Some Pollak families of origin from the Holy Land ,of America, may be descended from Rai-Pwenlake ,
one of the kings of Nan Madol of the Sau-Deleur dynasty ,in whose name Rai may be interpreted in
the Gypsy language,the pidgin Hindi ,simply as king .
Pwenlake might have become Pollak .
The dynasty was founded by Olo-Sohpa ,and worshipped a deity called Nan-Isohn-Sapw ,or Nan Sapu ,
after whom Sabo-Nan tribe in America ,among Coroado peoples , may be named too .
Coroados in general ,chiefs of te Zhe tribes ,may be descended from Do-A-Zhe-O-Kol-Ra ,
called so by Mongol tradition,stated to be the ancestor of Oyirad nobility of Jungaria ,called after
his four sons Dörben .
Jungar could mean Jew-Hungar and may be the place Hungarian Jews ,together with Hazaras ,
might have emigrated from into Khazaria ,and then into other places - maybe together with
Hungarians themselves .
Ju is the Chinese name of Wa-Hayat-Daha ,king of Hia dynasty ,and son of Shao-Khang .
One of his sons,A-Zhe-Reg-Ha may well be the ancestor of Zhe tribes in general ,through his five sons .
Coroado-Zhe himself had at least four sons ,among whom Dawa-Ka-Shaya-Ne may be closerly related
to the dynasty of Madolenihmw ,Kashine tribe related to Sabonan being named after him
Also Kandoshi ,alias Kandoaze ,bears his name .
The Deleur dynasty was ended in about 1628 by the arrival of Isokelekel / Idzikolkol ,who may be
identical with Teimuraz / Timur ,king of Georgia ,grandson of Levan / Kubilai ,ruling until about 229 ,
that is 1616 according to the currently overall used aera of beginning in 1387 BC ,and 1294 according
to the Norsemen' s aera of beginning in 1065 BC .
The aera counted from 1349 BC results 1578 to this date .
He may also be identical with Tombu ,king of the Guayanaz ,that is Tembu-Guayanaz .
Guayanaze people namely,or at leaast their vasals of the Zhe family,may be descended from Kel-Lag-Kel-La ,
one of the sons of A-Zhe-Reg-Ha ,whosen name has been preserved in the ethnonym Laklano -
they are the Shokleng .
Yet the first Timur ,ruler of Samarkand ,called Timur Lang or Tambur-Laine ,might have had firm interests in
Oceania ,his name might have been among Torajas similarly Tamboro-Langi ,the ancestor of their noble
class until this very day .
His name in the Synagogue might have been Eisig Beer ,that is Itzig ,so Timur ,king of the Laklano ,
may well be called Itzig-Kellagkella .
Olosohpa ,founder of the dynasty ,king of the Sokpa ,who are the Mongol ,had an alleged brother ,
or maybe father ,Olosihpa ( Ol-Wosin-Hyspa ? ) ,who may probably be identical with Hyspaosin
( Hyspa-Wosin ) ,king of Kharak in the region of Mesopotamia now still called Akhwar .
He was the son of Sagd-Odona(r)k,who appears to be identical with Odonark,called also Odomarra ,
who fought against the nationalist Makkabaians for the power over the Holy Land of America,and was
at a time defeated,in 157 BC ,by Ionatha of that family .
He is mentioned in the Francon chronicles as Odomar ,and may also be identical with Anarawd
( Anar-Auddu ) of the Welsh history ,ruling until about 149 BC .
He may be the ancestor of Odomari people in Udmurtia ,the Votyak people of which may be related
to Wodtiha in Venezuela ,called also Deyarwa .
Chiefs of the latter claim descendance from Ukara ,after whom river Arauca might be named too ,
identifyable with Roca Didu ,ancestor of the Incas in Cuzco ,and of Araucanian peoples in general anywhere .
This suggests the identity of Odomar as Roca Didu as well .
See Paulista.Polinka,Járóka,Cocom,Edelmann,Arauco,Votyakov,Gyúró,Tyavoda,Darvai,Darvay,Vadkerti,
Wohlgemuth.Prusiak,Preuss,Prus,Jakab,Zigeuner,Bettelheim and others !
Balázs Déri