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  • Dr. Abraham Arden Brill (1874 - 1948)
    Abraham Arden Brill (October 12, 1874 – March 2, 1948) was an Austrian-born psychiatrist who spent almost his entire adult life in the United States. He was the first psychoanalyst to practice in the U...
  • Adriana Cornelia Petronella Hasebroek (1814 - 1865)
    Adriana Petronella Cornelia Hasebroek , born June 24th 1814 in Leiden, christened in de Marekerk, deceased October 7th 1865 in Utrecht and buried at the city cemetery. Married with Dr. W.G. Brill July ...
  • Rabbi Azriel Izrael Brill (1778 - 1853)
    BRILL, AZRIEL BRILL, AZRIEL (1778–1853), rabbi and scholar born in Zay-Ugróc, Hungary. He studied under ezekiel landau , moses muenz , and mordecai banet . In 1814 he was appointed teacher of Hebrew, m...
  • Bruno Brill (1918 - 1943)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs: Brill, Bruno geboren am 30. Mai 1918 in Herzebrock/Wiedenbrück/Westfalen wohnhaft in Herzebrock INTERNIERUNG/INHAFTIERUNG 12. November 1938 - 02...
  • Else Elkan (1882 - 1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Elkan, Elsegeborene Cohn geboren am 03. September 1882 in Königsberg / - / Ostpreußen wohnhaft in Berlin (Schöneberg)Deportation: ab Berlin 18. Oktober 1941, L...

About the Brill surname

Mid 19th century -- at Libochovice Brills lived in these houses: No 3, No 5, No 6, No 7, No 9, No 25, No 105, No 138, No 170


Balázs Déri says :

Brill family's ancestor may possibly be Barillus son of Sennabor king of Kappadokia who took part in the battle for Hiero-Solyma in Amazonia on the side of Tit Vespasian and finally was rewarded by the hands of the ceasar's daughter becoming after king of France and thus later father of Tit-Urison and grandfather of Tit-Urel.

Vespasian was called by kichuas Titu Kusi Huallpa and by some brits counting from 1065 b.c. for some reason Balduin. In case he is still identical with Yawar Wak'hak inca ,like some sources state, this name may be an abbreviation of his hebrew name : Beer Aizik Leizer Deutsch. He was declared king of Hiero-Solyma in about 53 right at the beginning of popen war lasting for three years that is according to british 1118 corresponding to 1402 of italians.

He might have had more daughters,but one of them was married by Fulko of Anjou. Agrippa ( Agrayappa ) in the byblical language means bird so Agrippa Mark king of Iudaia until 44 ( 1109 / 1393 ) might have been called by franks Fulko (Vug'lko).He was followed by the mentioned second Agrippa that is Fulko from A'arshak-Anzhu family ( 27-78 / 1092-1143 ) .

Balduin by the way was a cousin of Gottfried of Bonon that is Gondophar from the branch of Bonon king of Parthia and of parts of India.

Jews and christians read Uuf,Ashkenazi.

See Veszprémy,Spinka,Spinker,Wilner,Hunyady,Tevan,Deutsch,Horpatzky,Németh,Dózsa,Ótott,Tamudo,Kotromanic,Moldvan !