Kingdom of Cochin കൊച്ചി was a late medieval Hindu kingdom and later Princely State on the Malabar Coast, South India. Once controlling much of the territory between Ponnani and Kochi in Malabar, the Cochin kingdom shrank to its minimal extent as a result of invasions by the Zamorin of Calicut.
There is no historically written evidence about the emergence of Kingdom Of Cochin or of the Cochin Royal Family (Perumpadapu Swaroopam). All that is recorded are through folk tales and stories. So what we have today is only a blurred picture.
Even though there are many grandhas like Keralolpathi, Keralamahatmyam, Prumpadapu Grandavari, etc. we cannot fully rely on them as they are folk tales and stories but they have got their own prominence.
According to Keralamahatmyam (44th adhyaya) King Vishravanas daughter Bala told Parusurama that she needs a land with her name for her to settle. Parashurama for fulfilling her wish created a land from sea and called it Kochi (which later became Cochin). Lord Parashurama promoted this land and invited people of all religion caste and creed to settle here. This story can only be considered as a continuation of the old folk tale that Lord Parashurama created Kerala out of the sea and also that building of temples and regions were done by him.
There is a well known story that the last Perumal who ruled Kerala divided his kingdom between his nephews and his sons and got himself converted into Islam and went to Mecca for pilgrimage. Keralolpathi states the above story as " The last and the famous Perumal king Cheraman Perumal ruled Kerala for 36 years. He left for Mecca by ship with some Muslims who arrived at Kodungallore(Crangannore) port and converted to Islam. Before leaving to Mecca he divided his kingdom between his nephews and sons."
Perumpadapu Grandavari states " The last Thavazhi of Perumpadapu Swaroopam came into existence on the Kaliyuga day -SHODASHANGAMSURAJYAM. Cheraman Perumal divided the land into half, 17 amsha north of Neelaeswaram and 17 amsha south totaling to 34 amsha, and gave his powers to nephews and sons. Thirty four rajyas in between Kanyakumari (now in Tamil Nadu) and Gokarna (now in Karnataka) were give to the Thampuran who was the daughter of the last niece of Cheraman Perumal."
There is no evidence that Cheraman Perumal converted himself to Islam. There is also a controversy that Perumal got himself converted to Buddhism, Christianity or Jainism. Keralolpathi recorded the division of his kingdom in 345 AD, Perumpadapu Grandavari in 385 AD, Loghan (a historian) in 825 AD. There is no historical clue on the split of Kerala, but according to Elamkulam Kunjan Pilla (a historian) a split might have occurred during the second Cheran Dynasty (Beginning of 12th century).
There is also a view which can also be considered that the last Perumal, Ramavarma Kulashekara Perumal, of the second Cheran Dynasty (Kulashekara Samrajyam 800 AD - 1102 AD) with its capital at Mahodayapuram divided his Kingdom. There is also a baseless statement in Mangalamala (written by Appan Thampuran) that Bhaskara Ravi Varma had done the division. But there is evidence on the statement that the division was done by Ramavarma Kulashekara Perumal.
Ramavarma Kulashekara Perumal" s sister who was married to a Namboothiri of Perumpadapu Illom near Ponnani had five daughters out of which only the last daughter had a son. During the last days of his reign Ramavarma Kulashekara Perumal divided his kingdom between his sons, relatives, and nobles. The kingdom which was later ruled by his sons were called VENAD Swaroopam and that of his nephew was called PERUMPADAPU Swaroopam. Even though matriarchal system was prevalent, the majority of his kingdom was given in between his sons and rest only to his nephew with all the religious rights.VENAD Swaroopam was bestowed the honor Kulashekaraperumal and PERUMPADAPU Swaroopam as Koviladhikari which is a proof of their political and religious practice.
Capitals Of the Kingdom Of Cochin.
From the beginning of 12th century AD and to the end of 13th century AD Chitrakooda in Perumpadapu village, of Vanneri was the capital of PERUMPADAPU Swaroopam. Even though the capital of PERUMPADAPU Swaroopam was in Vanneri Perumpadapu king had a palace in Mahodayapuram.
