In 1855, the International Organization of Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F) Watson Lodge #32, which was established in Mount Sterling in 1846, purchased the tract of land at the east end of East Main Street on which they developed Machpelah Cemetery. The cemetery originally was a joint venture with the Masons, but soon the I.O.O.F. became the sole trustee and continues to manage and maintain the cemetery. The name "Machpelah" has a Biblical origin as a burial ground described in the Old Testament.
Since 1940 improvements have been made to the pavement as well as a slight widening of the main roads. Secondary roads which were not paved are still visible but have through disuse become grass covered. The monuments and headstones in the Machpelah Cemetery from the late nineteenth century express the naturalistic motif with carvings of leaves, branches, and tree trunks. Since most significant Mt. Sterling families bought sections during the late nineteenth century, early twentieth century burials are mixed with those from the late nineteenth century, as families continued to fill up their space. These later burials, often indicated by low, unobtrusive headstones, are clustered around the nineteenth century monument with the family name. In the section of the cemetery south of East Main excluded from the boundary, the roads are wider, and the design is rectilinear. The landscaping is limited, and the plots are laid out on a grid for the most efficient use of the space and ease of maintenance. The majority of the post-1940 burials are located in the part of the cemetery located south of East Main Street and outside of the area proposed for listing.
Members of many prominent Montgomery families are buried in the cemetery. The earliest date found on a gravestone was 1854 and the majority of the interments date from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The interments which date after 1940 are in the minority and most of these are noted by small headstones in family plots where the major monument was placed prior to 1940 and reflects the artistic values of the period of significance.
The cemetery is also known as Mt. Sterling City Cemetery. It is located in Mt. Sterling, Montgomery County, Kentucky.
Kentucky Kindred Genealogy (Video)