International Projects =
- International Help Portal
- Civil Registry and Church Records around the World
- Wonders of the World
- Ode to Joy - Anthem / European Union , Listen to 10 Top Anthems
Please feel free to list your Project under (1) Country of Origin, or (2) Global Area of Interest.
If a link doesn't work, just go to Projects Page and paste the project name in the search box.
- Migration Portal
- World Famous Women Portal
- Geni World History Timeline
- Geni Curator Projects Guide
- Y-DNA Haplogroups
- History of the Malay DNA - based on the HUman Genome Project
- Portal Index - project
- Who Do You Think You Are
- Modern Dictators
- RMS Titanic
- International War and Military projects Portal
- World War 1: wall of honour
- Migration: Emigration from Europe
- Freemasons
- Authors of Great Literature
- Global tree projects: Project to structure projects
- The Dark Ages . The Holy Grail of History
- Maadeavastajad Explorers and navigators
- Prominent-Historians-and-Philosophers
- Great-Composers-of-the-Old-Schools-of-Classical-Music-XI-XIX-Centuries
- Great-Composers-of-Classical-Music
- (Painters and sculptors) Artists (Painters and sculptors)
- (Painters) Old-Masters (Painters)
- (Painters) New-and-Modern-Masters (Painters)
- Our-Special-Ancestors
- Próceres de la Independencia de América
- Arquitectos Latinoamericanos
- Escritores Latinoamericanos
- Pintores Latinoamericanos
- Fotógrafos Latinoamericanos
- Portal de Proyectos de Presidentes Latinoamericanos (Latin American Presidents projects' directory)
- RMS Lusitania
- Historical criminals, thieves and vagabonds
- Middle-Namers (people who are known by their middle/second name)
- 1918 Influenza Pandemic
International fun projects:
- A -
- Kimbangui sm - Congo - l'Afrique
- African Queens
- African Kings
- African-, Afro-Americans throughout the Americas / Black History - Master Project
- Portal de Proyectos sobre Argentina
- Music of Argentina
- Río de la Plata: People and Culture
- Tango
- Gobernación del Río de la Plata - Governorate of the Rio de la Plata
- Virreinato del Río de la Plata
- Australian Portal
- Australian Artists
- Australian Criminals
- Australian Penal Colonies
- Australian Rules Football
- AFL 2013 Season
- Australian Stewarts
- Bushrangers
- Child Emigration from Britain to Australia
- Coast Family in Australia
- Earl Grey Orphan Emigration Scheme from Ireland to Australia
- Convicts & Naval Personnel - First Fleet Australia 1788
- Convicts, Naval Personnel and Free Settlers on the Second Fleet
- Governors-General of Australia
- Governors of New South Wales
- Governors of Queensland
- Governors of South Australia
- Governors of Tasmania
- Governors of Victoria
- Governors of Western Australia
- Mayors & Lord Mayors
- Mayors & Lord Mayors of Adelaide, SA
- New South Wales Portal
- Northern Territory Portal
- Pilven Family in Australia
- Port Arthur, Tasmania
- Prime Ministers of Australia
- Sherwood Family in Australia
- Tasmania Portal
- Western Australian Pioneers - Their ancestors and descendants
- Western Australia Portal
- B -
BELARUS Беларусь
Belarus Беларусь Place Project
Regions : Brest | Gomel | Grodno | Mogilev | Minsk | Vitebsk | Brest Brest-Litovsk I Khmelevo I Zhabinka I Demenichi I Chernavchitsy I Tiuchenicze I Vistychi I Malaja Kurnica I Vjalikaja Kurnica I Druzhba -Scorbicz I
- International Dutch Portal, your first stop to people and sources in Flanders
BRITAIN (see: United Kingdom)
- C -
- Child Emigration from Britain to Canada Master Project
- Freemasons in Canada
- Order of Canada
- Robinson Settlers in Canada
- Británicos en Chile - British in Chile
- Croatas en Chile - Hrvati u Čileu - Croatians in Chile
- Guerra del Pacífico (1879-1884; Chile vs. Bolivia & Perú) - War of the Pacific
- Inmigración Italiana en Chile - Italian Immigration to Chile
