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LaMoure County, North Dakota

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  • Harold E. Egerdahl (1926 - 1990)
    Source: US Navy - SH3 - World War II, Korea & Vietnam
  • Gerald F. "Jerry" Laffen (1943 - 2010)
    he Jamestown Sun, North Dakota, February 03 2010 Gerald F. "Jerry" Laffen, 66, Lankin, N.D., died Monday, Jan. 25, 2010, at his home near Lankin.Mr. Laffen was born May 5, 1943 in Edgeley, N.D., the so...
  • Alice Laffen (1903 - 1991)
  • Pvt. Frederick Herman Laffen (1894 - 1980)
  • John Neil Fidge (1920 - 2000)
    Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy : Oct 26 2017, 20:46:39 UTC'United States Army - 37290757 Private First Class (PFC)1st Army AAA - Class Battery “A” 414th Antiaircraft Artillery (AAA) Gun B...

Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in LaMoure County, North Dakota.

Official Website

The Dakota Territory legislature created the county on January 4, 1873 and organized on October 27, 1881. It was named for Judson LaMoure, a territorial legislator.

Adjacent Counties

Cities, Towns, Townships & Communities

Adrian | Alfred | Badger | Berlin | Black Loam | Bluebird | Dean | Dickey | Diesem | Edgeley | Gladstone | Glen | Glenmore | Golden Glen | Grand Rapids | Grandview | Greenville | Henrietta | Jud | Kennison | Kulm | LaMoure (County Seat) | Marion | Medberry | Mikkelson | Nora | Norden | Nortonville | Ovid | Pearl Lake | Pomona View | Prairie | Raney | Ray | Roscoe | Russell | Ryan | Saratoga | Sheridan | Swede | Verona | Wano | Willowbank


Cemeteries of North Dakota


Genealogy Trails

US Gen Web

Bone Hill National Wildlife Refuge

National Register of Historic Places

USS LaMoure County LST-1194

USS LaMoure County LST-883


LaMoure County Bicentennial Celebration - 1976

Genealogy Village

USGW Archives