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"Maitland" 1838 - Immigrant Ship - London, England to Sydney, Australia

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"Maitland" arrived in Australia many times

  • 1838 - Immigrants - departed London 24/6/1838 and arrived Sydney 5/11/1838 - 205 adults, 111 children
  • 1840 - Convict Ship - departed London 21/3/1840 and arrived Sydney 13/7/1840
  • 1842 - departed Portsmouth 26/10/1841 and arrived Sydney 5/3/1842
  • 1843 - Convict Ship - departed Spithead 1/9/1843 and arrived Norfolk Island 7/2/1844
  • 1844 - Convict Ship - departed Norfolk Island and arrived Hobart 3/3/1844
  • 1846 - Convict Ship - departed Spithead 29/6/1846 and arrived Port Phillip 8/11/1846
  • 1849 - departed London 16/9/1848 and arrived Melbourne 7/1/1849
  • 1850 - departed London 2/10/1849 and arrived Melbourne 9/1/1850
  • 1856 - arrived 22/4/1856

This project is for the 1838 journey - with assisted immigrants