PLEASE HELP TO ADJUST FACTS-&-PROFILES-&-link family-members to the tree in a proper-good way and don't false your relation with this memorable African man!
Voorwoord, introduktie & toelichting
Dit project draag ik op aan een lieve vriendin, Helene KALENGA KALEMBAYI, die de verschrikkingen in Centraal Afrika is kunnen ontvluchten en nu probeert in Europa een zinvol leven te hervinden. Dat kan zij mede dankzij haar geloof in een God, die voor haar wordt vertolkt in het levensverhaal van Simon KIMBANGU. Ondanks verlies van levenspartner, familieleden en (pleeg-)kinderen onder barbaarse omstandigheden kijkt zij vol vertrouwen naar een toekomst waarin zij samen met andere wereldburgers wil bouwen aan bescherming en begeleiding van de vele kleine Afrikaantjes die het zonder vader of moeder verder moeten zien te redden.
the family and congra... of Simon KIMBANGU CONGO, Nkamba 12 sep 1887
Né à Nkamba, petit village d'alors, dans le Bas-congo, au Congo belge (actuel République Démocratique du Congo), Simon KIMBANGU est fils de tata Kuyela et mama Luezi. Il se marie à Marie Muilu KIAWANGA QUI lui donne trois enfants : Kisolokele Lukelo Charles, Dialungana Kiangani Salomon et Diangienda Kuntima Joseph.
Simon KIMBANGU FIT ses études primaires à la mission protestante de Ngombe-Lutete où il devint catéchiste quelques années plutard. C'est à partir de 1910 qu'il reçut l’appel divin à démarrer un ministère d’évangélisation et de guérison par la prière et l’imposition des mains. A plusieurs reprises, il refuse d' obéir à cet appel en expliquant qu'il n'est pas à la hauteur de telle si haute importante mission, jusqu'à ce que le 6 avril 1921, il guérit la jeune femme, Nkiantondo qui était dans le coma depuis plusieurs.
Généalogie de Simon KIMBANGU
- [ Simon KIMBANGU] ‧ 1887-1951 ‧
- tata Kuyela ‧ x ‧
- mama Luezi ‧ x ‧
- Marie Muilu Kiawanga NZITANI ‧ x ‧ marie de Simon
- [ Charles Kisolokele LUKELO] ‧ 1914 ‧ fils de Simon & Marie
- [ Salomon DIALUNGANA KIANGANI] ‧ 1916 ‧ fils de Simon & Marie
- [ Joseph DIANGIENDA KUNTIMA] ‧ 22 mrt 1918 ‧ info
- [ Simon KIMBANGU KIANGANI] ‧ 12 okt 1951 ‧ info
- [ Sidonie LUMUENEDIO] ‧ 19xx ‧
- et leurs enfants ...
- Chef Spirituel, Représentant légal de l’Eglise Kimbanguiste depuis 2001
- FR: Église de Jésus Christ sur la Terre par son envoyé spécial Simon Kimbangu
- NL: ...translations to be followed...
- EN: The Church of Christ on Earth by His Special Envoy Simon KIMBANGU. Kimbanguism is the youngest of the world's independent mono-theistic religions. Its founder, Simon KIMBANGU 1887-1951
Focus of this project is to map out a distinc, --- family tree and provide biographical information and sources. Kimbanguism is a branch of Christianity founded by Simon KIMBANGU IN what was then the Belgian Congo (now the Democratic Republic of Congo). The church's name is the Kimbanguist Church and is a large, independent African Initiated Church with an estimated 5.5 million believers.
In April 1921, Kimbangu, a Baptist mission catechist, inaugurated a mass movement through his supposed miraculous healings and biblical teaching. The Belgian authorities treated the faith with suspicion and imprisoned Simon KIMBANGU for most of his life (he died while in prison). The church was formally recognised by the Belgian colonial authorities in 1959. Some smaller, more loosely organised groups in Central Africa regard Kimbangu as God's prophet, though that view is not orthodox.
