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Jewish Composers (Classical)

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  • Moritz Moszkowski (1854 - 1925)
    Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Moszkowski once underscribed an autograph book which had been previously inscribed by the great German conductor, virtuoso pianist and composer Hans von Bülow, who had ...
  • Paul Haas (1899 - 1944)
    Pavel Haas (21 June 1899 – 17 October 1944) was a Czech composer who was murdered during the Holocaust. He was an exponent of Leoš Janáček's school of composition, and also utilized elements of folk mu...
  • Siegfried Fall (1877 - 1943)
  • Hans (Jan) Carl Krasa (1899 - 1944)
    Birth Praha HBMa2557 Born 30. 11. 1899* Last residence before deportation: Prague I* Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague I, Konviktská 5* Transport Ba, no. 67 (10. 08. 1942, Pragu...
  • Viktor Josef Ullmann (1898 - 1944)
    Quelle: ORF (Fernsehdokumentation anlässlich der Neuinszenierung der Oper "Der Kaiser von Atlantis" im November 2013:Composer Viktor Ullmann, a pupil of Schönberg and promising musician prior to Hitler...

This project is an invitation to add profiles of composers who identify as Jews or are ethnically Jewish. Another project may be created for Jewish composers of popular music. At times the lines may seem blurred with such composers as George Gershwin and Kurt Weill, whom I am including here.