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Jewish Families from Falticeni, Romania

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  • Pia Poplicher (1909 - 1987)
  • Yehoshua (Oisya) Zeev Falik (1834 - 1915)
    'Oisya (Yehoshua) Falik was a famous Rabbi and writer of religious books. Among the books he wrote which are studied to our days: ספר נהורא דאורייתא ' , 1873, למברג (לבוב) הוצאת אברהם ניסן זיס ואפרים א...
  • Solomon Hersch Rosenberg (1875 - 1965)
  • Jacob Rosenberg (1875 - d.)
    Jacob Rosenberg was born in 1875 in Giurgesti, Romania. He married Chaya (Haia) (Clara) Vald (Valt) on 1 June 1904 in a Jewish ceremony. Their civil ceremony was on May 16 in Giurgesti. The couple had ...

This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from Falticeni, Romania.