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Jewish families from Tmaň , Bohemia, Czech Republic

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  • Enoch Pollak (deceased)
    Marriage record: 2143 TMAŇ (o. Beroun O 1842-1852 (6/9)
  • Leopold Pollak (1861 - 1923)
    Birth record: 2145 TMAŇ (o. Beroun N 1816-1876 O 1812-1867 Z 1811-1879 (36/74) See - husband of No. 394. M NAD 167 Catalogue number: 1646 Chapter: PRAHA - matriky oddaných Inventory number: 2686 Book...
  • Emma / Emilie Pollak (1856 - d.)
    Birth record: 2145 TMAŇ (o. Beroun N 1816-1876 O 1812-1867 Z 1811-1879 (32/74)
  • Rosalia Pollak (b. - 1917)
    Obituary |19170611|9|100.0|0
  • Markus Pollak (deceased)
    Obituary |19021105|15|100.0|0 ???

This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the village of Tmaň in Beroun District in the Central Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic.