Idlewilde Fraternal Cemetery Association, Hood River, Oregon
Twelve acres of land were deeded for burial purposes on November 23, 1894 by Robert F. and Josephine Hardwick in consideration of $400 paid by Idlewilde Lodge #107 Independent Order of Odd Fellows (I. O. O. F.), subject to the rules and regulations to be mutually agreed upon by Idlewilde Lodge #107 I. O. O. F., Hood River Lodge #105 A. F. & A. M., and Riverside Lodge #68 Ancient Order of United Workmen (A. O. U. W.)
The Idlewilde Fraternal Cemetery Association was officially organized March 26, 1895. The first burial documented in the local newspaper was that of Annie Haynes Morton on June 16, 1889, although there are graves for several people from prior to that date, some of whom were reinterred in the cemetery. The earliest death date on a headstone is June 5, 1877 for Thomas Purser.
The cemetery expanded to the current 18 acres, with the first burial in the "new" section in 1974.
Since 1971 the cemetery has been controlled or managed by Hood River Mason Lodge #105 A. F. & A. M.