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Jewish families from Libochovice (Libochowitz), Bohemia, Czech Republic

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  • Marie Heitler (1844 - d.)
    Birth record: 1013 LIBOCHOVICE (o. Litoměřice) N 1839-1855 (i) (27/76)
  • Babette Heitler (1845 - d.)
    Birth record: 1013 LIBOCHOVICE (o. Litoměřice) N 1839-1855 (i) (33/76)
  • Cecilia Heitler (1847 - d.)
    Birth record: 1013 LIBOCHOVICE (o. Litoměřice) N 1839-1855 (i) (39/76)
  • Fanni / Franziska Zuckermann (1849 - 1886)
    Birth record: 1013 LIBOCHOVICE (o. Litoměřice) N 1839-1855 (i) (47/76)
  • Katharina Heitler (1851 - d.)
    Birth record: 1013 LIBOCHOVICE (o. Litoměřice) N 1839-1855 (i) (55/76)

This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Libochovice (Libochowitz) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.

International Jewish Cemetery Project

tomb stones at Libochovice

Jewish families at Peruc region

Jakub Václav Zentner: ŽIDOVSKÁ OBEC V LIBOCHOVICÍCH V RANÉM NOVOVĚKU (Jewish community of Libochovice in early modern times), 2009, Praha, ([])


births 1788-1839

births 1839-1855

deaths 1788-1839

deaths 1840-1863'

marriages -- [] []

misc. -- [] []

"N (births) 1830-1837; O (marriages) 1830-1836; Z (deaths) 1830-1838" --[]

"N (births) 1839 - 1855(i)" --

"N (births) 1828, 1855-1860(i)" --

"O (marriages) 1839-1860(i)" --

"Z (deaths) 1840-1860(i)" --