This project, a sub project of the Jewish Communities of Bohemia and Moravia, attempts to collect persons connected to the small town of Chudenice, (Chudenitz), near Klatovy in the area of Plzen.
Chudenice was a market town for the surrounding area and Jewish families lived there to conduct business with visitors and merchants. The current population in the town in the Czech Republic is 670 people.
A search of Yad Vashem displays 5 people from Chudenice who perished in the Holocaust.
Chudenice maintains a web site here: http://www.sumavanet.cz/umchudenice/
Description of this Jewish town is here: http://www.jewish-route.eu/english/mesta/03_chudenice/chudenice.htm
The site at http://chewra.com which lists Bohemian cemetery data does not contain any records for the town of Chudenice.
Badatelna contains some records of Chudenice. Here: http://www.badatelna.eu/fond/2098/inventar/?q=Chudenice
The Inventories of the Jewish Population does contain records for this town. The search is begun at http://www.projektsoupis.cz
Researcher Jiri Waldek of Labske Chrcice, Czech Republic has located some data in the various census records. For example, there are no Bloch family names listed in 1724 or 1783. In 1793 there are Bloch's. Refer to the profiles that have been added to this Geni Town Project for details.
Additional detailed census data from 1793, in German, are to be found here: http://pvh.ff.cuni.cz/zidi/Klatovsko_1793.pdf Courtesy of Hanus Grab.