- Libertadores de Chile - Chilean Liberators
- Portal Chile
- Presidentes de Chile - Presidents of Chile
- Kimbanguism - Congo - l'Afrique
- Conférence internationale pour Simon Kimbangu au Congo RDC - juilet 2011 - Kinshasa
- D -
- Danish Monarchs
- House Oldenburg
- Dukes of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp
- Dukes of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg
- Legendary Danish Kings
- E -
- Estonian principles of entering data
- Andmete sisestamise põhimõtted
- Sugulased-hõimlased eesti keeles - Estonian relationship names and system
- Maadeavastajad - Explorers & Navigators
- Tallinna juhid - Stadthaupter von Tallinn/Reval
- Eestimaa Rüütelkonna peamehed / Ritterschaftshauptmänner der Estländischen Ritterschaft
- Eesti juudid - Estonian Jews - Эстонские Евреи
- Šotlased Eestis / Scots in Estonia
- Eesti presidendid - Presidents of Estonia
- Eesti riigijuhid - Heads of State
- Eestimaa hertsogid - Dukes of Estonia and Livonia
- Otto Tiefi valitsus - Otto Tief's Government
- Eesti Vabariik eksiilis - Estonian Government in Exile
- Esimene Eestis ... - First Time in Estonia
- Eesti Rahatähed - Persons at Estonian Banknotes
- Eesti kultuur - Estonian Culture
- Eesti mälu - Estonian Historical Memory (Biography Books)
- Eesti kirjanikud ja luuletajad - Estonian Writers & Poets
- Eesti näitlejad - Estonian Actors
- Eesti muusika - Estonian Musician & Singers
- Eesti heliloojad - Estonian Composers
- Eesti kunstnikud - Estonian Artists
- Eesti teadlased - Estonian Scientists
- Eesti film - Estonian Film (Actors, Directors etc.)
- Eesti sport - Estonian Sport
- Eesti Olümpiavõitjad - Olympic Medalists of Estonia
- Eesti suusatajad - Estonian Skiers
- Eesti professorid - Estonian Professors
- Eesti arstid - Estonian Doctors (of Medicine)
- Eesti sõjaväelased - Military Personnel of Estonia
- Eesti kirik - Estonian Church
- Eesti poliitikud - Estonian Politicians
- Eesti töösturid - Estonian Industrialists
- Eesti aiandus - Estonian Horticulture (Gardeners, Botanists, Breeders etc.)
- Eesti keel ja kirjandus - Estonian Language & Literature
- Eesti postitöötajad - Estonian Post Officers & Postmans
- Eesti akadeemikud - Estonian Academy od Sciences
- Eesti arhitektid - Estonian Architects
- Laulupeo üldjuhid - Directors & Conductors of Estonian National Song Festivals
- Eesti õpetajad ja õppejõud - Estonian Teachers & Lecturers
- Eesti koolidirektorid - Directors of Estonian Schools
- Eesti õpetajad - Estonian Teachers
- Eesti genealoogid - Estonian Genealogists
- Eesti pankurid - Estonian Bankers
- Eesti Politsei - Estonian Police
- Eesti Diplomaadid - Estonian Diplomats
- Eesti Kaugmerekaptenid ja Laevaehitajad - Estonian Long-Haul Captains and Shipbuilders
- Eesti Nõiad :) - Estonian Witches
- Eesti Prohvetid - Estonian Prophets
- Eesti juristid - Estonian Lawyers
- Eesti terapeudid - Estonian Therapeuts
- Eesti kodundustöötajad läbi aegade - Estonian Home-economics
- 40 Kirja allakirjutanud - Signatories of The Letter of 40 intellectuals
- Võro kirändüs - Võro (South Estonian dialect group) Litereature
- „Raadiohääled“ ja „Telenäod“ - Estonian "Voices of Radio" and "Faces of TV"
- Eesti Televisiooni Tähed - Estonian Television Stars
- Eesti Eurovisiooni Lauluvõistlusel - Estonia in Eurovision Song Contest
- Eesti „Kroonika“ - Estonian "Chronicle"
- Vabadusristi kavalerid - recipients of the Estonian Cross of Liberty
- Eesti Vabadussõda - Estonian War of Independence
- Teises maailmasõjas hukkunud Eesti Laskurkorpuse võitlejad - Members of Estonian Rifle Corps killed in World War II
- Sõjaväes surma saanud eesti rahvusest pärit sõdurpoisid - Estonian soldiers killed in army
- Kommunismi mustad kuriteod - The Black Book of Crimes of Communism
- Lapsena Siberisse küüditatud kui noorele nõukogude liidule "ohtlik sotsiaalne element" - Estonian Children deported to Siberia as they were "a Dangerous Social Element" in Soviet Union
