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Jewish Families from Dolni Bukovsko, Czechia

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  • Wilhelm "William" Steiner (1886 - 1965)
    Wilhelm Steiner, born on 12 Aug 1886, Bukowsko 3 bezirk Wesseli son of Benedikt Steiner: aus Chlistau gerichtsbezirk Klattau wohnhaft und handelsmann in Bukowsko, gerichtsbezirk Wesseli , sohn des Jako...
  • Karl Steiner (1887 - 1941)
    Karl Steiner 29 December 1887 Bukowsko 3 vater : Benedikt Steiner aus Chlistau gerichtsbezirk Klattau wohnhaft und handelsmann in Bukowsko, gerichtsbezirk Wesseli , sohn des Jakob Steiner aus Chlistau ...
  • Anna Mahrer (deceased)
  • Therese Steiner (1859 - 1942)
    marriage record of Benedikt Steiner and Theresia Mahrer zeit und ort der trauung: 20 Okt. 1885 Bukowsko bezirk Wesseli a.d.L. der Bräutigam: Benedikt Steiner handelsmann zuständig zu Chlistau bz. Klatt...
  • Sofie Pollak (1855 - 1933)

Dolni Bukovsko is a market village that lies on the border of Budejovice and Tabor in the Czech Republic. A modern religious community was established in 1859 and continued to grow until 1898 when the Jewish population rose to a total of 1,972. During the war in excess of 500 Jews were sent to concentration camps.

At the end of the Second World War the village became a haven for refugees from the German Prussian Silesia area. They took up residence at a local school until the arrival of the Red Army in May 1945.