SOURCE: New England Historical and Genealogical Registers, New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Samuel G. Drake, Publisher, ©1847 Vol - 1 - 50 - (publication Jan 1852 pgs 87)
SUBMITTER: Transcribed by C Parziale, Mar 2001. With modern translations to facilitate search engines. Not meant to be the "final word" in translations, if you have a confirmed source of the translation on any of these names please get in touch with contributor of this file.
A LIST OF CANADA PRISONERS. Furnished by frederic Kidder [Note.--The original spelling of the names is retained.]
Names of English Captives Ransomed from Quebeck by Matthew Cary, in October, 1695.
- Capt Jos. Hammond, of Piscadawa
- John Key, senr. of do.
- Jno Key, Jr. of do. [Jonothan Key, Jr.]
- James Rose of Cascow
- Edwd Jones, of North West [Edward Jones]
- Heny Simpson of York [Henry Simpson]
- Jno Road, of Saman fals [Jonothan Road of Salmon Falls]
- Jams Alexandr of Cascow [James Alexander]
- Thos Drew Groton [Thomas Drew]
- Josh Swarton, boy Cascow
- Mrs. Mart Stilson, Pemaquid [Margret Stilson]
- Mrs Mary Plasted, York [Mary Plaisted]
- Hitobt Goodwin Kittery
- Elizh Tozer do. [Elizabeth Tozier]
- Sarah ffurgusen do. [Sarah Ferguson]
- Abigl ffurgusen do. [Abigail Ferguson]
- Mary Tibs York [Mary Tibbs, Tibbets?]
- Johana Swarton do.
- Elizabth Smart Oyster River [Elizabeth Smart]
- Cisia Braket, do. [Cecia Brackett]
- Magt Adams York [Margret Adams]
- Mary Cooper do.
Names of those remaining still in hands of the french at Canada
- Saml York of Cascow [Samuel York]
- Saml Souter of do. [Samuel Souter]
- Abigal Willey, of Oyster River [Abigail Willey]
- Judy Willey, of do. [Judy Willey]
- Elizabeth Willey, of do.
- Grizoll Ottis, Cochieca [Grishol Otis]
- Christon Ottis, do. [Christen Otis]
- Abigal Koy, Kittery [Abigal Coy]
- Mercy Adams do.
- Jos Perkins, boy, Dover
- Abigal Curlin do. [Abigail Carlin]
- Stephn Otis, do. [Stephen Otis]
- Liddy Langly, girl do. [Lydia Langley]
- Mary Swarten do.
- James Stilton, boy, Pemaquid
- Jno Ottis, boy Dover [Jonathan Otis]
- Abigal Bracket Dover [Abigail Brackett]
- John Stephins, boy Pemaquid [John Stephens] [Samuel Stevens]
- Rose Ottis [girl] Cochica [Rose Otis]
- Jno Antony, boy, do. [Jonathan Anthony]
- Obada Prible, do. do.
- Elizabh Squir, Dover [Elizabeth Squire]
- Mary Stilson, girl, Pemqd.
- Kattn Stephens, do. do. [Katherine Stephens] [Marie-Francoise Nestyus dit St-Yves (Katherine Stevens)]
- John Persons, boy, Dover
- Sarah Davis, girl, Cascow
- Roland Young, boy, Dover
- Robt Clark, do. York [Robert Clark]
- Ruth Persons Dover
- Mary Sayard do. [Mary Sayward]
- Esther Sayward do.
- H. Hort, boy, do.
- Chas Trafton, boy York
- John Skyly, boy, Oys. River
- Sarah Whitt, girl, do.
- Saml Rand, boy, do. [Samuel Rand]
- Hannah Dongan [none] [Hannah Donigan]
- Mary Aslin, [girl] York
- Thos. Baker, boy Cascow [Thomas Baker]
- Geo. Gray do. do. [George Gray]
- Richd Nason, do. [Richard Nason] [Richard Nason (alias Jacques Ritchot)]
- Jos Michott [none] [Jos Michaud]
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Siege of Pemaquid (1689)
- (also see documents section of the project)
- “American Indians: Selling American Colonists to Canada.” < ancestralfindings.com >
- New England Captives Carried to Canada Between 1677 and 1760 During the French and Indian Wars: Volume 1 ONLY < GoogleBooks >
- New England Captives Carried to Canada Between 1677 and 1760, During the French and Indian Wars, Volume 2 < GoogleBooks >
- Baker, Charlotte Alice, 1833-1909. True Stories of New England Captives Carried to Canada During the Old French And Indian Wars. Cambridge [Greenfield, Mass.: Hall], 1897. Volume 1. < Hathitrust >
- Vail, Robert W. G. “Certain Indian Captives of New England.” Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, vol. 68, 1944, pp. 113–31. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25080377. Accessed 12 Oct. 2022.
- “Captives - FrancoGene.” Genealogy of the French in North America - Captives. < link > “ In the whole population of the province of Québec (computed from 100 couples married in 1939 and 1940), about 26% would have at least one English Captive line in their ancestry. Moreover, about 29% of the Quebecers with old French roots have some Captive blood that can be found with a paper trail. …”
- < Siege of Pemaquid (1689) > The siege of Pemaquid (August 2–3, 1689) was a successful attack by a large band of Abenaki Indians on the English fort at Pemaquid, Fort Charles, then the easternmost outpost of colonial Massachusetts (present-day Bristol, Maine). The French-Abenaki attack was led by Jean-Vincent d'Abbadie de Saint-Castin and Father Louis-Pierre Thury and Chief Moxus.[4] The fall of Pemaquid was a significant setback to the English. It pushed the frontier back to Casco (Falmouth), Maine.[5]
- ” Memoirs of Odd Adventures, Strange Deliverances, &c. in the Captivity of John Gyles, Esq; Commander of the Garrison on St. George's River.” John Gyles. < GoogleBooks >
- Letki, E. L. (2019). CAPTIVES OF THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WARS 1676-1763: ENGLISH SLAVERY IN CANADA. < link >; < PDF > (M.A. thesis)
- Genealogy of the French in North America - Captives (preliminary version). Captives are prisoners taken during a raid at the time of colonial wars (known as French and Indian wars in USA), opposing New France and New England. The list also include persons killed during raids. < francogene.com >