- Vabadussõjas isa kaotanud ja orvuna elanud lapsed - Estonian Children who were left orphans after loosing their fathers in War of Independence
- Eesti NSV - Эстонская ССР - Estonian SSR
- Artiklite andmebaas BIBIS (isikunime või kohanime otsing) - Search Analytic bibliography of Estonian journalism (by name or location)
- Eesti sõjameeste kalmistute andmebaas (tähestikuline) - Database of Estonian Soldiers' Cemetaries (alphabetical)
- Vene armees hukkunute nimekiri.. tasuta otsing - List of Soldiers killed in Russian army.. free search
- Saagas olevate kohanimede võrdlus - Comparison of Estonian place names in Saaga Database
- Koostöö projekt - Estonian Collaboration Pool
- Isoleeritud puud - Isolated Trees
- Kose-Uuemõisa sõjast osavõtjad - Participants of the Kose-Uuemõisa peasants' uprising in 1805
- Mahtra sõja sõdalased - Participants of the Mahtra peasants' war in 1858
- Eesti Otsib Superstaari - Estonia is Searching for a Superstar (Estonoan Idol)
- F -
- Suomi Finland -projects portal
- Danish-Finnish-Norwegian-and-Swedish-students-in-European-universities-before-1640
- Finnish-Coffee-Corner
- Portail français
- Ducs de Bretagne
- The Jewish French Connection
- French-Huguenot-World-Diaspora
- de-Flandre-Groafschap-Vloandern
- Norman-families-of-Normandy-France-and-England
- Early-Normans-c-790-1066
- Les-Ducs-de-Normandie-911-1106
- International-French-Portal
- G -
- Portal für Deutsch sprachige Portal für Deutsch sprachige
- German Portal
Jews of Rhodes
Jews of Izmir
- H -
- I -
- Eminent Indian Scientists
- The Gandhi Project
- Kashmiri Pandits (KP)
- India puranic/ vedic tree including modern royal dynasties
- Popular Indian Personalities
Indian GOA (1961 to Present)
- Goan Genealogy Contributors (Geni)
- Prominent Individuals of Goan Origin
- Global Prominent Goans in STEM
- Nobres Goesas
- Genealogy of families of the province of Salcete
- Genealogy of families of the village of Colvá of the province of Salcete
- Genealogy of families of the Ilhas de Gôa
- Genealogy of families of the province of Mormugão
- Genealogy of families of the province of Bardez
- Genealogy of families of the Novas Conquistas de Goa
- Roman Catholic Priests from the Archdiocese of Goa
- Root Ancestor of Goan & Luso-Goan Population
- GSB Ancestors & Descendants of Goa
- Nobre Chardós de Gôa
- Ancestors of Goans from Islamic Rulers
- Os Luso-descendentes da Índia Portuguêsa (1510 - 1961)
- Goan Centenarians
- Goans in Brazil & Latin America
- Goans in Kenya, Mozambique & other African countries
- Governadores da Índia Portuguesa
- Castles of Ireland
- 1916 Easter Rising Ireland
- Flight of the Wild Geese
- Kings of Ireland - Milesians
- Presidents of Ireland
- High Kings of Ireland
- Notables in Irish History
- Irish Revolutionaries 19th - 20th century
- Revel in the Legendary irish Spirit
- Clans of Ireland
- Irish profiles on Geni
- Irish famine victims
- Links and sources for Irish research
- Surname connections to the Irish counties
- Robinson Settlers in Canada
- Biblical Judges and Kings of the Land of Israel (Cannan, Judea & Israel)
- Geni-Israel
- Israeli all Knesset members
- Israeli Heads of State and State Authorities
- Where are The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel
- Historical Look At Italian Families
- Carlo Cattaneo
- Lunardi Family from Italy
- Lignaggi dell Alto Medioevo
- Italian Noble Family
- Portale Italiano - Italian Portal
- J -
- Connecting The Decendants of GILBERT and ADINA POWELL-Williams-Swaby-Jones-Cassells-Blagrove-Morant-Of Jamaica West Indies
- Eliza Campbell Family Of Jamaica West Indies
- Jamaican-Creole
- Jamaican American
- Jamaican Canadians
- Jamaican Planters
- Jamaican Volunteers in the First World War
- Messam Family, Are We Related?