When the Zamoorins attacked Vanneri in the later part of the 13th century, PERUMPADAPU Swaroopam shifted their capital from Vanneri to Mahodayapuram. This continued till the beginning of 15th century.
In 1405 PERUMPADAPU Swaroopam changed their capital from Mahodayapuram to Cochin. From there on PERUMPADAPU Swaroopam got the name Cochin Royal Family. By the end of the 14th Zamoorin conquered Thrikkanamathilakam and it became a threat for Mahodayapuram (Thiruvanchikulam) and this may be the reason that PERUMPADAPU Swaroopam changed their capital to Cochin. Not only this in the year 1341 a flood created an island Puthuvippu (Vypin) and Cochin became a world famous natural harbor. The old Kodungallore(Crangannore) port lost its importance. The above may also be a cause for the shift of the capital.
The palace at Kalvathhi was the residence of the kings in the beginning. Then in1555 the palace was shifted to Mattancheri. Then after that the capital was shifted to Trichur (Thrissur) for a long time. At that time Penvazithampuran (Female Thampuran) and the other Kochuthampurans (other Thampurans except the Valliathampuran (King)) stayed at a palace in Vellarapalli.
In the beginning of 18th century Thripunithura started gaining prominence. The kingdom was ruled from Trichur, Cochin and Thripunithura. Around 1755 Penvazithampuran (Female Thampuran) and the other Kochuthampurans (other Thampurans) left Vellarapalli and started to live in Thripunithura. Thus Thripunithura became the capital of Cochin Royal Family.
Different Names Of Cochin Kingdom
Perumpadapu Swaroopam, Madarajyam, Goshree Rajyam, Kuru Swaroopam are the different names of Cochin Kingdom. Perumpadapu Velliya Thampuran, Madamaheeshan, Goshree Bhoopan, Kuru Bhoomi Bhrith are the different ways to call the Kings.
Since according to Vishravanan's daughter wish Lord Parashurama created a small land for her that land was called Balapuri and which intern means a small Land (Kochu Desham) in malayalam. That was later called Kochi (Cochin).
According to Nichola County(15th century) and Fr. Poulino (17th Century) Kochi was renounced after a stream flowing through the place. This may be right since the capital of the kingdom was Kochi the entire Kingdom was popular by name Kochi.
Its is an accepted fact that the kings of Kochi genealogy started from the sister of the last Prumal (Ramavarma Kulashekara) and also she was married by Perumpadapu Namboothiri. After the death of the Namboothiri there was no predecessor to the wealth and his Illom was merged with the Dynasty and hence the name Perumpadapu Swaroopam came into existence. But this reason for the name cannot be accepted fully. It can also be that the first rulers ruled from Perumpadapu in Ponnani hence the name. This reason is more logical.
Thruvanjikulam Temple structure is according to the Chidambaram architecture form. So the founder can be a Chola Perumal from Chidambaram(T.N.) and also a tiger is inscribed on the flag which is called Puliyan and his place was called Pulyannur. This are from Putheyadath Raman Menons historical notes. Since Puliyannur Namboothiri (Tantri Poornathrayeesa Temple and Cochin Royal Family) originated from this place that Illom got this name. The name Perumpadapu came from Perumbathura Periyavar (The elder man of Perumbathura, a place near Chidambaram) which can also be a reason but is baseless.
There was adoption to Madathinkizu (Madathum Koor) Swoorupam from Perumpadapu Swaroopam and finally there was no predecessor in Madathinkizu their properties were attached to Perumpadapu Swaroopam. Thus the name Madarajyam came into existence.
The Sanskrit version of Madavamsham is Goshree Vamsham (Madu (Malayalam)= Pashu (Malayalam)= Go (Sanskrit)). The Kochi is the Synonym of Goshree.
There was also an adoption from Cochin Royal Family to Kuru Swaroopam and finally Kuru Swaroopam was merged with Kochi. Hence the name Kuru Swaroopam .
