This project is for those buried in Memorial Park Cemetery, Oroville, California.
Land for Memorial Park Cemetery was deeded to the District on February 25, 1929 by J.N. Watt for $10.00. The deed states "no outhouse or slaughter-house shall be erected." It consists of approximately 66 acres, 40 of which are developed and approximately 14,800 are interred. Mrs. Ernestine Withers was the first burial at Memorial park on January 2, 1931. Mrs. Withers was laid to rest in Sunrise A, plot number 1771. Memorial Park also serves as the district office for Oroville Cemetery District.
Burials from Bidwell Bar Cemetery:
With the construction of the Oroville Dam, many cemeteries were affected. The State had to contact the next of kin for person's buried in the Bidwell Bar Cemetery, Enterprise Cemetery, Hamilton Bend Cemetery and several smaller cemeteries that would be under water once the lake was full. Many of the people were disinterred and placed at the Pioneer Cemetery which is next to the Thompson Flat Cemetery. At the State's expense, 42 were relocated to the Memorial Park Cemetery in the summer of 1964 along with their original headstones.
Pioneer families of Bidwell Bar: Dabbs, West, Perry, Moseley, Smith, Totman, McCallan, Walton, Lucas, Rogers, Fitzgerald, Jacoby, Steward.