- Foster Family of Jamaica
- Rutty Family of Jamaica
- Chinese in the Caribbean
- Jamaica "Out Of many, One People"
- Maroons of Jamaica
- Tracey Family of Jamaica
- Powell Family of Jamaica
- Welsh/Welch/Walsh Family of Jamaica
- Jamaica - Lost Traces
- Jamaica Graves
- Jamaica Family DNA
- Jamaica Surname
- K -
- L -
- Akmenė (Okmyany) and Šiauliai (Shavli) Districts, Kaunas (Kovno) Province of Lithuania
- Kuršėnai (Kushany) in Šiauliai (Shavli) District, Kaunas (Kovno) Provice of Lithuania
- Litvaks / ליטבאקים
- Šiauliai (Shavli) District, Kaunas (Kovno) Province - Jewish Shtetls
- Viekšniai (Vecksna) in Šiauliai (Shavli) District, Kaunas (Kovno) Province of Lithuania
- Victims of Soviet deportations from Lithuania
- International Lithuanian Portal
- 1863 January Uprising
- Noble Lithuanian Family Trees
- Lithuanian Army Officers
- Upytės pavieto (Šiaurės Lietuvos) žemvaldžiai ir bajorai / Landowners and Nobility of Upyta District (Northern Lithuania)
- Šiaurinės Lietuvos (Lietuvos Žiemgalos) Genealogija / Genealogy of Northern Lithuania (Lithuanian Zemgale)
- Lietuvos Archyvai / Lithuanian Archives
- Romeriai Lietuvoje / Romer Family of Lithuania
- Šiaurinės Lietuvos Metrikų Knygos / Church Records of Northern Lithuania
- Radzivonai (Radzvilos) / Radzivon (Radzvila) Family
- Lithuanian Hall of Fame
- Grand Dukes of Lithuania
- 1918 m. vasario 16 d. Lietuvos Nepriklausomybės akto signatarai / Lithuanian Independence Act Signatories of 1918 February 16
- Prominent Lithuanian Jews and Litvaks
- Prominent Lithuanian Ruthenians and Russians
- Faculty and notable students of Vilnius University
- Lithuanian Cenobites
- Lithuanian Christian Clergy
- M -
- N -
- Project index Lage Landen
- Nederlandse handleiding - GENI voor Dummies
- Nederlandstalige Bronnen - Dutch Related Sources
- Dutch diaspora - Farewell Holland
- International Dutch Portal, your first stop to people and sources in The Netherlands
- Portaal voor Nederlands-taligen
- Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC) 1602-1799
- Noordse Compagnie ‧ 1614-1642 ‧ Compagnie van Spitsbergen
- North Sea Jazz ♬ sinds 1976
- IVC 's-Hertogenbosch - Nederland - since 1954 Internationaal Vocalisten Concours ♪-𝄈-♫-s Hertogenbosch Nederland
- Zoek ze in Rotterdam Zuid-Holland Nederland
- Ships and Owners
- Jørn Aagaard
- Introduksjon til Geni com norsk
- Danish Finnish Norwegian and Swedish students in European universities before 1640
- Scandinavian sagas
- Norwegian American
- Norce Earls of Orkney
- Sunnmøreprosjektet
- Hvem tror du at du er
- ASK gruppen
- Norge i Krig
- World War II in Norway
- Norsk litteratur Norwegian Literature
- Western Finnmark in Norway pre 1720 Domiciliation Komsa civilization Rockcarvings in Alta Birkarler from Sweden / Finland
- Hanseatic League and Bourgeoisie in Bergen
- Den norske kongerekken Norwegian monarchs
- Norwegian Coffee Corner
- Norske Helgener Saints of Norway
- Hekser i Norge Witches
- Stories about Norwegian immigrants to USA and other Norwegian stories
- Norwegians in the Civil War
- Other projecttypes on Geni "Geni-Wiki": Viking and Nordic Ancestry Merge
- Norges Regjeringer
