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Jewish families from Pelhřimov (Pilgram), Bohemia, Czech Republic

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  • Gustav Stein (1884 - 1915)
    Marriage record: PRAHA 2708 O 1912 (i) (35/71)
  • Franziska Glaser (c.1821 - 1850)
    Birth record: HBM 861 FÚ ŠLAPÁNOV (o. Benešov) matrika narozených (1800-1839); oddaných (1817, 1818, 1826); zemřelých (1816-1837), image 4/29 (Vademecum) Death record:
  • Moses Glaser (c.1813 - 1878)
    Birth: Fond 241 Nova Cerekev Marriage: HBMa 1952 STRÁŽ NAD NEŽÁRKOU (o. Jindřichův Hradec) O 1840-1865 Image 121 (30) Death: HBMa 1380 NOVÁ CEREKEV (o. Pelhřimov) Z 1869-1895 Folio 152 (132)
  • Josef Kohn (1893 - d.)
    Birth record: Marriage record: PRAHA 2715 O 1919 (i) (18/61)
  • Ladislav Dub (1878 - 1941)
    Marriage record: PRAHA 2709 O 1913 (i) (26/66) Death record: HBMa PRAHA - matriky zemřelých, Z 1941, inventory 2837, folio 167, line 480, image 170 (out of 312) Birth: HBMa 1380 NO...

This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Pelhřimov (Pilgram) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.