Area of Kingdom Of Cochin
At the time of partition Perumal gave megere land to his nephews, but owing to the adoption and merging, the area of the kingdom increased. At the time integration of Travancore and Cochin (After independence) kingdom consisted of Kochi, Kanayannur, Mukundapuram, Thrissur, Thalapilly, Chittoor and Kodungallore taluks. But once upon atime the kingdom was bigger than this. The Cherthala, Kunnathunad taluks and parts of Vikkom Ettumannur taluks was also under the Kingdom. Even the Vanneri taluk in Malabar was also a part of the Kingdom.Purakkad, Mangad, Vadakumkoor and Paravoor was also under the King of Cochin.On account of war between Travancore and Calicut The King of Cochin lost these places.
Similarities Between Surya-Chandra Vamsha
It is said that Cochin Royal Family's Creed is a mixture of Surya and Chandra Vamsha. Lord Parashurama came to Cochin and made grandson of Lord Sri Rama's son Lava the king of this kingdom. This statement is made in Keralamahatmyam. Hence Cochin Royal Family attained the creed of Suryavamsha.
Kurunadu (Kureekadu) is a synonym of Chandra. During the time of Ashwamedha of King Yudheeshtira, Arjuna reached Kurunadu and married the daughter Vidyavathi of King Udaya of Kurunadu. Naturally children of Vidyavathi were Kurus and after adoption the Cochin Royal Family had relationship with the Kurus. Kanaya's(Archer) land became Kanayannur and Udayanpuram as Udayamperoor.
The present Thripunithura belonged to Kuru Swaroopa. This statement can be valued by the story that the idol in the Lord Poornathrayeesa temple was kept by Arjuna.
Thus the purity that Cochin Royal Family obtained from Surya-Chandra Vamsha from purana's can be appreciated.
Development of Cochin Royal Family.
As only the last sister of Perumal had a son in the beginning the Kingdom was ruled by this son. But after that all in the family predecessor tree of the rest of the sisters they too started to have male children which resulted in an infight between the family members. This led to the making of five Thavazhi (Mootha Thavazhi, Elaya Thavazhi, Mrungoor Thavazhi, Palluruthi Thavazhi, Chaziyoor Thavazhi) and they lived in their own palaces. The eldest member of all the five thavazis was crowned the king.
In course of time there was adoptions from Elaya Thavazhi to Villarvattom and Kuruswaroopam and thus Elaya Thavazhi grew and also became stronger. As a result only the Elaya Thavazhi but the power to rule rested with the Elaya Thavazhi and the eldest male member from all the thavazis taken together was called the Perumpadapu Moopil but he didn't have any power residing with him. And in case the Elayathavazi didn't have any male children they can adopt a male child from the other four thavazi's.
But after few years there was a controversy about the selection of kings. After discussions with the nobles and Brahmins it was decided that the king can be selected from any of the five tahvazis after taking his horoscope, strength and intelligence into consideration so that it can increase the strength of the country. And the eldest member of the all five thavazis was called Perumpadapu Moopil. Perumpadapu Moopil has got the authority of decisions regarding the temples in the kingdom.
Portuguese commander Kabral had made a note of this system in AD 1500 it states that " The Kings of Cochin during their old age used to leave in the temples like sanyasins. Thus when one king retires to appoint another king Zamoorins had to be consulted. The chosen king when retires has to acknowledge the position of Perumpadapu Moopil.
But in 1510 King Unnirama Koyil II preferred not to retire on the advise of Portuguese and remained himself as the king. After this incidence the new custom of election was stopped and the old custom is followed till date. Only the eldest member from the elaya Thavazhi was allowed to be crowned the king.
There were plenty of adoptions to Cochin Royal Family and also from Cochin Royal Family. Even though this Phenomenon has incomplete evidence and puzzled historians a lot we will try to give you a brief description.
According to Perumpadapu Grandhavali " If there is no predecessor to throne in Elaya Thavazhi as they only have the right to become the kings then they can adopt from any of the four remaining thavazis". This statement also proves that only Elaya Thavazhi had the right to rule.
