[This Template is just a guide to get you started. We'll know different things about different ships & their passengers, so you're welcome to treat it flexibly. I've used http://www.huguenot.co.za/heritage/voc-ships/ as a data layout. Other resources at the bottom are helpful too.]
The [ ] Arrived at the Cape of Good Hope on [ ]
- Type: [http://www.vocsite.nl/schepen/scheepstypen.html]
- Construction:
- Term: (in use)
- Length:
- Breadth:
- Draught: (depth)
- Loading capacity:
- Crew:
- Flag: [http://www.huguenot.co.za/heritage/voc-ships/chamber-flags]
Voyage to the Cape:
- Date of departure:
- Port of departure:
- Final destination:
- Date of arrival in the Cape:
- Length of voyage:
- Total People:
- Deaths:
- Details of voyage:
- Captain:
Passengers to the Cape & Places of Origin:
Passengers' Stories:
- List of Huguenots embarking from France
- Olive Tree Site's Ship Lists
- Huguenot Heritage Ship Lists
- De VOC Site