The church eschews politics and embraces a puritan ethic, rejecting the use of violence, polygamy, magic and witchcraft, alcohol, tobacco, and dancing. Its worship is Baptist in form, though the institution of Holy Communion was not introduced until 1971.
key dates in the Kimbanguist
- April 6 : marking the date of the start of the ministry of healing
- October 12 : marking the day Kimbangu died
- May 25 : marking Christmas, falling on the birthday of Papa Dialungana
The church is largely non-sacramental with large services only loosely organised. The church also believes that Papa Simon KIMBANGU is, in fact, the Holy Spirit, according to John 14:15-17. The Kimbanguists pray in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, both beginning and the end. Alongside Father Simon KIMBANGU, the Holy Trinity are, Father Kisolokele (first son of SK), as God the Father, Father Dialungana (the reincarnated Jesus Christ, and second son of SK), Father Diangienda Kuntima (last son, reincarnation of Papa Simon Kimbangu, and second human form of the Holy Spirit), and Father Simon Kimbangu Kiangani (grandson of Papa Simon Kimbangu, third human form of the Holy Spirit, and current spiritual leader of the Church, reigning from 2001-present) The Church Kimbanguist and the Catholic Church have some things in common, such as sharing the belief of the Incarnation, and the conceiving of the Holy Spirit. The Catholic Church and the EJCSK both belief that the Virgin Mary is the Mother of the Universe, but Kimbanguists believe that Mother Muilu Kiawanga Nzitani is the wife of Papa Simon Kimbangu, mother of the Trinity and of course, the Virgin Mary.
EN: Papa Simon Kimbangu came down to earth from Mount Zion as a Congolese infant. Tata Simon Kimbangu was raised by a Pentecostal minister and poor wife. Papa Simon Kimbangu grew up to be an extrodinary child, both with the wisdom of Solomon and the power to bring salvation to sinners. Papa Simon Kimbangu was a Anglican. When he was 20 years old, he married Mother Muilu Kiawanga Nzitani, was, in fact, the Virgin Mary, returning back to earth, and His aunt. Papa Simon Kimbangu married His aunt because, PSK's uncle was about to die, and in his deathbed, he asked Father Simon Kimbangu to marry his wife.
While Mother Muilu was asleep on her bed, she heard somebody talk to her Husband. She approached her garden, only to see Papa Simon Kimbangu talking to a stranger. A divine stranger. When she went to talk to Papa Simon Kimbangu, Papa then told her, that He was talking to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of Mankind, and God the Son. Mother Muilu was surprised, and she wished to help her husband in God's work. It was April 6, 1921, and there was a dead child. The mother of that deceased child was a devoted Christian. She then saw Papa Simon Kimbangu talking to his disciples, and then Papa Simon said to her, "Have faith in Me. I will give you a miracle and you know the truth about me. I will do something great for your daughter and you know see God's glory". The mother then gave her dearly departed child to the Holy Spirit, only for Papa Simon Kimbangu to resurrect her from the dead.
Organogram of the church
- Diangienda ‧ Spiritual head ‧ son of Simon
- Dialungana & Kisolokel ‧ [other sons of Simon Kimbangu] ‧ Adjunct spiritual heads~
- Bansadisi ‧ Healers
- Legal representatives of churches in various countries
- Regional representatives & staffs
- Sub-regional representatives & staffs
- Main parish ministers, evangelists & helpers
- Parish-section ministers, evangelists & helpers
- Congregants
=See also Mandombe==
- : Simon Kimbangu & Kimbanguism Official Website (mostly in French, some German) Orchestre Symphonique Kimbanguiste - Kimbangu resource
- Kimbangu: An African Prophet and His Church Marie-Louise Martin (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1976) ISBN 0-8028-3483-3 * KEYS : African Initiated Churches | Pentecostal denominations | Christianity in Africa | Religious organizations established in 1921 | New religious movements | Religion in the Democratic Republic of the Congo | Christianity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo | Christian denominations
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia