American Jewish Historical Society, Guide to the Independent Order of the Sons of Benjamin collection, 1898-1905. [http://findingaids.cjh.org/?pID=365636]
The Independent Order of the Sons of Benjamin was founded in New York City in 1877. It was founded by members of the Order of B'rith Abraham, the Masonic Fraternity, and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and incorporated some of their rituals into the order. Lodges that were exclusively for women were also established. By 1899 the IOSB had 18,000 members in 200 lodges, but it is now defunct. ("Stories in Stone New York", Douglas Keister)
See also "Jewish Immigrant Associations and American Identity in New York, 1880-1939", Daniel Soyer.
Published in the Brooklyn New York Standard Union on February 18, 1907, an article on the "Silver Anniversary of Maccabee Lodge #49, I.O.S.B" lists the following members as attendees: Aaron, Philip; Abraham, Henry; Abrams, Samuel; Alexander, Harris B.; Almuly, Lazarus; Barnett, Bernard; Bauchwitz, Louis; Berwin, Abram; Blatteis, Solomon; Bloch, Abraham; Blum, Albert; Boll, Emil; Brandenberg, Henry; Breslauer, Raphael; Brown, Alexander; Brown, Falk; Buchenholz, Bernhard; Cassel, Samuel; Cohen, Louis; Cohn, Mark; DeGoode, Mr.; Dresdner, Isadore; Dresdner, Louis; Ehrlich, Carl; Ernsthal, Mr.; Fine, Joseph; Finkelstein, Morris,; Finkelstein, Samuel; Flash, Joseph; Fried, Herman; Garlick, Abraham; Garlick, William; Geismar, H.; Godarski, Michael; Goldstein, Charles; Grossman, Louis; Grunwald, Moritz; Guttentag, Nathan; Haas, Burkhard; Haas, Isaac; Haas, Julius; Haas, L.; Haas, Max; Hans, Nathan; Harris, Charles; Harris, Isaac; Harris, Nathan; Heller, Abraham; Hering, Rudolph; Isaacs, Morris; Joseph, Jacob; Kingsburg, Moses; Klotz, Simon; Kobliner, Isaac; Kraemer, Louis; Kronengold, Adolph; Lalie, Ferdinand; Laske, Samuel; Leibowitz, Joseph; Lesser, Ludwig; Levison, Samuel; Levy, David; Levy, Gerson; Levy, Hyman #1; Levy, Hyman #2; Levy, Isaac; Levy, Meyer; Lichtenstein, Jacob; Loewenheim, N. L.; Lowenstein, Herman; Lowenstein, Marcus; Lubin, Jacob A.; Lyons, B.; Marcus, Adolph; Marks, Joseph; Meyer, Bernhardt; Meyer, Bertram; Meyer, Frank; Michaels, Louis; Miller, Louis; Mintz, Israel; Monday, Solomon; Monday, William; Morris, Julius; Neadle, Manheim; Osher, Max; Pauls, Abraham; Peyser, Isaac; Reich, Abraham; Rich, Simon J.; Ries, Leopold; Rinaldo, Samuel; Ringer, Abraham; Rosenblum, Samuel; Rosenson, Herman.; Rosenson, Levy; Rosenthal, Alexander S., Justice; Rosenthal, Isadore; Samuel, M.; Schramm, Hugo; Seide, Joseph; Senger, Alfred; Shaffran, Heins; Shapiro, William; Sherick, Joseph; Shottlander, Herman; Shudmack, Solomon; Siegel, Nathan; Silverstein, Phillip; Simon, William; Solomon, Simon; Souwein, Adrian H.; Stamper, Joseph; Stoerger, Max; Strahl, Robert; Sudransky, Abram H., M.D.; Wohlheim, Elias; Wolff, Moses; Wormer, (Unreadable).