Kruger surname in South Africa.
Krüger, Krueger or Kruger (without the umlaut Ü) are German surnames originating from Krüger, meaning tavern-keeper in Low German and potter in Central German and Upper German, both associated with the Germanic word Krug, "jug".
South German and Jewish surname Krüger, from the noun senses Krug (“jug”) and Krug (“inn, pub”).
also Kreuger, Kriger, Krugel, Krilgel
First progenitor of surname ?
Date of Arrival / Names
1703 / Andreas Krugel, SV/PROG 1 (note in his Inventaris called KRUGER)
1703 / Matthijs Krugel SV/PROG 2 (brother of SV 1)
1714 / Jacob Kruger, SV/PROG 3
1747 / Jan Hendrik Kruger, SV/PROG 4 (also called Johann Heinrich KRUGER)
1754 / Willem de Kruger
1765 / Jan Kruger, SV/PROG 6
b1789 / Pieter Joseph Kruger, SV/PROG 7
1861 in SA Krüger, Friedrich, Landarbeiter (37), Brüsewitz (Pr.), mit Frau Wilhelmine (33) und Auguste (2).