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Jewish families from Pacov (Patzau), Bohemia, Czech Republic

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  • Friedrich Glaser (1891 - d.)
    Birth record: 1504 PACOV (o. Pelhřimov) N 1863-1944 (i) (70/144)
  • Katarina Glaser (1894 - d.)
    Birth record: 1504 PACOV (o. Pelhřimov) N 1863-1944 (i) (71/144)
  • Marie Freiberger (deceased)
    Source: marriage record of Samuel Freiberger .
  • Salomon Freiberger (deceased)
    Source: marriage record of Samuel Freiberger .
  • Samuel Freiberger (aft.1826 - d.)
    Marriage record (Malá Černá, 21 Oct 1857): HBMa 1507 PACOV (o. Pelhřimov) O 1842-1944, record 49, image 31 of 111 ( Vademecum ; Zayt )

This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Pacov (Patzau) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.

General Information:

"History of the Jews in Patzau/Pacov" by Jan Zoubek, from Hugo Gold's book Die Juden und Judengemeinde Bohmens in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Original German/Czech with photos | English translation

JewishGen's Pacov locality page has a map and some links to records.

Familiant Records:

Familiant records for some Jewish families in Pacov can be found in the Czech Archives in Fond 2098. The book has been digitized:

Other families may be recorded in nearby towns.

Jewish Vital Records:

The Czech Archives contain a number of record books for Pacov in Fond 1073 (now Fond 167). Digitized records include (N = births; O = marriages; Z = deaths; (i) = indexed). These were on, but the archive has since transferred them to VadeMeCum. This means that all references to documents on Badetelna are currently broken in the referenced profiles.


CHEWRA Projekt Keshet has documented 380 burials in the Jewish Cemetery in Pacov, including photos and transcriptions of epitaphs.

Photographer Martin Kolář has posted photos of the Jewish Cemetery in Pacov to the Facebook group "Židovské hřbitovy v ČR".

Pacov Holocaust Victims:

Yad Vashem records at minimum 30 Holocaust victims with ties to Pacov. Their names can be found here.