There was a situation in Elaya Thavazhi that there was no heir to the throne. Then that time king Godavarma (1637-1645) made an adoptions from Mootha, Muringoor, Palluruthy and Chaziyoor Thavazhi.(In grandhavari it is said that adoption was made when all the kings in Elaya Thavazhi died and only one female member was remaining. But this statement cannot be right as during the time of adoption King Goda Varma and his younger brother Elaya Thampuran were alive. Grandhavari says that adoptions were only made from Mootha thavzi and Palluruthi Thavazhi in the beginning and the rest adoptions were made later.)
There was an infight between the two thavazis when adoptions were made first which resulted in a split between the rest noble families. After the death of Veeraraya Varma of Elaya Thavazhi Portuguese supported Palluruthi Thavazhi and made the adopted son from that Thavazhi the king of Cochin.
After the death of the Kings who were adopted from Palluruthi and Chayur Velliamma Thampuran (Eldest female Member) Rani Gangadharalakshmi took over the rule as a regent. Acting according to Portuguese suggestion she adopted from Aroor and Vettathur. In 1968 five people(Thampurans) were adopted from Vettathur. This incidence is written in grandhavari and folk tales. But Henric Vanrid (a Dutch) has stated the adoptions as four. Two of the five adopted from Vettathur lived to be kings but there is no hint of howmany people were adopted from Aroor and what happened to them later. But one thing is sure nine of them survived to be kings.
The Thampurans who were thrown out of the kingdom (from Mootha Thavazhi) sought exile in Colombo and later asked the Dutch for help. While coming back from exile he died and an other Thampuran (adopted from Chaziyur) who was accompanying him was later crowned the king of Cochin by the Dutch.
The last king Rama Varma who was adopted from Mootha Thavazhi adopted six male and four female members from Chaziyur in 1689. This adoption also gave few results, so in 1715 again two male and one female members were adopted from Chaziyur. (According to Grandavari one male , one female). This was the last adoption that occurred in Cochin Royal Family and the present members of the predecessors of that Thampuran.
Convention For Naming A Male Thampuran
In Cochin Royal Family all the male Thampurans were named according to the following methodology.
- Eldest Male Son To A Mother Rama Varma
- Second Son Kerala Varma
- Third Son Ravi Varma
- Fourth Son Goda Varma.
But after 1663 Goda Varma naming convention was removed as the then ruler Goda Varma was considered very timid in nature. From then on to till date the first three naming convention is followed.
Rulers Of Cochin.
There is no proper record on the list of rulers of Cochin before the arrival of the Portuguese. But some names are written on grandhas and documents which are the only record.
Veerakerala Varma nephew of Cheraman Perumal is supposed to be the first king of Cochin. But the only record we have is from 1503 AD.
Unniraman Koyikal I (
to 1503)
When Kabral, a commander, arrived in Cochin with Portuguese in 1500 December 24th Unniraman Koyikal I was the ruler of Cochin. He ruled from the palace at Kalvathi. Commander Kabral visited the king and he was received with great honor.
Unniraman Koyikal I died with Elaya Thampuran (His nephew) and two other Thampurans in 1503 when the Zamoorins attacked Cochin. According to Portuguese all of them died at the war at Kadavth.But according to Thripunithura Grandhavari the death was at Palluruthi.
In 1503 he made the fourth member below him in age after omitting the other three.
Unniraman Koyikal II (1503 to 1537)
It was during Unniraman Koyikal II 's reign that Portuguese laid the foundation stone for their fort at Cochin (26-9-1503)
In 1505 the first Viceroy to India from Portuguese Francisco de Almaida arrived.in Cochin. Almaida presented the Unniraman Koyikal II with a golden crown on behalf of the king of Portugal. When Unniraman Koyikal I died in 1510 Unniraman Koyikal II didn't accept the Perumpadapil Moopan honor and continued to be the king with Portuguese support.
