Local shipping movements can offer an insight in to your pioneer ancestors movements and goods that they produced.
- The cutter Petrel, 15 tons. Mills, master, from Port Lincoln 27th January. Passengers — Mr J. P. Pryce, Mr Swaffer, Mr Sinclair, Mr Stuckey, Mr Robinson, in the cabin; Mr Baxter, in the steerage. Cargo—6 bales wool, J. P. Pryce.
- The cutter Breeze, 20 tons Owens, master, from Port Lincoln 27th January. Passengers— Mr Brown, Mrs White, four shepherds, and two miners. Cargo— 15 bales wool, J. P. Pryce
- Thursday, December 25— The steamer Leichardt, A. McCoy, master, from Port Elliot. Passengers— Messrs. E. B. Scott, T. H. Goodman, and Capt Johnson, in the in cabin; and Ann Bridget, in the steerage: Cargo— 87 bales wool 290 bags lead ore.
Related Projects:
- South Australia Australia Portal
- Regional Portal - South Australia
- Bound for South Australia - Ships Lists Portal
- Interstate Pioneers To South Australia
- Died at sea - South Australia
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