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Huguenot immigration to the James River area of Virginia 1620 to 1700

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  • Jean Pierre Dupuy (c.1694 - 1777)
    Huguenot Reference: My Heritage Family Trees - Smart Copy : Sep 13 2016, 1:37:26 UTC GEDCOM Source
  • Source:
    Jacob Michaux (1695 - 1744)
    Biography Jacob Michaux was born August 15, 1695 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands and was christened on December 11, 1695 in the French Huguenot Church in Amsterdam, Holland. His parents were ...
  • Daniel Isaac Ford, II (1647 - 1701)
    concerns This Daniel is the same as Daniel Isaac Ford, II . Merge requested. Waiting since June 16, 2022 for the multiple profiles of his grandparents and parents to be merged. Place of death and pl...
  • Marie Anne Faure (1630 - 1701)
    concerns This Marie is the same as Marie Anne Faure . Waiting since June 16, 2022 for the multiple profiles of her parents to be merged. There are significant problems with the dates (especially bir...
  • Daniel Isaac Faure, I (1624 - 1701)
    concerns This Daniel is the same as Daniel Isaac Faure, I . Waiting since June 16, 2022 for the multiple profiles of his parents to be merged. brief biography and family From an unidentified source ...

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Soon after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, King William and Queen Mary ascended to the throne of England. They offered the Huguenots the privilege of settling in Virginia. About 600 came to Virginia in 1700- 170. Many settled at a deserted Indian village called Manakintown.which is on the south side of the James River about 15 miles west of present day Richmond Virginia. Ten thousand acres of land bordering the river were set aside for them. A district parish was formed and named King William Parish. The Vestry Book 1707 - 1750 written in French is in the library of the Virginia Historical Society in Richmond.


An excellent source for FRENCH research for the family histories of many of these Huguenots is the database and genealogical charts of historian Jean Gallian:

Also, a huge 18th century (1765) genealogical tome is free on ebooks: Dictionnaire généalogique, héraldique, chronologique et historique, contenant l'origine et l'état actuel des premières Maisons de France, des maisons souveraines & principales de l'Europe... les familles nobles du royaume.. by François-Alexandre Aubert de La Chesnaye Des Bois, Duchesne, Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts. Online at or on Google Books.

Please note that many of these families are named in The Vestry Book of King William Parish, Virginia, of which the 1731-1750 transcriptions and translation are attached as a document to this project.

Manakintowne Huguenot Settlers

Mathieu ‘Matthew’ Agee

Isaac Gandovin, I

Dr. Jean Pierre Bondurant

Isaac Gandovin, I

Abraham Sallé, Sr.


  • Aboasson
  • Agee
  • Agnast
  • Aigle
  • Allaigre (Allegre)
  • Alocastros
  • Amis
  • Amonet (Ammonet)
  • Angeliers
  • Annis
  • Apperson
  • Arnand (Arnaut, Arno)
  • Arrison
  • Asseau
  • Aubry
  • Augustin
  • Aulegnes
  • Annant


  • Badouet (Badouit)
  • Badouil
  • Balaros
  • Banton
  • Barachin
  • Barbie (Barbee)
  • Bardon
  • Barel (Barrel)
  • Barnet
  • Barrand
  • Barriere (Barrier)
  • Basel
  • Baton
  • Baudry
  • Bazoil
  • Beraufort
  • Befor
  • Bellet
  • Ballin (Bellini)
  • Belloe
  • Bengli
  • Benin (Benain)
  • Benon
  • Berin
  • Bernard
  • Berrand
  • Berrard
  • Bibbeau
  • Biolbaud (Bilbau, Bilbun)
  • Billet
  • Billiebo (Bilbo)
  • Billot
  • Bingli (Bingly)
  • Biognan
  • Bioret
  • Blouet
  • Blooet (Blewett, Bluet)
  • Bocar
  • Boff
  • Boignan (Boignand, Boignant)
  • Boisseau
  • Boisson (Boissou)
  • Bomard
  • Bon
  • Bonard
  • Bondurant (Bonduran, Bondurand)
  • Bonion
  • Bonsergent
  • Bon villier
  • Booker
  • Bore
  • Bossard (Boshard)
  • Bpossart
  • Bosse
  • Bouchert (Bouchet)
  • Bougovan
  • Bourgoan
  • Bourru
  • Bouvot
  • Bowdoin
  • Bower
  • Braban
  • Brailt
  • Brian (Brans. Brians. Briant)
  • Bricui
  • Broc (Brock)
  • Brooke( Broret)
  • Brousse (Brouse)
  • Bruer
  • Biffe
  • Buccard
  • Buffo
  • Burrand


  • Cabanis (Cabiness, Cabarniss)
  • Caboine
  • Caftes
  • Cahaigne
  • Cailland
  • Caillau Calvert Cantepie Cappon (Capen, Capon, Cappen) Carboneau Carbonnet Caron Castagne Castiche Castige Castra Cautipie Cavalier Chabanas Chabran Chalagenie Chalaine Chalanier Chalin Chambares (Chambures) Chambon (Chambor) Chambeux (chambeaux) Chaperon Charetie Charier Charpentier Chastan (Chastain, Chastaine, Chastaing, Chastatain) Chatanier Chaveron Chenas Cheneau Chevas Clarke Clere Cochet Cocuelguie Coliart Collile Combel Comte Constable Constantine (Constantin) Corbell Corbelouse Corbet Corine Corne Corneau (Cornu) Corun Cosby Coullard Coullon Coupet Courru Coustillat (Constillat) Crouch Cumery Cuper (Cupper) Curien Cury D'Allison Daniel D'Aubigne (Dabney) Daulegre Dauphin David De Bart De Bettens De Clapie De Clue De Corne Deen De Hay De Hon De Joux De la Brouse DeLalua De la Muce De Launay Delhapiel DeLinet Delome DeLorn Delpus DeMelez De Melvis Deneille (Deneale) Deppe (Depp) De Ramberge DeRichbourg De Sailly Dieu Don Dousseau Duacon Dubroq Dubruil (Dibrell) Duchemin Duclow Duclue Ducre Du Crow Dufonsau Du Loy Dumas Duncan DuPree Dupuy Du Pyn Durand Duronsau Dutarte (DuTartre) Dutoi (Dutoil) Duval Duvivier Dyker Dykins Eabuyt Edmon Egarne Elson Esly (Easley) Edins (Eddings) Faizant (Fasant) Faonton Farcy Farry Faucher Faure Fauve Felsau Ferran Ferre Ferrier Feuillet Filhon Finner Fleminoie Fleury Flournoy (Fleurnoir, Fleurinoie) Foix Fonasse Fontaine Fonuiele Forde Fordet Forloines Forqueran (Forqurand, Fourqurean, Fauqurean) Foucher (Fouche, Foshee, Feuchie) Fouillet Fournet Foy Fradot (Fradet) Gaillard Gannard Gardner Gargean Garre Garren Gasper (Gaspart, Gaspard) Gassard Gastand Gaury (Gowry, Gaure, Gore, Gorey) Gautie Govand Gavin, Gawey Genin Geoffrey Geraux Gererdeau (Girardeau) Gerner Gigon Gigou Gillan Gillaum Gioudar (Gioudan) Girandan Girant Giredan Godriet Godwal Goin Gomar Gondemay Gonfan Gorner Gose (Goss, Gase) Gosfand Gouiran Gourdonne Goury (Garry) Govin Grahame Grelet Greordocaso Guamondet Guerrant (Guerin, Gueran) Gueruer Guervot Guettle Guevin Guichet Gullature Gulte Gunn Gwinn (Guinn) Hagault Hamton Hanery (Haneri) Harri Henley Howard Hugault (Hugaut, Hugo) Hugon Hulyre Imbart (Imbert) Janbon Joacmi Joanes Jordan Joseph Jouany Jourdon Jovany Joyeau La Badie La Barr LaBoire LaCadon Lacaze LaCourru Lacy LaFew LaForce Lafuitte Lalorie LaMare Lamas Langlade Landson Lanusse La Prade La Soisee Lassin Latine Latinier Launay Laureau Lauret Lavigne Leasco LeCoin LeFeme LeFevre (LeFever, LeFavour, LeFebre) LeFoy Legrove LeGrande (La Grand, Le Graund) Lellew Leluells Lemarchand Leneaveau LeRoux LeRoy Lesebure LeSeur Lesnard Leurat Levasseur Leverre (Le Vere) Levesque LeVillain (lLevilland, Vilain) Levrant Lewreau L'Orange Loucadon (Loucadou) Louys Macan Madouay Maizeaux (Des) Malard (Maillard, Malarde) Mallefant Mallet Mallon Mallott Malver Mar Marche Mare Marrisset (Moriset) Marot Martin Marye, Maseres Masset (Massey) Massoneau Matton Mattory Maupin Maurey Maxey Mazel Mazeris (Maseres, Masere) Mearyut Melonie (Melene, Malone, Malonee, Maloney) Menager Menetrie (Menestries, Ministres) Menot Mertle Michaux Michel Micou Mingot Minst Mocks Molinie Monford (Monfort) Monnicat Montgut (Montague) Moreau (Morroe) Morel Moret Moriset (Morriset, Mariset, Morzen, Morizet, Moriser) Moroll Moul Moulin Mountier Muller Mullin Nace Nicod Nicholay (Nicola) Obrey Odias Oger (Ogier) Ojer Olivier (Oliver) Olmier Onan Orange Ormund Panetie (Panetier) Pantier Papham Papin Parcule Parenteau Parmantie Parmentier Parontes Parransos Parrat (Parette, Parrott?) Passedoit Pasteur Patterson Pean (Peen, Pene, Peane) Pemberton Pepre Perault (Pero, Perrow, Pierro, Perro, Perreau) Perenteau Perrut Perry Peru Petit (Petitt) Philipe Pinnet Pointevin Porter Pouisette Powell Prain Prampain Presnall Prevol (Prevot) Prevost Prevoteau Proan Prot Prouit Purrut Quictet Rambaeye Rambrey Rapene (Rappine) Rasciene Regnault (Reno) Remis (Remy) Renaud (Reno) Renoil Ribot Richard Riche (Ritche) Richebourg Richemon Riches Richet Rivers Riviole (Riviol) Roball Robard Robin Robinson Rochet Rogers Roger Rogier Rondere Rounel Rousseau Roussel Rousset Rouviere Roux Roy Rugon Rulleau Rullet Russ Sabattie Salle (Saillee, Sailly) Samson Samuel Sarazin Sardin Sargeaton Sasain (Sassin, Sassain, Susain) Saum Savin Saya Saye (Seay) Sayte Scot Seahult (Schult) Sene Shabron Shorte (Short) Shulu Smithe Sneadow Soblet (Sublet) Sobriche Sobry Solaigre (Soulegre, Soulaigre) Souan Soubragon Souille (Soulie, Souile) Souinne (Sweeney) Soule Sponge Stanford Stoneband Stot Streof Sturter Sublet (Sublitt, Soblet, Sobler) Subus Suce Sugre Sumter Surgan Surin Symond Taboi Tammas (Thomas) Taniere Tanin Tardieu Tartre (du) Taure Tauvin Teler (Taylor) Temple Tevis Thomitier Tignac Tillou Tonin Trabue Trauve Tremson Trent Trevis Troc (Troe) Trouullard Trubyer Tryon (Trion) Tuly Vaillan Vallant Vallons (De) Veras Verau Verduiel Vernueil Verrueil Verry (Verey) Vidau Vignes Vilain (Villain, Le Villain) Vique Viras Voye (Voyes) Voyer Vudurand Watkins Wever (Weaver) Williamson Witt Young Zossard