Unniraman Koyikal II died in 1537 when the rule "Only Thampurans from Elaya Thavazhi can be crowned kings", came into existence
Veera Kerala Varma (1537-1565)
It was during his reign that St Xavier arrived in Cochin(1542). Veera Kerala Varma was popularly known as Gangadharaveerakeralan. In 1549 then Portuguese governor robbed Palluruthi temple. In 1555 Portuguese built the Mattancheri Palace and presented it to the king (Dutch renovated this palace hence the name Dutch Palace). Veera Kerala Varma was murdered in 1565 by the suicide squad of the Vadakankoor king.
Keshava Rama Varma (1565-1601)
Keshava Rama Varma was the most popular king during the Portuguese era. Jew street and Jew town was established during his era(1567). Land was also given to Thirumala Devasom in Mattancheri during his reign. In 1599 Arch-Bishop of Goa had also visited this king. He retired and went to Kashi for pilgrimage where he died in 1601 May 3rd.
Veera Kerala Varma (1601-1615)
It was during his reign that the first British ship arrived India(1609). During his reign Muringoor Thavazhi ran out of predecessors and permission for adoption was given to eldest member to adopt the second eldest member (Godavarman) from Elaya Thavazhi.
He departed to his heavenly abode on 15th April 1615.
Ravi Varma (1615-1624)
There were no recordable development during his reign.
He departed to his heavenly abode on 30th September 1624.
Veera Kerala Varma (1624-1637)
Mathilakam Angadi was captured during his reign.
He departed to his heavenly abode on 11th July 1637.
Godavarma (1637-1645)
During his reign Muringoor Thavazhi was merged with Elayathavazi. Adoption was made to Elaya Thavazhi from Mootha Thavazhi and Palluruthi Thavazhi. He was the brother of Veera Kerala Varma.
He departed to his heavenly abode on 2nd February 1645 while he was in Trichur.
Veerarayira Varma (1645-1646)
He was the brother of Veera Kerala Varma and Godavarma.
He departed to his heavenly abode on 1646 July 4th while he was in Irinjalakuda.
Veera Kerala Varma (1646-1650)
He was adopted from Palluruthi Thavazhi.
He departed to his heavenly abode on 1650.
Rama Varma (1650-1656).
He was adopted from Chaziyur.
He departed to his heavenly abode on1656.
Rani Gangadharalakshmi (1656-1658).
After the death of Rama Varma, Velliama Thampuran took over as Regent as there was no predecessor. Rani Gangadharalakshmi is the only Velliama Thampuran to rule Cochin. Gangadharalakshmi was an honorary name her original name is still unknown.
As per Portuguese command Rani Gangadharalakshmi adopted five Thampurans from Aroor and Vettath. Rani Gangadharalakshmi resigned from her rule in 1658.
Rama Varma (1658-1662).
He was the eldest member of the adoption from Vettath. In 1661 he was killed when Dutch attacked Cochin. In this war Rani Gangadharalakshmi was also sent to prison.
Goda Varma (1662-1663)
After the death of Rama Varma and the other adopted in the war with Dutch he was the only survivor. Goda Varma was adopted Vettath. On January 7th 1663 Dutch attacked Cochin Port. Goda Varma Surrendered to the Dutch. We don't have a clue to when he left for his heavenly abode. After his reign Portuguese left Cochin.
Veera Kerala Varma(1663-1687)
During his reign Dutch became strong in Cochin. Veera Kerala Varma was adopted from Chayziyur to Mootha Thavazhi. Dutch established the East India Company During his Reign. Dutch presented him with a golden Crown. He Left for his hevenly abode on 1687 February.
Rama Varma (1687-1693)
He was the last to be adopted from Mootha Thavazhi. In 1689 he adopted 6 male members and 4 female members from Chaziyur. He left for his heavenly abode on 19th August 1693.
Ravi Varma (1693-1697)
He was the eldest member of the adoption in1689. He left for his heavenly abode from Thiruvalla on November 1697.
Rama Varma (1697-1701)
He was the second eldest member of the adoption in 1689. In 1698 he signed a pact with Dutch to collect taxes of goods arriving by the sea. He left for his heavenly abode from Irinjalakuda.
