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  • Helmuth Hufenbach (1908 - 1945)
    Helmuth Hufenbach (27 February 1908 – 27 March 1945) was a German officer in the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany during World War II. Hufenbach was killed on 27 March 1945 in the Heiligenbeil Pocket. He wa...
  • Rudolf von Bünau (1890 - 1962)
    Rudolf von Bünau (19 August 1890 – 14 January 1962) was a German general in the Wehrmacht during World War II who commanded several corps. He was a recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron C...
  • Andreas von Aulock (1893 - 1968)
    Andreas Maria Karl von Aulock (23 March 1893 – 23 June 1968) was a highly decorated Oberst in the Wehrmacht during World War II who commanded the 79th Infantry Division. He was a recipient of the Kni...
  • Willy Marienfeld (1895 - 1944)

The Kuban Shield (German: Ärmelschild Kuban) was a World War II military decoration of Nazi Germany. It was awarded to Wehrmacht forces who fought at the Kuban bridgehead in the Soviet Union from February 1943 until it was abandoned in October 1943. The award was instituted on 21 September 1943.