteau, Lombard, Avicé, Grillion, Martineau
- DE SCHELDE 5 June 1688
- Days: 107. People: 241. Deaths: 11 (4.56 %)
- Jacobs, Prevot, des Prez, Néel, de Vos, Terrier, Bleuset, le Fébre, d'Atis, de la Batte, Gros
- CHINA 4 August 1688
- Days: 140. People: 305. Deaths: 20 (6.56%)
- Mesnard , Anthonarde, Jourdaan, Rousse, Courbonne, Courbon, Pellanchon, Goiraud , Joubert, Reyne, Mallan , Verdette, Verdeau, Mille, Roi , Frachas , Long , Furet (Jansz van Son, de Wit, van den Berg, Verbeek, van Capelle, van der Bout, Janse van der Zee, Eltrop)
- ZUID BEVELAND 19 August 1688
- Days: 120. People: 213. Deaths: 14 (6.57 %)
- Cordier, Vivier, Martinet, des Ruelles, Goudalle, Simond, de Gournay, le Long, Viret, Sénéchal, de Bérault
- WAPPEN VAN ALKEMAAR 27 January 1689
- Gardiol, Seugnet, Fourie, Gardé, le Roux, Benezet, Labat, Rochefort, Aubanelle, Amiel, du Rand, Perrotette, Roux, Martin, Brasier, Barré, Bouvat, Batté
- ZION 6 May 1689
- de Villiers, Rosier
- AGATHA 19 August 1693
- Legeret
- VOSMAAR 16 Oct 1696
- Bisseau, le Febvre, Sézille
- WESTHOVEN 16 June 1699
- Potier
- DRIEBERGEN 3 September 1698
- Cronier, le Riche, Drouin, Duthuilé
- CATTENDYK 13 April 1699
- de la Porte, Vitu
- DONKERVLIET 20 July 1699
- Mouton, Mouy, de Villiers
- HELMEET 1700
- Bevernagie
- REIJGERSDAAL 22 August 1700
- Couvret, Vallète, Cellier, Posseaux
- BELOIJS 6 February 1706
- Huibaux
- GENERALEVREDE 25 January 1708
- d'Ailly, de Potter
- Migault
- SLEEWIJK 22 August 1714
- le Sage
- KOCKENGEN 24 March 1714
- Faure
- ABBERKERK 19 May 1718
- Naudé
- MEIJNDEN 1 October 1719
- de Saint-Jean
- HUIS TE ASSENBURG 12 April 1723
- Blignault
- BERBICES 22 October 1726
- Guilliaumé, Eloy
- MIDLOO 5 October 1729
- Le Sueur
References & Resources
- List of Huguenots embarking from France
- Huguenot Heritage Ship Lists
- Olive Tree Site's Ship Lists
- De VOC Site
- Harry Booysen's 'God Bless the Good Ship China' for Comparison of Losses