Rama Varma (1701-1721)
He was the third Eldest member of the adoption from Chaziyur in 1689. He was the most popular king during the Dutch era. Even though they appreciated his political skill they never trusted him. In 1715 he adopted two male and one female who were supposed to be his nephew and niece.
He could not be crowned the king because the Zamoorins had captured Venneri where the crowning ceremony of the kings were held. Rama Varma took a vow that if he is crowned it would only be done at Venneri. After that his predecessors also kept that vow.
With the help of Dutch he regained all other areas except Venneri. He was a master at wars. He left for his heavenly abode on 1721 October while he was in Trichur.
Ravi Varma (1721-1731)
It is said that he was one of the member of the six people who where adopted from Chaziyur in1689. But there is also a controversy that he was one of the member of two people who were adopted in 1715. He fired Palliathachan from his post but later took him back after mediation. He left for his heavenly abode in1731 from Irinjalakuda.
=Rama Varma (1731-1746)=
He was the last member of the adoption from Chaziyur in1689. He joined hands with the Dutch empire to fight against Travancore kingdom but later withdrew because of improper planning of the Dutch commanders. He left for his heavenly abode in 1746 January from Kureekad.
Veera Kerala Varma (1746-1749)
He was one of the two people who where adopted from Chaziyur. The Kalachil war of Dutch against the Travancore king where the Dutch suffered a huge defeat was during his reign. He left for his heavenly abode in 1749 January from Thripunithura.
Rama Varma (1749-1760)
He was the grand child of one of the female member of adoption that was made in 1689. During his reign Cochin was attacked by Travancore from South and Zamoorins from south. 1753 pact between Dutch an Travncoore was a big blow for Cochin as the help that Cochin received from Dutch ceased. He left for his heavenly abode on August 1760 from Cochin and was later cremated at Thripunithura.
=Veera Kerala Varma (1760-1775)=
He was the brother of RamaVarma and also the uncle of Shakthan Thampuran as said by Putteyuthu Raman Menon. But this cannot be considered true. He was less efficient and in1766 Cochin was attacked by Hyder Ali of Mysore. He left for his heavenly abode in 1775 September.
Rama Varma (1775-1790)
According to V.K.R. Menon (Historian) he was also the son of Ekkavu Thampuran as Veera Kerala Varma (1760-1775) and Rama Varma (1749-1760). He left for his heavenly abode on August 16th 1790 when he was in Thripunithura.
Rama Varma (1790-1805)- SHAKTHAN THAMPURAN
He is known widely as SHAKTHAN THAMPURAN. He was partly involved in the politics from 1769. He became the king in (1790 August) when his uncle expired. Soon after assuming power he signed a mutual pact with the British and was officially enforced in 1791. He was the most brave, powerful, just and intelligent of all the kings. He left for his heavenly abode on 1805 September from Thrichur.
=Rama Varma (1805-1809) Vellarapaliyil Thepetta Thampuran=
He was the eldest son of Shakthan Thampuran's aunt. Even though he was a Sanskrit scholar, pleasant natured and righteous he was little bit less efficient. During his time enen though he was the king Palliathachan did the ruling. He and his brother got themselves converted into Tulu Brahmins and worked for the spread of Tulu Brahmins.He left for his heavenly abode in 1809 January when he was in Vellarapalli. Hence the name Vellarapaliyil Thepetta Thampuran.
=Veera Kerala Varma (1809-1828) Karkidaka Masathil Theepeta Thampuran.=
He was brother of Vellarapaliyail Theepeta Thampuran.In 1812 Col. Monro became the first Dewan of Cochin.Veera Kerala Varma was very interested in philosophy. He left for his heavenly abode on 1928 August (Malayalam Month Karkidakam hence the name Karkidaka Masathil Theepeta Thampuran.) when he was in Thripunithura.
