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Killed by a falling object

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  • Donald McClean (1861 - 1900)
  • Johann George Amey, Jr. (1774 - 1826)
    About the year 1807 or "08, after Iiving in SpringfieldTownship for twelve years or more, they moved justacross the river to Greenwich JTownship, New Jersey. Warren County, remaining there five or six ...
  • Pvt. William Raven Kinzer, (CSA) (1844 - 1889)
    William Raven Kinzer was seventeen years old when he joined the Confederate Army in Mercer County on August 5, 1861, in Capt. John R. Dunlap's Co. 23rd Battalion of Virginia Volunteers Infantry. He was...
  • James Kerley (1810 - 1859)

Killed by a falling object

Please add Geni profiles to this project when cause of death was a falling object (e.g., rebar, tree branch, piano ...)

#1 Falling objects


Be careful where you stand because falling objects can come out of nowhere. Not only are you at risk of being struck by a falling object but you also have to worry about inanimate objects being thrown at you. The death toll is somewhere between 30 to 50 people per year that die from being struck by an object that was either thrown at them or fell on them.

Maybe your irrational fear of getting crushed by a piano isn't so irrational after all. This type of death is pretty hard to avoid because falling objects are sort of a surprise. We would tell you to wear some sort of protective gear but even hockey pads with a motorcycle helmet wouldn't do you any good if a piano does suddenly fall from the sky.

9 People Killed By Unexpected Things That Fell From The Sky

From oddee/weird deaths

  1. In October 2014, a schoolboy was killed after a sacrificial goat jumped off a roof and landed on his head.
  2. Aeschylus - The philosopher who died after a flying eagle dropped a turtle on his head.
  3. The woman who was crushed to death by huge Taco Bell sign.
  4. The woman who was killed after being hit by a falling gargoyle from a historic church.
  5. The man who was killed by an air conditioning that fell from the 7th floor.
  6. The football fan killed by a flying lawnmower.
  7. The Colombian man who died after a coconut fell on his head. (1)
  8. The Brazilian soccer fan who was killed by flying toilet.
  9. The two Canadians who were fatally hit by a flying bear.


  • 1. The saying that the chances of getting killed by a coconut is 15 times greater than getting killed by a shark is actually an urban legend. See Death by coconut


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