The list is of course not perfectly complete and may contain incorrect or missing information, therefore we are grateful if you want to adjust or add to the list.
It is an attempt to collect all Jewish noble families, there are of course different places on the net, but as a rule the lists on the net are incomplete or split, in addition we try to connect these on the list to various information available on the net so that it becomes easy for those of us who are genealogists, the more knowledge we gather, the more we gather.
Those of you who want to add people who can be linked to names that appear on the list below can add under the heading "profiles" by adding them based on the person's profile on Geni and clicking on Menu ”Actions" from there you go on to the heading ”Add to a project" and then a new box will appear where you can write "Jewish Nobility".
The Noble Families of Austria.
- Arnstein, Arnsteiner - Josef von Arnstein, who had converted, was made a baron in Austria in 1783.
- Baron von Arnstein - Nathan Adam von Arnstein, wascmade a baron in Austria in 1797.
- Baron von Pereira-Arnstein
- Auspitz Edle from Artenegg
- Bloch von Blochhaimb
- Baron von Brunicki
- Elkan von Elkansberg (later Bavaria)
- Baron von Ephrussi
- Baron von Eskeles
- Baron von Fischer
- Baron von Prawy
- Baron von Goldschmidt
- Baron von Goldschmidt-Rothschild
- Gomperz
- Baron von Gutmann
- von Haber
- Baron Haber von Lindsberg
- von Heine
- Baron von Heine-Geldern, Baron Heine von Geldern
- Edler von Henikstein (Hönigstein)
- Hoffmann Edler von Hofmannsthal
- Edler von Herz
- Baron von Joëlson
- von Lieben
- von Löwenthal
- Edler von Lämel
- Katzellenbourg
- Baron Marx von Marxburg
- Edler von Mises
- von Motesiczky
- Morpurgo (1867)
- Baron von Oppenheim
- Edler von Popper
- Parente (1847)
- Porges von Portheim
- Rothschild banking family of Austria — The Rothschild family
- Baron von Seligmann
- Baron Sonnenfels
- Baron von Todesco
- Wartenegg von Wertheimstein
- Joseph von Wertheimstein
- Hermann von Wertheimstein
- Baron Weil von Weilen
- Wittgenstein
- Zemlinsky
[ Friedrich Berthold Freiherr von Beck]
[ Rudolf Emanuel Rolf Freiherr von Beck]
Note: In the German speaking areas of the Holy Roman Empire and its various successor states the title of "Freiherr" corresponds to the English "Baron".
The Noble Families of Belgium
- Baron Alexander Zanzer (hereditary Mongolian title)
- Baron Henich Apfelbaum - Henich Apfelbaum, one of the most prominent members of the Antwerp diamond community and former president of both the HRD and the Beurs voor Diamanthandel and philanthropist, was awarded the honorary title of Baron by King Albert II of Belgium in 1995.
- Baron Lambert
- Baron Jacques Brotchi
- Baron Julien Klener
- Marquis de Montfort
The Noble Families of Britiain
- d'Avigdor-Goldsmid
- Earl of Beaconsfield (Christian)
- Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield(Converted Out), British Prime Minister (1804-1881)
- Mocatta
- Viscount Bearsted
- Alexander Bernstein, Baron Bernstein of Craigweil
- Joseph Stone, Baron Stone
- Arnold Silverstone, Baron Ashdown
- Baron Meyer of Shortgrove
- Montefiore
- Moses Haim Montefiore (1784-1885) financier, stockbroker, philanthropist and Sheriff of London.
- Rufus Isaacs, 1st Marquess of Reading
- Julia Neuberger, Baroness Neuberger, rabbanith
- Rothschild banking family of England
- Mark Schreiber, Lord Marlesford
- Baron Swaythling, same pedigree with Herbert Samuel
- Sydney Stern, Baron Wandsworth
- Michael Levy, Baron Levy
- Sassoon
- Andrew Stone, Baron Stone of Blackheath
- Benjamin Mancroft, 3rd Baron Mancroft
- Marquess of Reading - Rufus-Isaacs family
The Noble Families Czech
- Bassevi von Treuenfeld
- Bloch von Blochhaimb
The Noble Families of Netherlands
- Henriques De Castro - Not sure if it is Dutch or Portuguese noble family - Needs to be investigated further.
- Lopes Suasso Founded 16th century - Dissolution 1970
- Baron d'Avernas le Gras
- Salvador Founded 1821 - Dissolution 1975
- Teixeira de Mattos
- Goldman, Jonkheer
The Noble Families of France
- Count Cahen d'Anvers
- d'Avigdor
- d'Estienne, one of the early Franco/Jewish ennoblements in 16th-century Provence, after the family converted to Catholicism and changed their name from Cohen to Estienne in 1501
- Lafitte
- Baron de Fould-Springer
- de Salomon
- Pardes
- Baron of Picquigny and Viscount of Amiens
- Rothschild banking family of France — The Rothschild family
- Rothschild of Bordeaux (vinery) — The Rothschild Family
- Baron Rottembourg
- de Reinach
The Noble Families of Germany
- Auerbach
- Bleichröder
- Von Collen/von Cölln
- Princely von Fürstenberg
- von Gil
- Hecht
- von Hess
- Baron Hirsch auf Gereuth
- von Kaulla
- Baron von Landau
- von Liebermann-Schwarzschild
- Baron von Oppenheim
- Baroness Gertrud von Puttkamer
- Baron von Rosenberg-Redé
- Baron Reinach
- Baron Reuter
- Rotbert
- Rothschild banking family of Germany — The Rothschild Family
- von Salomon
- von Schwarzau (originally de Suasso)
- Aviel Justice Stein (commonly known as Avi Stei
- Baron von Stieglitz
- von Strauss
- von Weinberg
The Noble Families of Hungary
- Biedermann
- Baron de Csepel
- Baron Adolf Kohner de Szaszberek
- Fischer
- Goldberger de Buda
- Hevesy von Bischitz
- Baron Hatvany-Deutsch
- Hollitscher
- Jüllich
- Baron Königswarter
- Baron Kornfeld
- von Lieben
- László de Lombos
- Lukács (later became Christian)
- Baron von Neumann
- Baron von Neumann de Végvár
- von Neymann de Margitta
- Neumann von Héthárs
- Polanyi
- von Rosenberg
- Baron Ronai - Herman Weinberger was the chief Supply Officer of the Austro-Hungarian Army. In 1867, he was conferred the title of "Baron von Rona" by Emperor Franz Joseph. The Jewish last name (Weinberger) was later dropped, and Ronai (meaning "von Rόna") was adopted as the family name.
