All welcome and encouraged to collaborate - please go ahead and edit and add: it's going to rely on the Macdonald managers helping - over years - so not a one person job :-)
Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=23813178''
This family is descended from
I. JOHN OG, second son of Donald Gruamach Mac James. While James, the older son of Donald of Ostaig, remained in the native region of SIeat, John Og appears to have migrated to Troternish, where he and his descendants are to be found in the lands of Rigg and Balvicquean.
Trotternish is the northernmost peninsula of the Isle of Skye in Scotland, beginning at Portree and terminating at Rubha Hunish.
Port Gobhlaig, part of Balmacqueen by Chmee2
John Og married and had 2 sons - James & Ranald.
The clan Donald by Macdonald, Angus; Macdonald, Archibald. Publication date 1896-1904
1.II. JAMES, who succeeded him. He married, and had 2 children -
1. Donald, who succeeded.
2. John, who died without issue.
III. DONALD of Balvicquean and Rigg. He married, and had 4 children -1. James [see below], who succeeded.
2. John, who had Balvicquean and Rigg.
3. Anna, who married John Macdonald of Griminish and Scolpig, with issue.
4. Mary, who died unmarried.He died c. 1720, and was succeeded by
IV. JAMES [from above], who, though the oldest son, did not hold Balvicquean and Rigg, but is designed of Kendrom, which is adjoining the former lands. He married a daughter of John Martin of Kingsburghmore, and was succeeded by his son,
The clan Donald by Macdonald, Angus; Macdonald, Archibald. Publication date 1896-1904
V. DONALD GRUAMACH. He married, and had 2 children -
1. John [see below].
2. Margaret, who married Donald Macdonald of Skeabost, with issue.
Stornoway is the main town of the Western Isles and the capital of Lewis and Harris in Scotland.
VI. JOHN MACDONALD [see above], an officer in the Custom House in Stornoway. He married, and had 7 children -
1. John, who went to Jamaica, and died without issue.
2. Donald, captain of a vessel trading with China, who married Margaret, daughter of Donald Macdonald, of Skeabost, and had three daughters — Johanna, Margaret, and Jemima.
3. Margaret, died unmarried.
4. Betsy, died unmarried.
5. James died unmarried in Jamaica
6. Barbara, died unmarried.
7. David, went abroad.2. Ranald, who also lived at Troternish, and is buried there. He married, and had a son
James, who lived at Troternish, and is buried there. James married, and had a son
Archibald Ban, who settled in North Uist, having gone there along with Ranald, son of Sir James, 2nd Baronet of Sleat, when he became tacksman of Baleshare. From Ranald of Baleshare he held the lands of Grianan. He died at Grianan, and was buried in Roilig Chlann Domhnuill in Kilmuir Church- Yard, North Uist. Archibald Ban married, and had -
(A) James.
(B) Rev. Coll Macdonald, for many years minister of Portree, and highly respected by all classes of his parishioners. He was twice married, with issue, a daughter.(c) Marion, who married Donald Macdonald, grandfather of the late Rev. Hugh Macdonald of Trumisgarry.
James the older son of Archibald Ban Grianan, settled at Torlum, Benbecula, in the parish of South Uist. He married Christina, daughter of Malcolm Macdonald of the Siol Ghorraidh tribe in North Uist, and had issue -
(A) Rev. Donald Macdonald, minister of Stencholl, in Skye, who died unmarried.
(B; Norman, tacksman of Nunton and Vallay.
(c) Archibald, tacksman of North Bay, Barra, who died unmarried.
(D) John, who died young.
(E) Catherine, who married Archibald Macdonald of Allasdale, Barra, with issue.
Norman, second son of James Macdonald, Torlum, was for many years tacksman of the farms of Nunton in Benbecula, and of Vallay in North Uist. He was one of the most capable and energetic farmers in the Western Isles, and was held in much esteem by a large circle of friends as one of the most genial and hospitable of men. He married Jessie, 3rd daughter of Rev. Roderick Maclean, minister of South Uist, with issue —(a) Rev. Donald John Macdonald, Minister of Killean and Kilkenzie, a clergyman of the highest character, who commands great respect throughout the district of Kintyre. He married Margaret, daughter of the late Robert Colvill of Bellgrove, Campbeltown ;
(b) James, who succeeded his father as Tacksman of Nunton and Vallay, now abroad ;
(c) Roderick, M.D., now in Australia ;
(d) Norman, in Australia ;
(e) Lizzie ;
(f) Christina, who married James Macrae, LL.B., solicitor, Glasgow, with issue ;
(g) Flora, who married Mr Whitaker in Australia.
- https://archive.org/details/clandonald03macduoft/page/515/mode/1up?...
- The clan Donald by Macdonald, Angus; Macdonald, Archibald. Publication date 1896-1904 https://archive.org/details/clandonald03macduoft/page/516/mode/2up