The first burials at Lincoln Cemetery were in the 1850's in the aftermath of the Gold Rush to California.
For many years the cemetery was divided into sections for fraternal organizations (Oddfellows and Masonic), the Catholic cemetery, and the Women's Club section. These were incorporated between the 1920's and the 1950's into Lincoln Cemetery located at 1445 1st Street in the city of Lincoln.
The Placer County Cemetery District # 1 maintains Lincoln Cemetery, Sheridan, Manzanita, and Santa Clara Memorial Park for the residents and taxpayers of that district. The office for all these cemeteries is located at 250 Santa Clara Way, Lincoln.
Lincoln Cemetery is nicely maintained with a mix of historic upright tombstones in numerous family plots as well as expansive grassy sections with newer, flat markers. There are a variety of trees and many rose bushes dotting the landscape.
Placer Cemetery District #1 916-645-2475