- Norges politiske partier og organisasjoner
- O -
- P -
- Casa de Bragança
- Dinastia de Avis
- Governantes dos Açores
- Mortos na Batalha de Alcácer-Quibir
- Os Doze de Inglaterra
- Reis de Portugal
- Geração d’Orpheu
- Imigrantes de Portugal continental aos Açores
- Carviçais (Portugal)
- Personalidades Portuguesas
GOA PORTUGUESA (1510 to 1961)
- Goan Genealogy Contributors (Geni)
- Nobres Goesas
- Genealogy of families of the province of Salcete
- Genealogy of families of the village of Colvá of the province of Salcete
- Genealogy of families of the Ilhas de Gôa
- Genealogy of families of the province of Mormugão
- Genealogy of families of the province of Bardez
- Genealogy of families of the Novas Conquistas de Goa
- Roman Catholic Priests from the Archdiocese of Goa
- Root Ancestor of Goan & Luso-Goan Population
- Os Luso-descendentes da Índia Portuguêsa (1510 - 1961)
- Governadores da Índia Portuguesa
- Q -
- R -
Moscow Москва |
Город Saint-Petersburg Санкт-Петербург | Sevastopol Севастополь | Moscow Oblast | Kirov Oblast | Arkhangelsk-Oblast | Samara | Ekaterinburg Екатеринбург | Nizhniye-Sergi Нижние Серги | Nizhneirginsk Нижнеиргинск | Bashkortostan | Karelia | Republic Komi | The-Republic-of-Tatarstan |
- Grand Princes of Moscow / Великое Княжество Московское 1283–1547
- Kamenka Каменка Baehr Bähr
- Russian Freedom Activists
- The Lenin Project
- Officers of the Russian Imperial Army
- Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens
- Swedish prisoners of war in Siberia in the first quarter of the XVIII
- S -
- Al Andalus
- Caliphate of Córdoba
- Wilayah of Huesca
- Nasrid Granada
- Wilayah of Toledo
- Wilayah of Zaragoza
- T -
- U -
City of Kyiv
Kharkiv Oblast | Kremenchuk | Zhytomyr Oblast |
- USA Portal
- State of Alabama
- State of New York
- United States Governors Portal
- Governors - Alabama
- Governors - Arizona
- Governors - Arkansas
- Governors - California
- Governors - Colorado
- Governors - Connecticut
- Irish Americans
- New Amsterdam project
- Gangs of New York city
- State of Georgia project
- New Amsterdam, genealogical reconstruction around the origins of New York (1609-1674)
- Slave Rebellion
- Mormon Pioneers - 1847-1868 Master Project
- Crockett-Crocketagne-Crocketagni
- Freemasons in America
- Sioux-Code-Talkers
- Mayflower Passengers - Colonial America in 1620
- Descendants of Francis Cooke
- Salem Witch Trials
- Baldwin Families of America and their Ancestors
- New Amsterdam Immigrants
- Great Migration Passengers of the Fortune - 1621
- Portal de Proyectos sobre Uruguay
- Presidentes de Uruguay
- Tragedia de Los Andes
- 33 Orientales
- Inmigrantes Canarios fundadores de Montevideo
- Virreinato del Río de la Plata
- Gobernación del Río de la Plata
- Río de la Plata: Su gente y su Cultura
- V -
- Ecclesia Catholica Romana, project on Geni
- Catholic Church / Ecclesia Romana, on wikipedia
- Vatican City / State, on wikipedia
- W -
- The West Indies - Caribbean Region Master Project
- World Leaders
- Worldwide Dissident Freedom Activists
- X -
- Y -
- Z - * ['''Jewish-Families-connected-to-Federation-of-Rhodesia-and-Nyasaland-Zimbabwe-Zambia-Malawi/9551''']