Rama Varma (1828-1837)
He was the nephew of Karkidaka Masathil Theepeta Thampuran. In 1830 then divan Seshagiri Raya resigned himself after receiving complaints from the king. Edamana Shankara Menon was appointed devan of Cochin by him. Due to allegation of corruption done by Shankara Menon he was sacked and imprisoned. In October 1824 Venkatasubbaraya was appointed the Devan Of Cochin.
He left for his heavenly abode on Nov 1837[1013 thulam 22nd) also known as Thulamasathil Theepeta Thampuran. Ekkavu Thampuran was the sister of this Velliya Thampuran and the present Cochin Royal Family is considered as the children and grand children of Ekkavu Thampuran
Rama Varma (1837-1844)
He was the cousin of Thulamasathil Theepeta Thampuran. Venketa Subbaraya resigned himself from the post of devan during his reign and Shankara Warier was appointed devan.
He left for his heavenly abode 1844 June (1019 Edavam 18th) while he was in Irinjalakuda. He is also known as Edava Masathil Theepetta Thampuran.
Rama Varma (1844-1851)
He was the nephew of Edavamasathil Theepeta Thampuran and also the eldest son of Ekkavu Thampuran.
He left for his heavenly abode on 1851 July (1026 Midhunam 29th) he is also known as Thrisuril theepeta rajavu.
Veera Kerala Varma (1851-1853)
He was the younger brother of Rama Varma (1851-1853). He was of the opinion that before becoming the ruler he should visit different places in India and improve his ruling capability. For this he started of as soon has he became the king. He visited Coimbatore, Banglore, Pune, Indore in 1853 and reached Kashi and also planned to visit Calcutta, Puri, Jaganadh, Madras (Chennai) and Rameshwaram. But he couldn't fulfill his wish as he had a severe attack of chickenpox and left for his heavenly abode while he was in Kashi in the year 1853 February(1029 Kumbha 12th). He was intelligent, cool tempered, scholar and well versed with English language. The people of Cochin thought that during his reign Cochin would prosper but due to his early death people were very much in sorrow. He is also known as Kashiil Theepeta Thampuran.
Ravi Varma(1853-1864)
He vas the younger brother of Kashiil Theepetta Thampuran. He was not that efficient as his brother. After the death of Devan Shankara Warier, Venketa Rayar succeeded him. But in 1860 he was sacked and Thottakat Shankunnin Menon was appointed the devan.
He left for his heavenly abode on 1864 February(1039 Makara 26th) when he was in Thripunithura.He is also known by Makaramasathil Theepeta Thampuran.
=Rama Varma(1864-1888)=
He was the nephew of Ravi Varma(1853-1864). He was normally lazy and his health condition was also not good. Devan Shankunni Menon used to look after the ruling for him. In 1879 Shankunni Menon retired from the post of Devan due to ill health and his younger brother Govinda Menon succeeded him to the throne. It was after a long period that Rulers of Cochin and Travncore met in Cochin and Travncore.
In 1876 he visited Madras(Chennai) to meet the eldest son of Queen Victoria Prince Weits. In return he was rewarded with K.C.S.I.(KNIGHT COMMANDER OF THE MOST EXALTED ORDER OF THE STAR OF INDIA) as a token of respect.
During his reign the Putthen Bungalow Palace and the Manimalika(Clock tower) at Thripunithura were built.
He left for his heavenly abode on August 1888 (1063 Midhunam 16th). He was also called Midhuna Masathil Theepeta Velliya Thampuran.
Kerala Varma(1888-1865)
He was the younger brother of Rama Varma(1864-1888). He was well versed with English. He got K.C.I.E(KNIGHT COMMANDER OF MOST EMINENT ORDER OF THE INDIAN EMPIRE) before he became the ruler. In 1890 Govinda Menon resigned as the devan of Cochin and he was succeeded by C. Thiruvenkatacharya. Thiruvenkatacharya died in 1893 and was inturn succeeded by Subramnya pilla.
In 1893 he went on a pilgrimage to Kashi,Gaya, Calcutta. He left for his Heavenly abode on 1895 September (1071 Chinga 27th) while he was in Thripunithura. He is also known as Chinga Masatrhil Theepta Vallia Thampuran.
