This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from Merano, Italy.
The Meran/Merano Spa. An internationally renowned vacation & health treatments center. Aristocrats, the Imperial Habsburg family as well as important personalities vacationing there were Sigmund Freud, Arthur Schnitzler, Stefan Zweig, and Franz Kafka.
Aaron Tänzer , (1871 – 1937) Göppingen, was an Austrian rabbi. He was born in Pressburg, Hungary. In 1896 he was called to Hohenems as chief rabbi of Tyrol and Vorarlberg; and from 1904 to 1907 he was rabbi of Meran (Tyrol).
Rabbi Dr. Abraham Altmann, Chief Rabbi of Trier Germany as well as rabbi for the Jews of the South Tyrol town of Meran which was close to the front lines (Meran was officially affiliated with the Jewish Community Organization of Hohenems in Vorarlberg, near the Swiss border).
The history of the Jewish Community of Merano, South Tyrol, Italy, dates back to the first half of the eighteenth century.
At that time, the whole region of Tyrol belonged to Austria , and the Jewish Community of Hohenems, in the Austrian region of Vorarlberg, close to the border with Switzerland , had jurisdiction over the Jews living in both the regions of Vorarlberg and Tyrol .
The emigration of Jews from Vorarlberg toward Tyrol began around 1840, when they were allowed to live in that region. Most families chose to live in the southern part of Tyrol , mainly Bolzano , Merano and several smaller towns.
The Jews of Merano used a donation from a German family named Königswarter to establish a sanatorium for poor Jews suffering from tuberculosis (1873), two cemeteries in Bolzano and Merano, and this synagogue (1901), which is still in use. The synagogue of Innsbruck , in northern Tyrol , was built one year later.
One of the outcomes of World War I was Austria ’s loss of the southern part of Tyrol , which was allotted to Italy . This included the Jewish Community of Merano, which had jurisdiction over the territory from the border to Austria down to the Lake of Garda .
In the 30 years between the end of World War I and the beginning of World War II, the Jewish community grew to more than 600. A number of kosher hotels and sanatoriums were established, which became famous throughout Europe .
Jews came to Merano from around the world. This is evident from the more than 100 places of origin referenced in the cemetery. The sanatorium treated many Jews suffering from tuberculosis, including many famous authors and scientists.
Jews also contributed to the development of Merano and the economic progress of South Tyrol , as well as the establishment of Kurstadt as a world famous resort.
Between 1933 and 1939, hundreds of Jews escaped Nazi persecution and found shelter in Merano, and Jewish schools were established for them. When the fascist regime adopted the Anti-Semitic laws of the Nazis, and the Germans moved into South Tyrol , foreign Jews were expelled.
The first deportation of Jews from Merano occurred immediately after Italy ’s surrender. The Nazis subsequently occupied the country and ruled this region as a part of Great Germany (September 1943). Meanwhile, more than 80 Jews perished in the Nazi extermination camps, mainly Auschwitz , in the concentration camp Reichenau near Innsbruck , or in the concentration camp established in 1944 by the Nazis in Bolzano (some of the victims are buried in the cemetery of Bolzano ).
In the years 1945 to 1947, more than 15,000 Jewish survivors of the Shoah found a temporary haven in Merano and the sanatorium then being run the American Joint Distribution Committee. Many of these Jews emigrated secretly to Palestine with the help of Brichà, which had a cell in Merano. In 1947, 3.000 Jews crossed on foot, by night, the 3.000 meter (10.000 feet) - high Alps near Bruneck, coming from Austria .
Merano was in these years, also a main transit point for Odessa , the secret Nazi organization helping war criminals and political leaders to escape. Adolf Eichmann and Joseph Mengele were among those who passed through Merano.
Contemporary Jewish Community
Today, the Jewish Community of Merano is one of the smallest in Italy , and the synagogue of Merano is the only one still in use in the entire region.
The Community runs a cultural center and a library, offering to Jews and non-Jews the means for improving their knowledge of Jewish religion, culture, traditions, music and literature. Year by year, many schools do visit the synagogue and hold long conversations with the president of this Community, who teaches them the history of the Jewish people and warns them about the dangers of racism. The Community also established a Jewish Museum in the building of the synagogue, which is designed to help prevent prejudice and fight racism and anti-Semitism.