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Jewish Families from Rottweil (Baden-Württemberg), Germany

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  • Abraham Samuel Bernheim (1773 - 1839)
    in German: Winfried Hecht, "Das Rottweiler Bankhaus A.Bernheim zum Becher", in: Gedenkstätten-Rundschau, Nr. 9, Nov. 2012 S. 7-11. Article is downloadable from
  • Nathan Degginger (1777 - 1849)
    Owned a small inn, Die Krone (The Crown) in Rottweil. (See the book Portraits of Our Past: Jews of the German Countryside) Dokumentation der jüdischen Grabsteine in Baden-Württemberg, Fotografien Mühle...
  • Pauline (Twin) Esslinger (Degginger) (1807 - 1888)
    Mentioned in the book Portraits of Our Past: Jews of the German Countryside. Grave Family record:
  • Moritz Esslinger (1802 - 1882)
    See Hahn, Joachim: Jüdisches Leben in Esslingen. Geschichte, Quellen und Dokumentation, pages 371 to 379.> Moritz, the son of Abraham Eßlinger born in 1802, engaged in the Jewish community of Rottweil;...

This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Rottweil (Baden-Württemberg), Germany.

JewishGen-Rottweil (Baden-Württemberg)