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Jewish Families from Tarnobrzeg, Poland

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  • Frumet Schimmer (deceased)
    cf. actual IKG-Jaroslaw birth registrations of grandchildren ...
  • Refoel Menachem Nissen Nussbaum (1886 - 1943)
    Rafael Nissen NUSSBAUM: b. 17 May 1886, Tarnobrzeg - d. 3 Sept 1942, Auschwitz, HOLOCAUST Information courtesy of various sources, including the following: Registration in the Netherlands: NUSSBA...
  • Pinkas Deresiewicz (1901 - aft.1942)
    Pinkas Pinchas DERESIEWICZ DARESCHEVITZ etc.: b. 12 April 1901, Tarnobrzeg - d. after 7 Sept 1942, Auschwitz, HOLOCAUST Details of deportation and subsequent death courtesy of: Pinkas DERESIEWICZ had...
  • Khava Deresiewicz (deceased)
    cf. Yad Vashem Pages of Testimony submitted for family ...
  • Shlomo Yaakov Deresiewicz (deceased)
    cf. Yad Vashem Pages of Testimony submitted for family ...

This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from Tarnobrzeg, Poland.

Tarnobrzeg is located on the eastern bank of the Vistula River on trade routes linking Warsaw to the cities of southeastern Poland, Tarnobrzeg has long been a leading centre of manufacturing and commerce.

The names listed below to date have been taken from the Synagogue records of Jews to 1791 and will be placed in alphabetical order.

Any queries contact Pam Karp

Kehila links

Synagogue records until 1791

  1. Korn - Markus
  2. Wiesenfeld - Jakob
  3. Lesor Unfang
  4. Laba Forgang -widow
  5. Mojses Elefant
  6. Kopelman Hauser
  7. Szmul Goldman
  8. Jakob Wiesenfeld
  9. Josef Bursztyn
  10. Paranboga -widow
  11. Jakob Krocht
  12. Izaah Jegier
  13. Chaim Grejer
  14. Hersch Stern
  15. Joel Sifman
  16. Steinber -widow
  17. Levi Kinstlich Perilih
  18. Simon Czapnik
  19. Szmul Lonzj Rzeznik
  20. Rubin Nachtlecht -krawiec (tailor)
  21. Borch Goldfarb
  22. Josef Safier
  23. Fayga Berchfstain -widow
  24. Rewka widow Catholic
  25. Levi Morgenlander
  26. Josef Bakalarz
  27. Mojses Purelmetter
  28. Gimpel Gorfinkel
  29. Mojses Burstyn
  30. David Monchayt Ferlegir
  31. Natan Szpien
  32. Szmul Wiesenfeld
  33. Leybus Nussbaum
  34. Jakob Wiesenfeld
  35. Simul Kromhalter
  36. Natan Szpiren
  37. Joremiafz Szteinhart -Rabbi
  38. Jachym Szejer -krawiec (tailor)
  39. Pinchas Schlissel -picharz
  40. Gimpel Forbienstain -mydlarz (soapmaker)
  41. Kielman Raijs -garbarz (tanner)
  42. Josch Krepes -Bahalarz
  43. Israel Arabin
  44. Abraham Tyerszwel
  45. Mortka Eder -garbarz (tanner)
  46. Szmul Rubenfeld
  47. Awigdor Szaynok
  48. Josef Styrinblatt
  49. Beer Nodel -krawiec (tailor)
  50. Hersch Szwarzbach -krawiec (tailor)
  51. Jakob -czapnik (hatter)
  52. Iaseh Cymerman -czapnik (hatter)
  53. Borch Hartman
  54. Henoch Sztern -picharz (
  55. Jozef Rosenstok -czapnik (hatter)
  56. Salomon Buchwalt