Rama Varma(1895-1914).
He was an efficient king. In 1897 Devan Subramanya pilla retired with pension. He was Succeeded by P. Rajagopalacharyar(1897-1901),L Loka (1901-1902), N Pattbi Rama Rao(1902-1907), A.R. Banerjee(1907-1914).
He was rewarded with K.C.S.I ,G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E. It was during his reign that the railway line from Shornur was extended till Cochin. He resigned in1914 due to differences with British Empire. He left for his heavenly abode in 1932 January (1107 Makaram 16th). He is known as Ozinja Vallia Thampuran.
Rama Varma(1914-1932)
During his reign J.W. Bhor(1914-1919), T.V. Jayaraghavachari(1919-1922), P.Narayana Menon(1922-1930), C.G. Herbert(1930-1935) were the Devan of Cochin.
He left for his heavenly abode on 1932 March(1107 Meenam 12th) when he was in Madras(Chennai).He is also known by Madrasil Theepeta Thampuran.
Rama Varma(1932-1941)
In 1935 R.K. Shanmugham Chetty took over as Devan of Cochin. Eventhough Rama Varma was not a good ruler it was due to Shanmugham chetty the kingdom progressed. It was during his reign that Cochin Harbor was completed and Ernakulam High Court was Built.
He was very keen about the temples, cultural activities etc of the kingdom. He left for his heavenly abode in 1941 April(1116 Mena 30th) while he was in Chowara. He is also known as Chowarayil Theepeta Thampuran.
Kerala Varma (1914-1943)
He was the younger brother of Rama Varma(1914-1932). He is known by the name of Medukan Thampuran. Shanmugham Chetty resigned 1941 and was succeeded by A.F.W. Dickinson. He left for his heavenly abode on 1943 October(1119 Kanni 27th) while he was in Thripunithura.
Ravi Varma(1943-1946)
He was the younger brother of Kerala Varma(1914-1943). George Bouge(1943-1944), C.P. Karunakara Menon(1944-1947) were the Devans during his time. He left for his heavenly abode on 1946 February (1121 Makara 18th). while he was in Thripunithura.
Kerala Varma(1946-1948)
He stood for the merging of British Malabar, Cochin and Travancore so he is Known by Ikyakeralam Thampuran. He left for his heavenly abode on 1948 July(1123 Midhunam 25th).
Rama Varma (1948-1964)
He was known by the name of Parikshith Thampuran. He was the last official ruler of Cochin Empire. In 1949 July 1st Travancore and Cochin merged together and Travancore-Cochin State came into existence and the kingdom and the rulership came to an end. He ruled the kingdom for a period of one year and then he continued as the Velliya Thampuran of Cochin.
He Left for his Heavenly abode on 1964 while he was in Thripunithura.
Velliama Thampurans Of Cochin Royal Family.*
Eventhough Cochin Royal Family has a Matriachal family structure the female members had less power. The eldest female Member was called as Velliama Thampuran and the second eldest member was called Kunjama Thampuran.
- 1. Ekkavu Thampuran -1861.
- 2. Manku Thampuran 1861-1890
- 3. Kunji Kavu Thampuran 1890-1901
- 4. Manku Thampuran 1901-1902
- 5. Kunjipilla Thampuran 1902-1917
- 6. Ekkavu Thampuran 1917-1930
- 7. Kunji Kavu Thampuran 1930-1942
- 8. Kavu Thampuran 1942-1947
- 9. Kunji Kavu Thampuran 1947-1955
- 10. Manku Thampuran 1955-1968
- 11. Kunji Kavu Thampuran 1968-1969
- 12. Manku Thampuran 1969-1977
- 13. Ekkavu Thampuran 1977-1983
- 14. Kunjipilla Thampuran 1983-1986
- 15. Ekkavu Thampuran 1986
- 16. Kavumma Thampuran 1986
- 17. Mankutti Thampuran 1986-
- this is incompleate and we are waiting for the full update of this from palace administration board and Mr. Rameshan Thampuran.