This is the master project for Slaves in Jamaica.
Naming conventions
- First name: Ned
- Middle name: (blank)
- Last name: (blank)
- Birth surname: (blank)
- Display name: Ned, slave of Agnes Witt
- Also known as: List of other slave owners EX; Ned the slave of John Blue, Ned the slave of Fred Ugly
- About: Any other information that may be helpful to other researchers
- Sources: All sources should be uploaded to the profile so other researchers can see it
- Ethnicity: "Black" or "Mulatto" etc (as per source)
- Occupation: Job title if known EX.. Worked in Main House, Farmer, Cotton Picker
A Note on Documenting Slaves Names. When extracting and indexing historical or genealogical data on American slaves, researchers will find that most kinds of records usually give slaves a first name only. Since slaves were documented as property in most surviving records, a slave's legal identity was the combination of his/her first name and the full name of his/her owner. For research purposes, the slave owners complete names act as the best substitute for surnames of slaves (even if a record gives both a first and last name to a slave, the slave owners name will still be essential to tracing that slave in other sources); this combination of slave's first name and owner's full name can be as effective as the name of any free person in tracing slaves from record to record. For a lengthier discussion, see David E. Paterson, A Perspective on Indexing Slaves Names, The American Archivist, 64 (Spring/Summer 2001), 132-142.