- Baron von Rosenberg-Redé
- Baron Schey von Koromla
- Szitányi Ullmann
- von Wertheimstein
- Zuckerkandl
The Noble Families of Italy
- Levi (1864): created barons by Vittorio Emanuele II.
- Baron Lumbroso, said to be from Egyptian-Jewish origin
- Baron Mazza, Naples
- Baron Grant
- del Castelo
- Paradiso
- von Rezzori
- Count Camondo
- Count Corinaldi
- Rothschild banking family of Naples — The Rothschild Family
- Tedesco
- Mendola, Palermo
- Montini
- Baron Morpurgo
- Baron Franchetti
- Marquis of Villimpenta - Joseph da Fano, who was made marquis of Villimpenta in Mantua (Italy) at the end of the 16th c.
- Count Ottolenghi di Vallepiana
- Reinach
- Salomon
- Senigaglia
- Vigil
- Baron Levi De Veali
- Marquis of Cahen di Torre Alfina - Edward Cahen D'Anvers, a wealthy Belgian banker who held the title of Marquis of Torre Alfina of Umberto I in 1885.
The Noble Familes of Poland-Lithuania
- Bartoszewicz
- Bergin
- Bielski
- Bloch
- Boessner
- Brandeis
- DOBROWOLSKI / DOBROWOLSCY, Jan & Grzegorz - sons of Szymon - from Orsza
- DOBROWOLSKI, Jan & Dominik
- DOBROWOLSKI, Marcin from Nowina
- DOBROWOLSKI, Jan from Odyniec. Lived in Lithuania; sons: Felicjan and Wincenty
- Epstein
- Ezofowicz
- Huppert-z-Wieliczki
- Januszewskich
- Konderski
- Kovalenko
- Krupa/Kruppa - Polish-Lithuanian noble family of Ukrainian Jewish extraction (considered to be noble under articles of the 3rd Lithuanian Statute)
- Krzyzanowski
- Lowe
- Majewski
- Sherrer/Sims
- Synkin
- Osiecimski
- Wolowski
- Zlatkovski
The Noble Families of Portugal
- Curiel (Dutch: Curiël or also known as: da Costa)
- Baron Diego Pereira d'Aguilar Portuguese-born London-based Jewish businessman.
- Baron Ephraim Lópes Pereira d'Aguilar second Baron d'Aguilar
- Baron Harry Emanuel de Almeda
- de Loronha (de Noronha, della Rogna) Fernão de Noronha (Geni profil)
- Vicecount de Stern, German-born British holder of a Portuguese viscountcy
- Baron de Stern, German-born British holder of a Portuguese barony
The Noble Families of Russian
- Babanin
- Baron Günzburg (Gunzbourg, Ginstsburg, Goratsiyevich Günzburg, de Gunzburg)
- Count Dobrowolski (later Dobrow), Russian and Polish family
- Baron Gantsmakher
- Grinkrugi - Hereditary nobility of the Order of St. Vladimir 4th
- Ephron
- Ephrussi
- Kanegissery - Hereditary nobility granted the rank of Joachim Samuilovich
- Khaykin
- Baron Shafirov
- Baron von Stieglitz (Russia) — Baron von Stieglitz (Geni)
- Baron Polyakova
- Ransohoff (Ransohov)
- Menschikoff (?)
- Nasonov
- Ulyanov (Father to Vladimir Lenin)
- Wertheim (from Poland)
The Noble Families of Spain
- Aboab
- Abravanel
- Arditti - of the Aragonese court
- Bargallo
- Benveniste
- De la Cavalleria
- Cabrera
- Cadena
- Carvajal
- Camondo
- Cohen
- Curiel
- Flores
- Koplowitz
- Maluenda
- Marmol
- Nahon
- Paredes
- Roditi
- Safira
- Saltiel (Shaltiel)
- Senior Coronel
- Surel
- Vázquez
- Verdugo (Berdugo)
- Vigil
The Noble Spanish-Jewish Familes of Aleppo, Syria
- Abigdor (via North Africa)
- Anteby
- Ashear
- Ashkenazie
- Attia
- Azari
- Blanca
- Cohen
- Douec
- Escava
- Esses
- Franco
- Gomez
- Grazi
- Hanan
- Hanona
- Hedaya
- Hidary
- Labaton
- Laniado (Spanish Jews from Venice)
- Levi
- Lofez
- Lopez
- Matalon
- Medina
- Meldola (from Toledo, Spain)
- Mizrahi
- Mosseri
- Nunez
- Peixotto
- Seixas (Portuguese)
- Setton
- Shalo
- Sutton
- Terzi
- Tuleda
- Vigio (Bigio)